Role Models
Role Models
R | 07 November 2008 (USA)
Role Models Trailers

Two salesmen trash a company truck on an energy drink-fueled bender. Upon their arrest, the court gives them a choice: do hard time or spend 150 service hours with a mentorship program. After one day with the kids, however, jail doesn't look half bad.

Cortechba Overrated
Blucher One of the worst movies I've ever seen
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
srdjan_veljkovic There are much more sexy women than in most comedies, except the ones that are dealing with dating/chasing such women. What's more, they are well placed, as such things go, they don't seem to be "just for show".Also, the main characters do their usual funny stuff and it works more-or-less OK.But, the main point, interacting with kids, didn't work out so well. It's OK, nothing really wrong with it, but, there's more fun to be had with this setup.Most jokes in the movie seem to come from sexual allusions. First, it's way too much and second, it's not a good fit for a movie with kids.Also, the script has several issues. I mean, really, if you have to explicitly say that Elizabeth Banks is both beautiful and smart, there's something wrong with the script. Just a few well placed scenes (say, in the court, since she's a lawyer) would have shown that.As modern comedies go, it's OK, but, nothing special.
michael-3204 "Role Models" is from a time long ago in a galaxy far away where Seann William Scott had equal billing and stature with Paul Rudd and both could be ably supported by lesser knowns like Elizabeth Banks, Jane Lynch, and Ken Jeong (in short, well before "Ant-Man," "Pitch Perfect," "Glee," and "The Hangover"). The best feature of this amiable comedy is the cast, who spin silver if not gold from a formulaic story, pour on the charm without getting smarmy about it, and inject just the right amount of cynicism that keeps the humor sharp without being unnecessarily mean. This movie skillfully sails right over the many pits into which it could have fallen. The set- pieces sometimes seem a little random and meandering, but none of it is boring. Scott (who, I confess, I've always thought is an underrated comedic actor who never got the break he deserved) and Rudd (whose skills are more widely recognized) pair nicely together and pull off the "friends-but-not-really" dynamic extremely well. Their relationship is perhaps the most unique thing here -- it's a buddy comedy featuring two guys who are barely buddies, don't have much in common, yet have developed a long-standing mutual tolerance for each other's foibles. That's not an easy dynamic to convey in a lighthearted, lightly raunchy comedy that also has to pack in sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll, which it does seamlessly. Any movie that successfully merges LARPing and KISS can't be all bad.
SnoopyStyle Anson Wheeler (Seann William Scott) and Danny Donahue (Paul Rudd) are traveling promoters for an energy drink company. Wheeler is a slacker womanizer. Danny is devoted to lawyer Beth (Elizabeth Banks) and bitter that his life is going nowhere. In desperation, he asks her to marry him. Of course, she breaks up with him. Danny gets into a fight with a tow truck driver causing damage to the school. Beth gets them community service and they become big brothers to Augie (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) who's obsessed with Live-Action-Interactive-Role playing-Explorers (basically LARP) and foul-mouthed Ronnie (Bobb'e J. Thompson). Gayle Sweeny (Jane Lynch) runs the program.Paul Rudd is a great grump and gets in some good rants. Seann William Scott is doing his usual womanizing slacker. Mintz-Plasse is touching as the LARP nerd. He has a sweet relationship with Rudd. There is something funny about a foul-mouthed little kid. There are a lot of inappropriate laughs and there's a sweet feel-good movie at its center.
jfgibson73 "So, do you like Coca-Cola?" "I like the idea of it more than I actually like it."Off the wall moments like that are the reason I watch this movie back again and again. Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott are the straight guys playing against a cast of wackos. I thought the film needed to be a little better balanced between the scenes of the LAIRE game and scenes dealing with Ronnie. It felt like Ronnie's arc got cut short a little bit, whereas we see a more complete story of how Danny helps Augie gain confidence and acceptance. I always like Ken Jeong, but this is one of my favorite roles of his--little details like his ordering the Denver Omlet stuck with me and add to the repeat value. I'm glad it is R rated and makes the most of it. It is good enough to be worth owning. Now exit my Burger Hole, boy.