NR | 19 September 2013 (USA)
Coherence Trailers

On the night of an astronomical anomaly, eight friends at a dinner party experience a troubling chain of reality bending events.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Hayleigh Joseph This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
MajidMsa I literally just finished watching this Its Good One Make Feel Confused mind blowing movies that you MUST watch
princess-mii22 Great movie idea, terrible execution. The acting in this film was hard to watch. The often screamed lines over one another. Which made things hard to follow. The characters were apathetic in there roles, well either apathetic or almost laughably over dramatic. Another problem I had with this movie was the overall style. Shaky camera or documentary. They shoot it like someone in their group is filming them buuuuut... they don't recognize someone is holding the camera. I can get over that, I really hated how terribly it was done. I thought I was going to throw up. It was extremely shaky. It was just an ameture movie. Which is actually a shame, like I said, the idea is pretty cool.
James I got into James Ward Byrkit's "Coherence" having heard it portrayed as intelligent (if low-budget) sci-fi, and am sorry to say that i found myself clockwatching at several points (not typical for me). All the more regrettable is that one of the reasons is the movie's putting me in mind of the 2009 British-Australian film "Triangle" which bears some resemblance in having a hot Melissa George wandering around a ship (and then back on land) with an axe, in a skimpy T-shirt, chasing herself; whereas here with "Coherence" we have a hot Emily Baldonu wandering around in a skimpy T-shirt with no axe, chasing herself... Admittedly, anomalous events in "Triangle" seem to be a time loop in which realities continually spring into existence and overlap, whereas in "Coherence" we seem to have repeat divergence into separate universes generated by a comet whose presence allows the realities to go on interacting with each other as they normally would not.But while "Coherence" focuses in on a suburban dinner party at night (and is staffed by not-very-well-known actors), "Triangle" has a pretty-deserted ship, with sun, sea and - significantly - seagulls. So maybe "Coherence" has better dialogue and is a bit more anchored in normality, but "Triangle" is more visually interesting and exciting and scary ... and (in my case, as in "reality" ... hopefully???) it CAME FIRST. All of that means that I'm being a bit unfair in comparing films, and that those with more limited sci-fi experience may indeed find "Coherence" a satisfying and novel watch; and it does OK with its premise, even if it is likely to lose most watchers on the detail, no matter how they try. But it is visually uninteresting, and hence a bit bland, and the gainsayers might always say: "why didn't everyone just lock their doors, stay in together, and sleep through to morning?" And there's no real answer to that...
Chiller7 Very unusual, but intriguing, thought-provoking, concept. I watched it knowing nothing about it, just that I was in the mood for a thriller movie and I happened to stumble across it on Amazon Video. This is certainly a movie where I'm glad I had no idea what the premise would be. From the trailer, it just looked like a bunch of people going crazy, but I'm glad it was way more creative than that.I'm impressed it was shot in an apparently improvised style, with very natural sounding dialogue, like it's just a bunch of real people talking, with a natural flow to the conversation, instead of reading lines that had been written for them. It certainly makes the characters feel real. There's even people trying to be funny by inserting lame improvised jokes into the conversation, just like in real life. These actors certainly deserve bigger roles, for sure, in particular the lead actress Emily Foxler (or Emily Baldoni, as she's now credited).And as a side note, this movie is proof that it's entirely possible to make a very good movie for a relatively very small budget, shot almost entirely in someone's house. I see so many critics bragging like they'd be so good at making movies, like they know all the tricks to movie making, yet they're never willing to actually prove that they make any movies, despite having the nerve to act like experts on how to do it. If you've genuinely got the talent for filmmaking, there's nothing stopping you from doing it.Anyway, I liked it a lot. Good smart original sci-fi thriller.