The Perfect Wave
The Perfect Wave
| 28 February 2014 (USA)
The Perfect Wave Trailers

The true story of Ian McCormack who grew up surfing the waters of New Zealand. Wanting to dive deeper, Ian sets out on a journey with his best friend that will change his life as they chase the perfect wave.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
terramax-46940 Even the plot synopsis basically tells the entire story. A boy is "lost" and he finds God. That's it. That's all you need to know to decide whether you'll enjoy this title or not.If you're Christian, then you'll enjoy and support this for that sole reason.If you're not Christian, then unless you're in the mood for investing 100 minutes of your life, and perhaps some of your own hard cash to watch a glorified advertisement for Christianity try to convert you in the most cumbersome, unoriginal, forgettable way, there's no single reason to bother with this title.The film is so hell bent on hammering down the message that God is real (pun unintended) that it gives no secondary reason to watch. There's no care for character relationships nor is there an expanded, involving plotline.It doesn't even have an 'it's so bad it's good' element to it. It's not even comically preachy, which might have given it some value watching in an ironic way.Simply put, don't bother. You'll get more out of watching your clothes roll around in the watching machine. I feel sorry for everyone, including my GF and I, who spent money to watch this trite, thinking they were going to see either a love story or something akin to 'The Beach'.
graham_watkins This film is billed as a surf movie and a quest to find a perfect wave, but it isn't. It's a thinly veiled film about religion and finding god. The film starts in New Zealand, but miraculously somewhere in New Zealand where nobody has a Kiwi accent. The acting is so wooden I wouldn't have been surprised to see Pinocchio make an appearance. Some of the places in which the surfing films were done were spectacular, but that's the only good thing about the film. The surfing scenes in Cape Town are of a surfer in only board shorts, did the director swim in the sea around Cape Town? If he had he'd have known you need a wetsuit because it's so cold. The scene near the end when the film's hero is lying on the ground with his hands together praying for god to help him was the last scene I watched. I can see why the directors added surfing to a religion themed film; they know surfers will watch any film about surfing, but if you read the film reviews by surfers you'll see they failed, and failed spectacularly. Do yourself a favour, watch something else, don't waste your time watching this drivel.
SeaRandom35 I went in actually expecting (hoping for) a Christian movie. Instead, I got over an hour of gorgeous scenery, weak music, and random surfing/hooking up that didn't seem to go anywhere. Towards the end of the film, he suddenly gets bitten by a jellyfish and nearly dies, but his apparently psychic mom receives a magic God-o-gram of his condition and begs for his life or something.I'm amazed that there was so little 'Christian' content until the very last part of the movie. If they had put that near death epiphany way earlier in the film (maybe at the 35min mark?) and then perhaps explored his 'changed life' a bit, it might have been something. As it stands, he is only a "Christian" for less than five minutes of the film at the very end. It would have been really interesting to see him do something with his new insight, but the movie makers seemed to lose interest in him when he finds his faith. The actual Ian (shown during the credits) seems far more interesting than this film about him.I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to get from this film beyond the fact that some Christian ladies have telepathic superpowers. If you're looking for a recent surfing movie, there's better to be found. For the faith crowd, try Soul Surfer (2011) or the documentary Walking on Water (2007). For the family crowd, try Chasing Mavericks (2012) or the animated Surf's Up (2007). Basically, if you're looking for a good surfing film, try something else. Rating: 3/10.
cliff-242-508861 I am a Christian. But I am really saddened by this movie. And I am tempted to the verge of saying I am ashamed to put my Christian vote to this. Not because of what it tries to portray, but how it is being portrayed. The acting is sad, the message is so predictable, and the great scenery are spoilt by the message and the acting. Its also very bad directing too, because the scenes does not transition well. No wonder those who are against Christianity are having a laugh at us, because we hold movies like these high and invite non-Christians to come and watch it with us, as if it's gonna blow them out of the water. No way!!, not this movie. I've really seen better Christian movies out there, and 'The Perfect Wave' is not one of them. Really awful and painful to watch. I thought with the presence of Cheryl Ladd and Scott Eastwood, it may a great movie. I watched with my 15 year old son, but both of us were highly disappointed.