PG | 23 August 1996 (USA)
Carpool Trailers

A man with an important business meeting finds himself having to take care of the carpool for the neighborhood school children when his wife gets sick. Stopping to get donuts for the kids, things go even more awry when he finds himself a victim of a robbery. However, the situation only gets worse as a desperate man who had been contemplating a bank robbery robs the robbers and takes the man and the kids hostage in their van as his truck is blocked by an armored car. The thing then proceeds into a comedic chase movie. The father finds his kids don't really respect him and they react better to the robber. The end result is everyone gets a lifestyle change, including the original store owner.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
meloda I liked this movie when it came out, but I was a pre-teen. Now, it's fair. No classic and no extreme adventure; and definitely very unrealistic with kid jokes to make matters worse. However, it does have it's exciting parts that keep you on the edge of your seat. A few times it really does get you going. I wouldn't recommend see it without kids around, and would only see it if there really is nothing better to see. However, it is better than a lot of family movies, and is worth a try if you're willing to lower your standards. All the more, and on the plus side; it really has a good plot and good moments. If you really give it a fair chance and "read between the lines," there are hidden messages about team work and self-development. The man on the run has a good heart, but is facing lots of problems. People (even the kids and witnesses) like Arnold's character better than the Dad. The Dad, selfish in the beginning, really learns a lot about putting others before himself - while making a new friend and bettering himself. The kids, who argue in the beginning, also form a bond, and have some good learning moments. They all work together as a team, and it leads to a surprise ending.No classic, and probably only a 5/10, with just a C grade; but that's better than rock-bottom, and is an all-around adequate movie worth one watch if there truly is nothing better on TV or anything better to do.
elshikh4 I don't like Tom Arnold movies, period. Though, the miracle has happened. I liked this one, and so much to be frank. This script has it all. We follow a hostage situation, leads on the run, teen love story, odd couple comedy, bad guys vs. good guys, big fight in a carnival, from zero to hero, rescue in the nick of time, happy ending. And the beautiful thing is that all of that worked too. There were good casting, lines, and chases. However what did overtop everything was the way how this movie mixed comedy with action. Important to mention that it has one of the greatest jumps ever done by a car in the history of cinema; and of course I mean the one which ends the mall's sequence. That was ultra enjoyable and totally unforgettable. David Paymer was born to play that beaten executive and exhausted father. Tom Arnold played that slick desperate carnival owner-turned-criminal finely and, believe it or not, he was funny ! The younger team was fabulous. And the real dessert was Rod Steiger as the scary (naturally) tycoon Mr. Hammerman, a role that couldn't be sweeter without his presence. He won a character which looked like a parody of his film persona, and this movie won him as it too. Wait for his last scene, it's a lovely surprise !So it's nice fun. And when it comes to Arnold; rare nice fun! Therefore, why all the HATE?!!! I may ascribe not being a commercial hit to the 2 leads' not so flashy charisma; which's the movie's possible flaw. But I still don't know why (Carpool) wasn't fairly appreciated, as a whole, by anyone? There is such a nasty superiority towards it, while praising pure crap produced under the name of art ! I read that Rotten Tomatoes' critics gave it a 0% rating. Well, 0% rating from me to them then !Finally, watching a good Tom Arnold movie equals seeing actual UFO. Accordingly, (Carpool) is filled with many extra-terrestrials !
MovieAddict2016 I distinctly recall sitting down to watch "Carpool" at home ten years ago and being appalled within the first ten minutes by the film's insulting intelligence level. It stars David Paymer as an average Joe who transports a bunch of whiny kids back and forth in a daily carpool. However, one morning he picks up a stranger - or, more specifically, a criminal (Tom Arnold) who may or may not actually be such a bad guy after all.The movie is one of those incredibly lame "family movies" that is clearly designed for one target audience: infantile children who can't differentiate between quality and utter rubbish.This is, sadly, part of the latter category. I don't "hate" Tom Arnold for no good reason like some people out there seem to, but I don't like him very much (he's only ever caught my interest in one movie before - "True Lies") and he's completely aggravating here in a role just about anyone else could have performed better (except, perhaps, for Pauly Shore).Paymer is given the thankless role of a hapless, meek idiot who evidently attended too many Nice Guy Clichés 101 classes.Overall, you won't be neglecting yourself anything particularly special if you decide to skip this unfortunate little disaster.
George Parker The biggest problem with the critically slammed "Car Pool" is its lack of originality. The affable Arnold plays a likeable two-bit carnival owner in need of money who carjacks a gaggle of kids on their way to school in a van driven by Paymer. What ensues are the usual chases and sophomoric nonsense. A busy flick with lots going on, "Car Pool" is a regurgitation of hackneyed stunts and gags which have been done many times before. An okay diversion for the vegetating sofa spud and little more. (D)Note - IMHO Arnold's Razzie is undeserved. It's hard to look good in a really bad film.