Crime Spree
Crime Spree
R | 19 September 2003 (USA)
Crime Spree Trailers

An out-of-town heist becomes a nightmare for a crew of French burglars when they mistakenly rob the head of the Chicago mafia. Unaccustomed to the ways of the American underworld, it is not long before they have the mafia, the FBI and a couple of street gangs on their backs as they attempt to make their way back to Paris.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
collioure_bee I saw this without knowing what to expect.It had me laughing from the first lines. I can't believe some of the bad comments that have been made about this film.It has been likened to another film, which I have also seen but I preferred this, yes there were likenesses but not to the tune of what some claim.Crime Spree had some very funny moments, more than most films and Depardieu's facial expressions were excellent.Basically a group of incompetent French crooks muck up a heist and are sent to America by a Parisean crime boss for one big job to make up for it. They just get into more and more problems, and the more they try to get out of a scrape, the deeper they get and somehow manage to get into yet another one.If you want a decent comedy to spend an evening with, I recommend this one.
arayner OK its a rip off, but thats no bad thing. You have all the same characters, maybe not as strong on the setup but the situation ends all but the same.Music not as good, but then how could it be.The film is good french based flick, and Gerrard is excellent, and Mr wolf what more can you say.The robberies are fumbled as only French Comic could, and the Diner scene straight from Res dogs.As I write this, i feel its is all negative, but who said Imitation was the sincerest form of flattery.A good DVD entertainment, for Pizza and a movie time, Enjoy....
dtketterer If the director of this movie (whose obscurity to me is such that, seeing it two minutes ago, I've already forgotten his name) has ever seen a Guy Ritchie movie, he is trying to mimic it. The problem is that he had neither the budget, nor the quality script, nor the finesse to manage the style that Ritchie indulges in.The technical flaws are evidence of a careless crew; Ritchie's style is so impeccable that there can be no failure of transition, no awkward cuts or slow moments. I can only assume that budgetary constraints were a limit here, because any self-respecting director would re-shoot the flawed scenes if he had the capacity to do so.The characters have no originality or dimension - you have the dumb robber, the dumb hired brute, the cocky (and dumb) American crimelord, and the dumb, loose woman. Redundant, you think? Stupidity is only funny if some hapless character with intelligence is submerged in it, not when a mass of idiots fumbles its idiot way through the plot. The lack of substance to the characters is not only appalling of itself, the dialogue can't begin go any farther than the personalities reciting it.And if this weren't enough, the director himself doesn't know what he's doing. The scene construction is ridiculous: one thing happens, concludes (maybe), then another thing happens, with no purpose of transition or changeover. During the second thing, the world of the first thing (usually in the same room) is put on total standby until the director feels it is time for the next purposeless changeover.I didn't have the stomach for more than forty minutes of "Crime Spree." The ineptitude demonstrated on virtually all levels of production (a talented cast doing what it can with so little is perhaps the only exception) makes this movie a total failure.
Fugi I have to say I've been a frequent visitor of the IMDb and I cannot believe some of the comments said about this movie. Rather than judging this movie by how funny it was, they try and find little problems that they can come and complain about. I honestly feel this was a good movie. There was many bad movies made in Canada, but this is not one of them. Maybe it was because I didn't expect much, but I laughed really hard and have been talking about this movie for quite some time now. It far exceeded my expectations, therefore, for those who want to watch a good and funny movie, I definitely recommend it. I gave it an 8 out of 10. And for those who gave this movie a below 6 rating, I think you should alter your way of rating a movie.