Upstream Color
Upstream Color
NR | 05 April 2013 (USA)
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A man and woman are drawn together, entangled in the lifecycle of an ageless organism. Identity becomes an illusion as they struggle to assemble the loose fragments of wrecked lives.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Evey88 I can't figure out of this guy is crazy or a genius. The way he makes his films is so incredibly artistic. But it's also incredibly unnerving. I mean, it's hard to watch but you can't stop watching - almost as if the character's resolution and your resolution are tied together. This is quite something lol.
max-seitz-1990 Upstream Color follows two adults, Kris and Jeff, who share a connection that they cannot explain. They try to figure out why they suffer from paranoid episodes and severe flashbacks to strange memories, discovering an elaborate scheme of manipulation. This Independent movie succeeds in structure and content, as the connections between people are shown, rather than told. The couple's struggles become alive and relatable, because of how they are presented within the fantastic realm of the movie. The rich thematic narrative and the heavy philosophical implications, considering people's isolation and estrangement from one another, make this movie difficult to understand in the first viewing - but all the more worthwhile.Overall 8/10 Full review on
alfCycle I love a good mind bending film with a non-conventional narrative structure. Films that challenge the viewer to figure out what exactly is going on and what it all actually means or represents. It's not enough for the movie to just be odd and confusing. The real test for these types of films is whether I feel engaged and intrigued by what I am watching. This film definitely captured my attention and held it from start to finish. The closest comparison I can think of would be David Lynch films, which I am a huge fan of. If anything, Upstream Color has a more straight forward narrative than the more surreal Lynch films like Inland Empire or Lost Highway. You can go through the movie and follow what is happening, for the most part, while piecing together what it all means. At the end of the film, you will want to go through the movie in your head to form a conclusion about what exactly happened and how you interpret the film, both narratively and thematically. If you go into a movie expecting it to spell everything out and come to a gift wrapped conclusion, you probably won't enjoy this film. If you like movies that require the viewer to draw their own conclusions, this film might be right for you.8/10...but that's just like, my opinion, man# Of Times Watched: Once
tmcdonld-62632 I would advise watching this movie alone and if you don't enjoy the trip watch something else. I absolutely loved this movie but it would be a hard movie to enjoy if you are watching it with folks who aren't grabbed by it. The initial hook is intriguing and then the movie dissolves into something less linear, more visual, and evocative which fits the movie because it helps you capture the characters mood and and head space. Despite the unconventional presentation for me at least the movie still had a coherent plot and a relatively happy and satisfying ending. I went in to this movie with no expectations and had forgotten it was directed by the same person who did Primer which I also enjoyed but not as much as I did Upstream Color. This movie grabbed me and did not let go until the end, it was a very pleasant surprise.
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