Inside Man
Inside Man
R | 24 March 2006 (USA)
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When an armed, masked gang enter a Manhattan bank, lock the doors and take hostages, the detective assigned to effect their release enters negotiations preoccupied with corruption charges he is facing.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
davidcarniglia A compelling heist movie with some unique twists. Fairly even performances, especially from Washington and Plummer. There's some clever plot devices; the foreshadowing, though a bit confusing, adds energy, and builds anticipation . Forcing the hostages to dress like the robbers was a great idea, as it made the subsequent escape plausible. Since no one knew what the robbers looked like, interrogating the bus load of hostages became a frustrating exercise for Washington and his cohorts. The robbers treated the hostages better than the police. That blurring of good guy/bad guy divides our sympathy between Washington and Owen.That leaves room for the Nazi-collaborator Arthur Case (Plummer) to emerge as the actual bad guy. The 'robbers' only steal incriminating evidence to blackmail Plummer. But why not break in at night so they don't have to fuss with fifty hostages and a ton of cops? I guess we had to make room for Jodie Foster.Her role makes no sense. She takes over an enormous police situation, with no standing or credentials. That snapped my suspension of disbelief. If she were the mayor, and insinuated herself into the crisis, it might just add up. As far as the police are concerned, she should be no more than just another onlooker. Exposing a war criminal is sufficient motive for Owen to go after Plummer; we don't need a whole subplot with Foster to establish that. She goes through her many scenes with a smug grin, lapsing into nearly incomprehensible mumbling too often. Maybe give her Washington's role and she what she does with it.As others have said, though Washington's Frazier is jovial, his demeanor fits. He's overwhelmed by the situation: his humor springs from exasperation, not over-confidence. That he relishes his advantage over Plummer in their last meeting is all the more convincing, as he's been successively surprised, scrutinized, dismissed, ignored, and even under suspicion.One of his surprises came from the captain. I can't understand why he would just smile and say the whole deal is no big thing: no one hurt, nothing of (monetary) value taken, no suspects, no crime. That's absurd. Toy guns and fake murders or not, taking a heap of hostages, roughing up some of them, turning out half the police in the city, disrupting business, etc., are all crimes of some sort.That the actual pilfering of the incriminating documents has a beneficial ulterior motive is beside the point. Does the captain have some ulterior motive too? What's the point of some misdeed hanging over Frazier? Thankfully, we have fairly slick pacing, cool dialogue, and enough good plot bits. The kid describing his sadistic video game to Owen, and the irritable construction worker going on about his Albanian ex-wife are gems.In addition to Foster's underdeveloped character, there's a non-existent back story. By passing up Owen's planning of the crime, the film leaves out a crucial element of the heist genre. Owen's motivation makes sense, but why is he interested in Nazi war criminals? He's a few generations distant from WWII. And, what of his three accomplices? Why did they throw in with him? It would've made more sense if they were in it for the money; have a real robbery for them, and the war crimes documents for Owen.Inside Man left detours and dead ends, but entertained all the same.
akil_burton Excellent movie with a great plot twist. They should make this a trilogy!
Nadine Salakov Inside Man is an overrated motion picture, people simply do not watch movies properly, when it comes to movies the majority of people are dumb and let anything in their minds and call it "Entertainment" not taking everything into consideration.Inside Man doesn't have any likable characters, even that little kid is vile, Denzel Washington's character is somewhat likable, but that isn't enough to enjoy this movie, Inside Man is a very angry motion picture, everyone is angry about one thing or another, most of the characters hate each other with a passion and the behaviour that is portrayed still is inexcusable, the hostage takers reasons for robbing the bank is pathetic and wrong, the leader admits he did it for the money, but he also did it to expose the corrupt businessman who owns that bank, i'm sorry but if you really wanted justice for the people that he's hurt then you would find LEGAL ways to expose this man, the hostage takers/bank robbers are greedy people who try to half-justify their actions thinking they are doing good, two wrongs don't make a right and like i said there are right ways to bring a bad guy to justice.There is nothing good about this flick, even when Denzel Washington gets a diamond slipped into his pocket - that's still dirty money! Think about it - the bank robbers are stealing from a corrupt guy therefore they now have blood money/blood diamonds, how does that make them any different from him?The movie plot goes absolutely nowhere, it's just bad people stealing from another bad person (Wow what a great film! *Sarcasm*). I'd rather watch a movie marathon of romantic comedies (and they're not my favourite genre).
zkonedog "Inside Man" is one of those movies that is hard to pin a ranking too. On one hand, it is an absolute blast to watch and let the mystery unravel. On the other hand, it pretty much does exactly that ("unravel") in the end.For a basic plot summary, this film sees Dalton Russell (Clive Owen) and a crew of henchmen stage a bank robbery. Detective Keith Frazier (Denzel Washington) is quickly called to the scene, only to slowly begin piecing together the notion that perhaps Russell has very different plans for the hostage scenario."Inside Man" grabs your interest right away and always keeps you guessing. Just when you think you might have a handle on what is going on, it throws you another curveball to keep you on the edge of your seat. As the mysteries continue to deepen, you'll become completely invested in just what the heck Dalton Russell is planning!This is also one of the best Denzel Washington performances ever put to film (and that is saying something). His chemistry with Owen produces some chilling scenes that only heighten the mystery/tension climate of the movie.Here's what keeps this movie from becoming a true classic, though (mild spoilers ahead): It truly is all about the build-up...the resolution really falls flat. "Inside Man" is squarely one of those films where the journey is far, far more fun than the actual destination.Though 4.5 stars would be ideal for this flick, I bump it up to five because it was just so darn fun to get hooked into the acting/mysteries of the overall experience. If you like fast-paced mysteries or are a big Denzel fan, this one is not to be missed.