R | 30 January 1999 (USA)
Jawbreaker Trailers

When an exclusive clique of teenage socialites accidentally murder their best friend on the morning of her birthday, the three girls responsible conspire to hide the truth.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a group of high school girls who are the spotlights of the school. Their birthday prank of kidnapping their friend goes wrong, and accidentally kills one of them. They go at length to cover their murder up.Right from the very beginning, we see the killing of Liz. The scene looking into the car trunk is very grotesque, and I'm still disturbed by the unsettling image. After that, the film tries to maintain a light hearted tone. The characters are interesting, especially Fern who makes such a great transformation from a shy and unnoticeable girl to a fully fledged attention lover. I like Julie as well because she's the voice of sanity and integrity. The terrifying teen when is a bit too much because she is so self centred that she could not see her grave mistake, and then does spine chilling things subsequently, which is quite sickening. Overall, I think "Jawbreaker" is a bit too morbid for a high school film.
mario_c This film can't be taken too seriously; otherwise it won't be a nice movie. But if we see it like it really is, a teen black comedy, we can find it reasonably entertaining… Furthermore, a movie which has a quote like "she's so evil… and she's only in high school" can only be a spoofing one! Well, about the movie itself I think there isn't much to say, because it's a typical High School teen movie, about the also typical "awesome gorgeous girls which dress like models and control it all around, guys included" type. And for the "evil one", who would they choose? Rose McGowan, of course! She has such nice profile for that! She really has the face and the attitude to do the "evil b*tch" role. This movie is not the only one… But I like her as an actress. I think people who can represent such characters must be good actors! Anyway, this movie is nice if you don't expect too much
dunbare One of the later teen movies of the 90's who had little buzz due to the tragic Columbine incident that occurred around the same time of this movies release. This is not a terrible movie but it is a mediocre film.Not to give too much of the plot away, but the four beautiful, self obsessed girls who rule the school accidentally kill one of their own when a birthday prank goes horribly wrong. The weapon? A jawbreaker. Apparently it was a tradition to kidnap the birthday girl from her bed and give her some sort of degrading gift...I don't know but the idea of the birthday disaster was queen bee Courtney (Rose Mcgowan) her victim is Liz ( A character who is either shown in corpse form or flashback...never speaks) her other two popular partners in crime are dimwitted Marcy (Juli Benz) and conscious conflicted Juli (Rebecca Gayheart). The girls scared of being caught come up with a way to cover up the crime to make it look like full blown rape/murder. The girls seem to have all their tails covered until outcast Fern Mayo discovers the truth.Like any insecure, ugly, nerdy girl rather than go to the police Fern takes COurtney up on her offer. As long as Fern doesn't tell their dirty secret she will have a makeover and be one of them.I'll stop there no need to give too much away since this is basically a black comedy that pokes fun of high school politics, murder, stupid parents/adults, and the crazy things people will do for such idiotic reasons.I can compare this movie to 80's cult favorite Heather as both have similar undertones. What I find funny about all these high school movies is the actors themselves. All the girls look like their more in the age range of college graduates, not one looked 17 or 18 or even 20! They looked too old. Even the male high schoolers looked like they had been held back 5 or 6 years. This may have been intentional seeming as it was trying to be a dark and witty movie but I seriously doubt it. Not too bad of a movie, but if your looking for a teen movie filled with dark humor try Heathers.
Noelle_HHH This is one of my favourite films. It's not the greatest film ever or anything like that but it is one of those film I could watch a million times and never get tired of. People compare this film to Heathers a lot with Jawbreaker always coming up short. There are some similarities but I don't consider this film an attempt at a 90s version of the aforementioned Heathers. I think the four lead characters namely Courtney (Rose McGowan), Julie (Rebecca Gayheart), Marcie(Julie Benz) and Fern/Vylett(Judy Greer) do quite well and are entertaining to watch and they all seem to work well together. I like Rose McGowan and think she plays the role of the mean popular girl very convincingly. All in all this film is a good watch. It's not Oscar material or filled with compelling dialogue throughout but it is worth a watch on a rainy evening or on a night in.