I Spy
I Spy
PG-13 | 31 October 2002 (USA)
I Spy Trailers

When the Switchblade, the most sophisticated prototype stealth fighter created yet, is stolen from the U.S. government, one of the United States' top spies, Alex Scott, is called to action. What he doesn't expect is to get teamed up with a cocky civilian, World Class Boxing Champion Kelly Robinson, on a dangerous top secret espionage mission. Their assignment: using equal parts skill and humor, catch Arnold Gundars, one of the world's most successful arms dealers.

RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Harriet Deltubbo Actually, the movie itself is nothing that special, but it has some good stuff. From an artistic standpoint, there were some plot elements and character developments I didn't think were totally needed. They do however drive the story, which seemed to be their purpose, so I can accept them. The leads' combined talents and charisma have a lot to do with this movie's success. I found the acting to be sensational, the dialogue incredible and the director's abilities to be up to par and then some. It reminds me of some of those sombre Canadian films that were popular back in the 1990s. My final rating comes in at seven out of 10.
oneguyrambling Alex Scott (Owen Wilson) is a mediocre spy, jealous of the better credentialed, better equipped and better-looking around him.When he teams with a (literal) heavyweight, the undisputed boxing World Champion Kelly Robinson (Eddie Murphy), who boasts not only a 57-0 record (often), he also boasts about just about everything else that one man can boast about.The impossible duo try to utilize Robinson's fame and renown to gain access to a top secret US spy plane that has been stolen, using an upcoming Robinson fight in Eastern Europe as cover. Famke Janssen is also on board as a co-spy and love interest.Fortunately to fast track proceedings the new bout for World Title clinching 58-0 is being hosted by Gunders (Malcolm MacDowell), the very same bad guy that is selling the plane to the highest bidder – he too is using the fight as cover.Being a long time Champion Robinson is used to being fawned over and getting things his way, he lives 'the life'; jewelry, stretch limousines, private jets, referring to himself in the first person constantly, transvestites… (whoops confusing real life and movie life there). Robinson and Scott argue over who is controlling the mission, Robinson thinks he should as he is the bigger name, Scott thinks he should because, well he's the spy and all. Scott tries to seduce Robinson into doing things his way by showing him the spy-toys and gadgets, only to repeatedly learn that the only thing to seduce Robinson – is Robinson.I-Spy is heavy on the light comedy, and light on the heavy action, choosing to favour and rely on Wilson's 'Awww shucks' likability and Murphy's bravado. It is a combination that very nearly works, this is Murphy's best film since Bowfinger, and his cockiness and misguided self confidence complements Wilson's 'Wilson-isms'.The ridiculous action is pretty fun, frivolous and forgivable given the chuckles that it elicits, but it must be said that the final 15 minutes are not so successful, and ends the film on a flat note.I-Spy has a couple of genuinely funny scenes, lots of inoffensive action and enough bright colours to keep most amused. It is the perfect low key Sunday arvo DVD, where it doesn't matter if you sleep through 25 minutes or so.Final Rating – 5.5 / 10. I-Spy is a diluted version of many other admittedly better mismatched buddy action comedies. It is a shiny expensive forgery of a superior original, but that by no means makes it worthless. Another film that might be tough to choose, but easy enough to watch.
view_and_review I Spy was down right funny. Eddie Murphy was an absolute cut up in the film. He is at his best when he is allowed to ramble, because you have no clue what he is about to say next.It seems that Eddie was given license to be a little bit liberal with his lines. Without a doubt, if Eddie Murphy were not in this movie it would be a total failure.The movie barely held its own with the plot, the action, and Owen Wilson. Eddie propelled it from mediocrity to respectability. There aren't many comedians or actors in general that can give life to a movie the way Eddie can.
ccthemovieman-1 This is a re-make of sorts, not from a movie but from a television series that made history when Bill Cosby became the first black actor to star (or co-star) in a regular TV show. He and Robert Culp played in the show of the same name.Here, Eddie Murphy plays Cosby's role and Owen Wilson takes over Culp's character. As funny as Murphy has been over his film career, I, for one, have gotten tired of his loud and abrasive characters. It's getting tiresome. Even in the animated hit, "Shrek," Murphy was loud, too talkative and obnoxious. He can't seem to get away from that kind of character. Wilson was more likable in this film and Famke Janssen was interesting.There are a few wild action scenes in here and this film is played strictly for two things: comedy and action. Another thing: it should have been rated "R," not PG-13. Overall, the story is lame but it is entertaining so, for that, it's worth a rental.