Dear John
Dear John
PG-13 | 04 February 2010 (USA)
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While Sergeant John Tyree is home on two weeks leave from Germany, he meets Savannah after he dives into the ocean to retrieve Savannah's purse that had fallen off a pier. John eventually falls in love with Savannah, who promises to write to him until he returns from overseas.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Katie K *May Contain Spoilers*Out of 10 stars, I would give this star a 7. While it was a well- done movie, there could have been more development is some of the sub- plots. Overall, I enjoyed watching the movie and would be willing to watch it again, I would not consider it one of my favorite movies. Dear John is the tale Savannah and John who show that while love may have obstacles, it can travel around the world and last a lifetime. Savannah is a college student who met John in South Carolina during a volunteer trip. John is a resident of South Carolina who is in the United States Army and lives with his Dad who may be on the autism spectrum, even though it is not confirmed in the movie. As stated in the movie, it only took two weeks for Savannah and John to fall in love but when those two weeks were up, the reality of life settled in an Savannah and John had to face long distance, deployment, friends who have fallen ill, and accomplishment of personal dreams through letters written to one another. While some may believe that love has no bounds, Dear John sends that message the life will throw obstacles at love and choices need to be made that can affect the relationship despite the love shared. I found that Dear John portrayed a realistic version of love for young lovers who not only come from different experiences but also have different goals. Dear John showed that while someone may love another, sometimes other responsibilities need to take priority but the love one has for another will never truly disappear. The main character that was perceived to have a disability was John's father. It was hinted by Savannah that he may have autism because he is obsessed with coins, has a schedule for dinner, and lack social skills. However, when she addresses this with John, John reacts negatively and automatically assumes that Savannah thinks that something is wrong with him. This is considered a negative barrier because it promotes stigma that autism means not right. However, a positive advocacy if autism occurs in the movie through the love Savannah has for her neighbor who has autism. Savannah shows that autism is not bad and through interventions such as horse-back riding, children with autism can build connections. Overall, I would recommend this movie for those who enjoy love stories. Since this movie is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, I would highly recommend this movie to those who enjoy Nicholas Sparks's works.
Davis P Dear John is a movie adaptation of the popular Nicholas Sparks novel. It stars Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. I did not enjoy this movie, it's very flawed in many ways. I love a good love story, so don't think I rated it 1 because I hate romance stories, it's just because this romance film is very dull one. From the dull acting/characters to the ever slow moving plot and boring dialogue. There isn't much in the film that isn't dull and boring. The two lead actors look the part and you'd think they'd be good fits and work well, but I just couldn't see the chemistry between them, they never made me believe they were really in love and believable chemistry is CRUCIAL in a movie like this. And to be honest, even when Seyfried or Tatum were alone, I still didn't really buy or enjoy their performances. On to the writing. It's not good. It's just about that simple, the dialogue is very dull and uninteresting, I couldn't stand the script, with dull characters saying dull lines of dialogue, one gets bored and increasingly uninterested as the movie goes along. It really does nothing to keep your attention. It's very difficult for films like this because if the romance between the two leads doesn't work, then what more do you have?? That is what the movie is ALL about, it's the basis for it and it's why people are watching it. This film just really didn't work. 1/10.
Jennifer Vaughan After having read the book I did not want to see the movie, because I really did enjoy the book a lot. The movie was different from the book, but that is common when making books into movies. I did think that it was a good movie, but not my favorite. The movie is about a solider, John, who meets a girl, Savannah, while he is home from the war. They meet and spend two weeks together and fall in love. They seem to be perfect for one another. He then has to go back to active duty, but the two continue their relationship through letters. At home John's father has dementia and forgets many things, and it frustrates John. Savannah is very good with his father, and that is something that John loves about her. Savannah has a close friend, who she ends up marrying, Tim, who has cancer and Tim's brother, Alan, has Autism. All of these relationships are shown throughout the movie, and you are able to watch how they change as life events such as 9/11, deaths and deployment occur. I believe that a purpose of this film, and the message that this movie tried to convey was that you cannot take anything or anyone for granted. I believe that this movie really did a great job of conveying that. John took his father for granted, and when he eventually passed away he regretted being mean to him and not spending enough time with him. When 9/11 happened it showed how everyone took for granted how safe and protected our military truly keeps us. As for those in the movie that played the roles of people with disabilities, I believe that they were portrayed well. Tim, Savannah's husband who eventually was diagnosed with cancer showed how that can affect everyone in that persons life. Now he, Tim, relied heavily on Savannah to take care of Alan who has Autism. I think that Richard Jenkins did a great job portraying someone with dementia. It allowed the viewer to see how that person does not realize that they have memory loss, and also showed how frustrating and stressful it can truly be on relatives and those that are close to that person. I do recommend this movie to people who are interested. If you have already read the book, just be aware that it is not exactly the same, but it is still good in its own way.
musapuff I never read the book, but I've watched the Notebook before. This cannot compete with the Notebook both in terms of plot and characters. The romance between John and Savannah is very disappointing. Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfield lacks chemistry together. And because a lot of the scenes are through letter reading, it can get boring real quick. The letter reading also meant a barrier in showing raw emotions.What's more memorable for me from this entire movie was the father-son relationship between John and his father. The scene when John was reading his letter to his father in the hospital was very powerful and heartbreaking. Kudos to Tatum in delivering such heart-wrenching performance. If you are watching this movie, that is the scene you should be watching for.