R | 31 March 1989 (USA)
Heathers Trailers

A girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the "in crowd" of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics: by killing the popular kids.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
jbaker232 I was drawn to this movie after watching Wynona Ryder's role in Stranger Things. I knew nothing about it before watching, assuming it was some sort of John Hughes-ish teen comedy. A few minutes in, I realized it was actually a surprisingly dark, surreal, violent movie. The comical approach to violence and suicide is jarring and a bit weird. I appreciated how it explored the parallels between high school and society at large. I understood that the deaths were symbolic of societal breakdowns representing what it means to be a good human being.Ultimately, taken in the context of recent school shootings, I feel the film has not aged well. It comes across as insensitive, homophobic, and vulgar. The way it seemingly normalized violence left me disgusted. Aside from the acting and cinematography, which I think were subpar, the plot and vibe of the film are just wrong. It straddles the line of comedy and social commentary, never leaning enough to one side and leaving the audience wondering, "are they serious?"
Wuchak RELEASED IN 1989 and directed by Michael Lehmann, "Heathers" stars Winona Ryder as Veronica, a high school student in Ohio who has sold herself out to join the popular clique of three girls, all coincidently named Heather (Kim Walker, Lisanne Falk & Shannen Doherty). The more she spends time with them, however, the more she discovers she can't stand them. Enter mysterious new kid, JD (Christian Slater), who has a macabre solution to Veronica's conundrum. This is an oddball teen movie that tries to be edgy and amusing with its black humor and overt cussing. Future movies were influenced by it, like "Jawbreaker" (1999) and maybe even "Mean Girls" (2004). The commentary on peer pressure, teen suicide and the maiming destructiveness of cliques is potent. Teens can be misled by the "popular" students, yes, but they can also be misled by the outcasts. Slater stands out as a sorta dark Fonz of the late 80s, easily one of his best roles ever. Ryder is surprisingly good as the protagonist. I say "surprisingly" because I was never big on her (although I didn't dislike her either). The first act is quite good, but the story gets humdrum in the middle; thankfully, the last 20 minutes perk up. The late 80's ambiance is to die for.I'm not going to give it away, but the original ending was way more morbid. They had an alternative ending that they didn't go with either. Apparently the studio pressured the writer/director to go with the theatrical ending, which I approve. It's a story of redemption. Being misled by corrupt people for a season doesn't define a person forever. THE MOVIE RUNS 1 hours & 43 minutes and was shot in Los Angeles (the high school) and surrounding area (Santa Monica, Tujunga and Pasadena). WRITER: Daniel Waters.GRADE: B-/C+
Arkham Knight Rider This is one of the most overrated movies i have ever seen. While I love dark humor, this felt confused with its tone. I only laughed once and that was it. The script wants us to laugh and take it seriously at the same time which can be done when handled right. But this movie fails because not only do the jokes miss, but the drama and social commentary are hamfisted and lack any depth. The movie also looks like it was smeared with vasline in certian parts. The only acters who gave any standout performances were the two leads ( Winona Ryder and Christian Slater). Both are good acters who turn in good performances. Now i'm not giving this movie a bad rating to be different or edgy. I was just severly disappointed in this movie. I was sold on the concept , but the execution was very much Subpar.
Elain-ee Heathers had a really, really well-timed appearance in my life. It came out when I was halfway through my first year of junior high at the end of the 1980s, and feeling utterly bewildered by these outlandish creatures around me: the eighties trendsetters. Their alien styles and feral egotism was captured perfectly in Heathers, depicting the way high school seems when seen through the eyes of a meek, unpretentious beginner. Veronica Sawyer (played by Ryder) is a girl like you, me and pretty much anyone that was ever a junior student, desperate to fit in. But not THAT desperate!The garish style of the characters in Heathers was never meant to be realistic... a fact that seems to have been lost on almost all viewers that were born after 1985. It was a brutal and massive send-up of everything that was hateful about the 1980s - and there was loads! But despite all the exaggeration, Heathers served up a very accurate reflection of way that the secondary school environment really seemed to my dazed, adolescent eyes. And yet shoulder pads were never *that* big, hippies were never THAT f*cked up in class and the bad boy never carried a gun (this was back in the days before the real high school shootings began). We all knew that Heathers wasn't meant to be realistic, at least not on a factual level. It was meant to be realistic on an emotional one, though, and it fully succeeded at that. It was a revenge fantasy flick with a heart: a satirical and strangely sensitive depiction of the awe and shame that all teens feel about their high school experience. Just when Heathers starts to seem like it's turning into a cartoonish, late-night stoner special, the murders begin. And then it gets dark... and awesome. Anyone who's been to a high school where they met their own 'Heathers' will feel alternately euphoric and disturbed about the events that follow. And that's what they should feel: it's a tale that's meant to make you reflect, and question your easy assumptions about the way 'everybody else' is. Even the "Heathers" in your life. It's a shame that Americans have stopped making films that really delve into the ugliest, funniest parts of being a teen the way that Heathers did. Subsequent generations of juniors could have really benefited from seeing more stuff like this. Teens generally have very few chances to really reflect upon their attitudes, and maybe even change them before setting off on a destructive (or self-destructive) warpath. Heathers gave me that chance and I was glad that I had it. Whatever your age, watch this film and you'll learn something that no school can ever teach you about being a teen... and have a laugh doing it.