I Love You, Man
I Love You, Man
R | 20 March 2009 (USA)
I Love You, Man Trailers

Peter Klaven is a successful real estate agent who, upon getting engaged to the woman of his dreams, Zooey, discovers, to his dismay and chagrin, that he has no male friend close enough to serve as his Best Man. Peter immediately sets out to rectify the situation, embarking on a series of bizarre and awkward "man-dates."

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
jonsefcik The fact that Rush are in the movie and that the main characters are Rush fans was the sole reason I decided to give this movie a try. Turns out that's the only thing to look forward to. Besides the couple scenes centered around Rush, this movie is mostly bland and forgettable. The acting isn't particularly great, the camera-work and direction are rather dull and unstylistic, and I couldn't bring myself to care about the characters very much. Things just sort of happen without much emotional weight. Since this is a comedy, I could forgive the lacking aspects of the film if it was at least funny. Unfortunately the movie isn't really that funny. I had two or three involuntary grins and chuckles but nothing made me involuntarily burst out laughing. Even their Rush fandom is only shown as surface level; only popular songs like "Tom Sawyer" and "Limelight" are showcased (with a brief mention of "Spirit of Radio" somewhere in there) and I think it would have been more rewarding for viewers (who happen to be Rush fans) if they picked some lesser known songs. Not anything super obscure like "Tai Shan" or "The Necromancer", but how about something like "Closer To The Heart", "Fly By Night", or "YYZ"? Sydney has a 2112 poster in his man cave but we never hear "2112"! It also would have made sense for them to listen to some lesser known songs since Sydney is apparently a big enough fan that he bought a Geddy Lee Jazz Bass. A lot of people seem to love this movie and that's fine but I personally found it rather dull. Its not really worth checking out, even for Rush.
John Brooks One glance at the poster and one could expect this to be way too obvious from the getgo.Of course, it absolutely is a totally mainstream, formatted comedy with conform Hollywood structure and a comedy spoonfed to the audience with an obvious moral at the end...etc... but exactly in that regard, it's not as bad as it "should've been".It actually does surprisingly well at developing itself very quickly for the setup at the end. This film's goal was to create a strong relationship between two friends, and have the ending carry meaning and feel the right way in just 1hr45, which isn't an easy task even for formulaic Hollywood.It's actually funnier than expected, with some genuinely funny moments and secondary characters, and although it's not as powerful as the title claims, it's still solid and a fun watch that isn't boring at any particular moment.7/10.
ingmarbeldman-753-927212 I'm one of the few straight guys who watches Jennifer, Sandra and Julia. I know, i know... So it is not surprising that i can relate to the main character in this remarkable fresh yet very cliché romantic comedy....about guys!! And what kind of guys? Well, guys you rarely see in American comedies. In the Netherlands, where i live, this 'in-touch-with-his-feelings/women' kind of guy is much more mainstream, but in America Hollywood has a tendency to exploit the idea of the typical male and typical female. There is a tendency to split the female and male world to the extreme. And that is not reality.This movie deals with a normal guy with normal feminine features. Unfortunaltely, also in this movie, these features are exaggerated. Same with his girlfriends female friends. So in the first half hour this movie seems to head for the cliché comedy but then Jason Segel's character appears and the movie is saved. Not only a gifted actor but also a character that is going to give the premise of this movie it's 'right of existence'. The Segels character is interesting because he is in touch with his female side but..a real cave-man, which makes him the perfect teacher for our troubled main character. He is the only one who forgives his friend all his well-intended but very irritating attempts to fit in. Through his eyes we see the main character struggling with the universal theme of 'be just yourself'. The movie is good for normal guys, living in the states who really think that males portrayed in mainstream Hollywood are men that women will date and marry.. Because i think they don't. The movie is also good for those men who have female friends and are accused of being gay. The movie is also good for those women who think that they have to change a man (all women do unfortunately, except for my girlfriend. Thank you sweetheart) and the movie is above all good for those men who have a troubled relationship with the 'inner cave-man'.a funny tale and rehabilitation of the homey cave-man!
Saiph90 Story written by John Hamburg & Larry Levin about Billy no mates, I think he is called John Rudd,attempt to find a best man for his wedding. Enter Jason Segal as his new mate and hilarity takes place or should have with a decent script. Not the worst film in the world but instantly forgettable. The lead character is simply annoying and who in their right minds trawls the internet looking for friends? The problem is the characters and their motivations are so unlike real life to make it neither fish nor fowl, a pretty unfunny comedy. The only redeeming feature is the gorgeous Jamie Pressley from My Name is Earl now that is funny.