Ready to Rumble
Ready to Rumble
PG-13 | 07 April 2000 (USA)
Ready to Rumble Trailers

Two slacker wrestling fans are devastated by the ousting of their favorite character by an unscrupulous promoter.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Steineded How sad is this?
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ShangLuda Admirable film.
TheMrAesthetic I had a good time watching this movie. I don't see why others like to bash it I mean all they were trying to do was get a good laugh out of its audience not try to win an Oscar award.
powermandan I am a huge wrestling fan. Heck I am a pro-wrestling addict! I know them all from Gorgeous George to CM Punk, I know how the moves work, and I can predict match cards and winners. My vast knowledge of theatrics helps me understand aspects that other passionate wrestling fans hate. I am also a massive movie fan. I love watching TV shows, but I find movies to be superior entertainment. Combine my two loves, and outcomes Ready to Rumble. I know some people hated it, but due to my love for wrestling and movies, I loved this movie.In the 1980s and early 1990s, World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and World Wrestling Federation (WWF) were blasts to see. Because WWF had Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and more celebrity endorsements, it was more popular than WCW, but WCW was still a huge success. When money-hungry Eric Bischoff entered the scene, he wanted to compete with WWF's flagship show, "Monday Night RAW" by creating "WCW Monday Night Nitro." The first year (1995) saw parallel streaks, then the introduction of the anti-heroes, nWo caused WCW to dominate the ratings war for 85 straight weeks. Due to poor management and WWF's newfound success with the heavy adult-oriented "Attitude Era," WCW was desperate for ratings to increase. So desperate that they decided to make a movie about it.Ready to Rumble is about two dim-witted septic workers, Gordie Boggs and Sean Dawkins (Arquette, Caan) who are hardcore wrestling fans who worship World Champion, Jimmy King (Platt). They witness King get screwed out of a title win against Diamond Dallas Page and fired by WCW's evil manager, Titus Sinclair (Pantailiano), who mirrors Eric Bischoff. Before knowing about the movie's intentions (which was to makes WCW more popular) I wondered why King just didn't sign a contract with WWF. King's loss, I'd say, is a parody of the infamous Montreal Screwjob back in 1997 when Bret Hart was supposed to have defeated Shawn Michaels, but didn't. Gordie and Sean embark on a mission to find King and put the wrong things right. King is given another chance to better himself, expand his horizon, and win his title back. We all know that pro-wrestling is fake, but Ready to Rumble treats it like a legitimate sport. King's first match with DDP shows how a typical match works: they are told backstage how the win will happen, and the wrestlers communicate in the ring about what moves they will do next. Afterwards, everything becomes legit. I'm glad they did this because it is fun to see a fake thing become real. It is also fun to see WCW's top talent in this. We see the real Rey Mysterio (unmasked), Booker T, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, Bam Bam Bigelow, Van Hammer, Perry Saturn, Chris Kanyon, Sid Vicious, Sting, Billy Kidman, Disco Inferno, Juventud Guerrera, Curt "Mr. Perfect" Hennig and others, including a very brief cameo of John Cena lifting weights in the background. Since WCW no longer exists and most of its wrestlers are no longer wrestling, this movie is a perfect example of sports-nostalgia. To help with the movie's marketing, WCW used the triple-cage match used at the end of the movie for two events. But the biggest bone-headed move to help with the marketing was to make the film's star, David Arquette, a WCW superstar. They went so far as to make Arquette the World Champion on an episode of WCW Thunder. When that happened, the title lost all value and WCW was no longer worth watching. Arquette himself new that is was a bad idea and was even against becoming a full superstar. I thought it would have been better if they had Oliver Platt become the Jimmy King character. That would also have been a bad idea, but better than David Arquette. Coming from a hardcore wrestling and movie fan, I can assure that the aftershocks of the movie are the only bad things this movie has. The characters are funny, the wrestling is awesome, the messages are good. What this movie has is good enough for me.
Alex Eldridge This movie was actually pretty funny I loved how it was all set around the wrestling business which was at its highest around the time this movie came out I love the scenes with David Arquette and the guy at the shop when it turns into a full out tag team match the movie all around had its best moments and not so good moments like the drive thru scene with Arquette messing with the girl Shawn likes it was a good scene but it didn't really go with the story and one scene that was just terrible and made you go WTF was when Ellen Albertini Dow was in a tight leather suit need I remind you she was 81 so that kind of made me go WTF but I as a wrestling fan I love the film and it also has received a cult following since it came out so if you have not seen it yet and you are a wrestling fan I suggest you see it but if your not a wrestling fan and think wrestling is stupid then I don't suggest it.
angel_eyes358 As I am I die hard wrestling fan (so are my siblings), we decided to bring a couple of dvds with us on our trip, one of them were obviously Ready to Rumble. Honestly, since the first time to the most recent time I have watched this movie has been my favorite movie ever, I could watch it a million times and never get tired of it. This movies has action, romance and stupid humour which makes an all around good movie. True wrestling fans will love it especially since the two main characters mainly Dave A. are huge fans of the business and makes it even more interesting. I think the the DVD could have had more special features, deleted scenes but they did show bloopers at the end of the movie. They have a commentary version and I have watched that and enjoyed that also because they tell you information that you wouldn't have known otherwise and they all are hilarious. AMAZING, BEST MOVIE EVER....I WISH THEY MAKE A SECOND ONE WITH THE WWE, IT WOULD BE AWESOME. I wish I could request a ready to rumble would be awesome. IT IS AND WILL ALWAYS B MY FAV MOVIE!