The Simpsons Movie
The Simpsons Movie
PG-13 | 27 July 2007 (USA)
The Simpsons Movie Trailers

After Homer accidentally pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome by the EPA and the Simpsons are declared fugitives.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
ironhorse_iv There was a period during the 1990s when it was impossible to avoid the unstoppable juggernaut that was 'the Simpsons'. The animation show aired on the FOX broadcasting network was must watch TV! However, those days are now over. With adult-driven animation shows being more couple, due to the thanks of cable networks like Comedy Central & Adult Swim, 'the Simpson' doesn't seem as funny and unique as it once was. It has really became, yesterday's news. In order to spice up, the show's ratings; in 2007, between Season 18 & Season 19, the sitcom created by Matt Groening & produced by James L. Brook, finally decided to make a full length movie with their writing and animation staff, after sitting on the idea for so long, since 1992. Thus, the first real steps of 'the Simpson Movie' was born. Directed by David Silverman, the movie tells the story of the working class family having to save Springfield from the Environmental Protection Agency, after Homer Simpson (Voiced by Dan Castellaneta), over-pollution the town's lake. Without spoiling the film, too much, I have to say, it must had been a challenge to make this movie. After all, they had to construct an overall story that they haven't done before for the die-hard fans, while, also bring forth something familiar. For the most part, they kinda achieve it. Taking elements from Season 2, Episode 4: 'Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish' & the opening parts of Season 4, Episode 12: 'Marge vs. the Monorail', 'the Simpson Movie' molded a compelling adventure story that was strong enough for movie length. Unlike, their first try, with Season 4, Episode 1: 'Kamp Krusty' idea, at which point the movie plans were dropped in favor of a season premiere. Numerous other ideas were also attempted, such as the Simpson saving the manatees, which was later used in Season 17, Episode 1 '"Bonfire of the Manatees", and a parody of 1998's 'The Truman Show'- which was later used as the plot in 2007's 'The Simpsons Game'. Groening even expressed a wish to make a musical parody of 1940's 'Fantasia', which also fell through. In the end, the environmental dome story was chosen. However, there are some debate if this story is honestly original, as some people had speculated on a perceived similarity between this movie and Stephen King's 'Under the Dome' novel. Regardless of that, the biggest flaw within this story, is how much, the sub-stories are tiresome rethread. Seeing, Ned Flanders (Voiced by Harry Shearer) try to win over, Bart Simpson (Voiced by Nancy Cartwright) felt like old news. We already saw this formula plot in past episodes like, Season 7, Episode 3 'Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily' & others. Even the idea of Marge (Voiced by Julie Kavner) threating to leave Homer for being a selfish, apathetic dick, isn't really new. Also, the way, the movie resolve, these issues in the climax of the film, doesn't feel complete or fulfilling. If anything, Homer's normally idiotic, selfish behavior is still around in the end. It's clear, that the film doesn't know, how to do, character arches; as the epiphany really didn't do much to change or evolve him. In my opinion, the movie would had done better, if they didn't make Homer into such an unlikeable jerk. At least, the movie would be, more watchable, as we can honestly root for the protagonist, rather than being dragged along with somebody, we don't care, as much. Despite that, I think there is only one sub plot in this movie that wasn't really needed, and that was Lisa Simpson (Voiced by Yeardley Smith) falling in love. Those romantic scenes really don't add much to the main plot. Plus, her relationship with the boy never really carry on, the main show, afterwards. It was totally pointless. It felt like filler. Regardless of the flaws in the story, as a fan of 'the Simpsons', I can safely say that, outside of a few good episodes here and there, this movie has the best animation. There is noticeably more prominent shading, a broader color palette and conspicuous CGI abound, not to mention a handful of more fluidly-animated scenes which were animated in-house that was really well-put. As for the voice performers, they all do a fantastic job. Even, guest voice actors like Albert Brooks, Tom Hanks and the band, Green Day did an amazing job. As for the jokes. It was a hit and miss. Some action sequences were really funny & smart, such as the breaking the fourth wall opening act with Homer yelling at the theater or Fox running ads for shows in the bottom of the scene. Even, the political satire were hilarious and clever. I kinda dig the jab at NSA (Natural Security Agency) listening in, to everybody and the scenes where the oil companies playing Alaskans to keep quiet, while they rampage the state's natural resources. They were very interesting. However, there were some jokes that seem really dated or flew over the heads of most viewers to understand; such as parody of 2006's documentary, 'An Inconvenient Truth" & Easter eggs such as seeing a crashed ambulance near the gorge from Season 2, Episode 8 'Bart the Daredevil'. Those are a little bit, harder to catch. Regardless, the movie is probably best, watching on the internet or buying on DVD, than waiting for it to air on television; as it has been known, that certain sequences like the penis & flipping off the bird scene within the movie has be cut or altered by FOX network censors to fit in with FCC practices. Overall: While 'The Simpsons Movie' will probably not outshine any fan favorite episodes. It's still a triumphant collaboration of nearly a dozen of the series' best head-writers and producers. The result is a film that's truly worth watching for any die-hard or casual fan. Like a juicy donut, this is one movie, worth drooling, after. It's a must-watch.
kennyrivaldi24 The best movie to describe America. This is a must see list for students that study politics.
Marc Israel The Simpsons TV show that many of of love dearly because it says what we, as humans, would be ostracized for saying publicly, looks its turn at the big screen and starts off where the shows humor roams wildly and successfully. We have short character re-introductions and societal lampooning that strikes the nail on the head repeatedly to the point where there is nowhere else for that proverbial "nail" to go.Enter the silly plot and Homeri-sms that carry the bulk of the film with spattered success but mostly simply escorting the audience around and through the plot that feels tedious and an undoing of the glorious opening sequenced. The new characters are awkward, sans our Simpsons' President whom has the best lines here, but no spoilers!The first 25 minutes worth a epic and everything else is a movie length justifying plot that come off as a bit more than could be chewed. either that or my mileage varied considerably from the customer claims!
mike48128 Homer adopts the pig from a Krusty Burger commercial and sets off a series of events that ruin the environment so bad that President Arnold Schwarzenegger puts a glass dome over the entire town of Springfield! Lake Springfield becomes the most polluted watershed of all time as Homer dumps a giant silo filled with "pig leavings" into it. An evil Skull and Crossbones laughs in the poisoned lake and it creates a mutated squirrel with a thousand eyeballs (but no 3-eyed glowfish). Makes fun of several films including itself: Frankenstein (villagers wielding touches), Austin Powers, Lake Placid, Disney movies, "Under the Dome" TV Series, the "Helping Hands" from "Labyrinth". Look carefully for "special" cameos in the riot-torch scene. Other movie references that I missed, I am sure. Homer also saves the day after the EPA decides to blow up the dome and the town as well. (It will become the "new" Grand Canyon.) Great stylized animation and typical irrelevant Simpsons humor throughout. (Look out! Here comes the Spider-Pig") Just remember, like Homer, if things get really bad, flee to Alaska with your family and go on a "vision-quest" to find your purpose in life. (Was that big idea stolen from "Dances with Wolves" or "Star Wars"?) Starts out with a relatively "mild" Itchy and Scratchy prequel. EPA Director "Cargill" is named after the poultry company and voiced by Albert Brooks. Highly recommended for all Simpsons fans. Baby Maggie saves the day at the very end and Marge forgives Homer, as she always does.