Love at the Christmas Table
Love at the Christmas Table
G | 25 November 2012 (USA)
Love at the Christmas Table Trailers

Family friends Sam and Kat spend every Christmas Eve at the Children's Table. They grow up together, sharing the highs and lows of young adulthood. And at thirty, Sam realizes that Kat is the one... but he's afraid that the past will get in the way.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
willman85 A rare thing for The Asylum... Well-paced. Well-written. Well-scored. Well-acted. The story is charming, and presented in a much better way than their other pictures. It feels more skilfully done, more professional, that I can scarcely believe it is an Asylum movie at all. It's only one setting, which obviously keeps costs down, but the writing is terrific. Asylum movies are generally reasonably shot but suffer cheesy, unnatural dialogue. Here the script is clearly superior to anything else I've seen produced by them.
Jack Vasen This is one of the most unique Christmas romance stories I have seen. Things happen near and at the end that I sure didn't see coming. The entire movie is refreshing. The entire movie is a continuing flashback that takes place on several Christmas eves spanning most of the main characters' lives.Sometimes the story doesn't advance a lot, but it is still entertaining with witty dialogue and other things. One of those is a beautiful dance sequence that is not so much about talented dancers as it is about the beauty and the romance of the dance which includes many of the cast.Danica McKellar is known for Wonder Years but also for Christmas movies. This is possibly her best. The romance between her character, Kat, and Dustin Milligan's Sam is tangible. Supporting performances are also good.I had a hard time with the timeline because I couldn't understand why two people so in love would have gone so long. I especially can't see how 5 years could have elapsed (as mentioned when Kat first sees Sam) and still led to what follows. An attempt is made to explain at least the former about 3/4ths of the way through the movie but I think the movie would have made a lot more sense if that had been plainer earlier on. Nevertheless, I don't deduct for that because the story is otherwise so charming and unique.While I don't see Hallmark's signature on this, it fits their nature perfectly. For some people this will be too sappy and idealistic, but that's what these movies are and this one is done so well.
Christmas-Reviewer I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 (C H R I S T M A S ) MOVIES AND SPECIALS.BEWARE OF BOGUS REVIEWS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I AM HONEST! I REVIEW MOVIES & SPECIALS AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN!For thirty years, Sam and Katherine have spent Christmas Eve at the Children's Table. When Sam learns she is moving away, he has one night to tell her he loves her.I was hesitant to watch this film. I saw 2-3 episodes of "The Wonder Years" and hated every minute of it. To this day when I see Fred Savage has directed or is in a film I avoid it. Well this film does not have Fred Savages but it has his former co- star Danica McKellar. Thank God. If he was I might not of discovered this film. Now this story is so cute and entertaining, It captures "Christmas" perfectly! When Samn (Dustin Milligan) realizes that his best friend (Danica McKellar) since childhood is the woman that he loves you can't help but to smile! This film does work because the entire cast is believable in the part they play. The film is never boring. You root for love in this. You might even shed a few happy tears along the way. Not to be missed.
sa8713 Me and my mom have this tradition that every year we record a bunch of Christmas movies, mostly on the hallmark channel and lifetime. They are something to watch when nothing else is on, the only rough part is trying to figure out which ones you have seen already. This movie was a new TV release so we figured we would record it and see what it was all about. All in all in was a nice little movie about two kids who knew each other all their lives and were destined to be with each other, they just needed to figure that out. There were some parts i wasn't really sure of, like why the Christmas party was always at this other lady's house, but i guess it was just part of the movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has a soft spot for Christmas movies like me, it has some funny parts and some romantic parts but all in all it tells a good story.