Gulliver's Travels
Gulliver's Travels
PG | 25 December 2010 (USA)
Gulliver's Travels Trailers

Travel writer Lemuel Gulliver takes an assignment in Bermuda, but ends up on the island of Liliput, where he towers over its tiny citizens.

Memorergi good film but with many flaws
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Irishchatter Chris O'Dowd and Jason Segal had the worst English accents I've ever heard. You honestly don't have to be Irish or Amercian to get the English accent right like why did they have to make a balls of the casting?! Whoever had the idea of creating a remake of "Gullivers Travels", needed their heads checked! It was just ridiculous in casting them in the first place, they should've got better actors besides them. I like Chris O'Dowd and Jason Segal but at the same time, they weren't just suited for their roles! Emily Blunt's character sounded like such a whiny spoiled b**** that needed a reality check. Emily Blunt is a good actress but she just didn't suit the role well or did a good job. She would've been better off if she wasn't involved! Omg we go onto Jack Black, he was poor enough as Gulliver. The scene where he peed on the burning castle was the lazy way to get the movie entertaining. That was just wrong and weak.Everything involved in the movie was awful!
thegamerzoneofficial Gulliver's Travels is not the best film you would ever see. I know that, but if you have low expectations its great i mean........ I didn't read the book, so i just watched the film. The acting is not the best one, but still.... A fun family film to relax. Don't be so serious mates, just watch the film like you didn't read the book. I gave it a 7, because i like the film. I enjoyed watching it, but it's acting is not every time that great. A feel-good film. Don't be tricked by the overall review (4,9), and just give it a try. I laughed and i had fun. Maybe you won't like it, and maybe you will. (I never write reviews, but i had to do it because of the bad rating.)
gmacdon-986-39743 When I watched this movie I was expecting it to be very similar to the original story but modernised. However, it is a very odd adaptation of the classic tale (if it can be called that as there are practically no similarities at all from beginning to end). If you are planning on watching this film with the hope that it will resemble the classic even slightly, STAY AWAY. This film destroys the original story with it introducing all sorts of weird aspects to it that completely change the story line.Jack Black plays Lemuel Gulliver in this movie but it is as if he is still Dewey Finn from 'School of Rock'. A better cast could have been brought in and that might have made up slightly for this movie flop. However, it is obvious that this film was not made to win lots of Oscars but made for family entertainment so I suppose it achieves something from being made. Overall this movie was a waste of money to make but could have been great if it had been properly thought out and had actually resembled the original tale. The special effects were quite good, though so families and younger children may enjoy it.
SnoopyStyle Jack Black plays up the slacker loser a little too much. He's so pathetic and apathetic at the beginning that it's hard to root for him. Then all the actors are hamming it up. The actors are so broad that I'm laughing at the actors more than laughing with the actors. They are all doing this BIG acting that it just felt too fake. Some physical gags do get a smile. But they are far in between. For a comedy, the only important calculation is how many laughs there are. For this, there just isn't that many. Also Jack Black didn't need to lie so much. The fact that he lied so much made him just so much more unlikeable. It was a bad comedy but not necessarily as bad as the critics says.