Delta Farce
Delta Farce
PG-13 | 11 May 2007 (USA)
Delta Farce Trailers

Three bumbling Army reservists are hustled onto a plane headed for combat in Iraq -- but the fact that the plane drops them in Mexico doesn't stop them from "liberating" what they believe to be the Middle East.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
hung_fao_tweeze Yes, this is redneck humor. Don't look for anything terribly intellectual or deep in this tale. If you settle in and expect a bit of stupidity, groaning, and a complete lack of plausibility you can enjoy this movie. In fact, there are a few real honest to good belly laughs here. The Mexican alpha-dog bandit is a hoot and is probably the best actor in this exercise in silliness. His gay nephew is a knee-slapper as well. Meanwhile, everything else is lightweight and not stressful. Think 'Gilligans Island' and you'll be right about where this will fall in the scheme of things. I did enjoy the flick and will probably watch it again because I was entertained which is all I wanted to begin with. If you don't get into rednack farce you probably won't have much use for this movie. I give it a 5 because it could have been a lot funnier - a lot of missed opportunities and some situations just fall flat. But I got pretty much what I expected and ended up not feeling ripped off for watching it.
KineticSeoul If you seen the trailer to this film, you basically seen the whole movie or at least the only good parts of it which wasn't even that good to be honest. I ain't even going to type a synopsis for this film cause all you really need to do is see the trailer. The blue collar Larry the cable guy isn't funny and just tries to make the audience laugh by making himself look stupid with his retarded squad. This really isn't worthy checking out even for comedy fans, the reason I give this film a 2 is cause I seen worse but that ain't saying much. To be honest I don't give a crap if a movie is offensive sometimes as long as it is funny, but this movie isn't funny and it just shows why other countries hate America. I didn't get a single chuckle out of this film and I don't see how anyone can find this film to be funny, except maybe rednecks, but I doubt they even they find this movie to be very funny. Just do yourself a favor and just go watch "Three Amigos" or "Tropic Thunder".2/10
Michael O'Keefe War isn't meant to be funny. This movie meant to be funny and is barely worth a he-haw. Larry(Larry the Cable Guy)loses his job and girlfriend on the same day. He decides to kick back with his fellow redneck Bill(Bill Engvall)and rag-tag bean-pole pal Everett(D.J. Qualls)for a few cold ones and end up mistaken for serious weekend Army reservists. These three hapless guys are loaded on a transport plane headed to Fallujah; but during turbulence are accidentally ejected in a Humvee and land in...Mexico. Thinking they are in Irag these guys actually save a small village from bandits led by the ruthless Carlos Santana(Danny Trejo). Sure there is some knee slapping laughs, but on a whole pretty tasteless and unredeemable. In the end these three bumbling buds become heroes. Also in the cast: Keith David, Danielle Hartnett, Glenn Morshower and Lisa Lampanelli.
punkin_flats I watched this movie and went to bed, trying to remember where I saw the identical ending. Then it came to me- it was Wild Hogs which I watched this summer! OK, I ran all these variables by my husband. First the characters. In Wild Hogs you had 4 guys J. Travolta, Wm. Macy, Tim Allen, and Martin Lawrence. They were all middle class or wealthy (wasn't Travola married to a super model?). They also could afford expensive bikes. In Delta, the main characters were 3 lower middle class, if that. They were in the Reserves probably to make some extra money. If you want to count their active duty sergeant, there were 4 guys. Like WH, DF characters were escaping from their nagging or bothersome wives. Second, they accidentally (or otherwise) destroyed their communication devices. I won't say because that would truly be a spoiler. By doing this (both movies) they could not communicate with the women folks back home. Third, they ended up in a bad town and had to 'rescue' it. They did this through a bunch of bumbling, etc. and goofy stuff. Ray Liotta was the bad guy in WH and Danny Trejo was the bad guy in DF. In both movies one of the guys (Macy and Larry Cable Guy) get the beautiful girl and solve a whole lot of problems. Fouth, there were almost identical 'gay' jokes dealing with sleeping out in the open. The scripts were very very similar, so somebody did a pretty good rip off. I laughed a lot through the movie and I wasn't expecting a top rate movie, but it was funny in parts. Stupid too, but it took my mind off my troubles. Another thing, which was a big purchasing point for my husband, was that he knew I LOVE Danny Trejo and flip out when I see him on screen in anything. Usually he has very tiny parts. But in DF, he has a HUGE role and I screamed every time he was on screen. So shoot me, but I will watch it again just to see Danny! Others mentioned Three Amigos so I will have to go read up on that. I have seen way worse movies that were rated big blockbusters and stunk. At least this was advertised as a comedy and I got some laughs off it.