Lumberjack Man
Lumberjack Man
| 16 October 2015 (USA)
Lumberjack Man Trailers

As the staff of Good Friends Church Camp prepares for a spring break filled with "Fun Under the Son", a demon logger rises from his sap boiler to wreak his vengeance and feast on flapjacks soaked in the blood of his victims.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Rup Ganguly If you see this movie and like it, then your intelligence just won the second place after your pet dog. The movie is not horror neither comedy. The director tried to make a horror but eventually the horror scenes turned out to be hilarious.1) The story - A man was murdered for recipe because he refused to disclose it and get rich as it was a family recipe. Hence he was murdered but later comes back from the grave, makes huge pancakes , carries them on a cart and kills people for no reason. Yes folks this is an actual story on which they made a movie. The story writer had no clue what he was supposed to write and must be high on something while he scribbled this crap.2) Director - The director wanted to direct a porn movie but someone forced him to direct this movie. His vision of horror is really pathetic and I hope he never ever tries to make a movie.3) The actors - They deserve an Oscar really. I mean nobody in the movie had the slightest intent to act even a little. They cannot act. Two guys( that too one with receding hair pretending to be a college teen) and a bunch of girls ( whose looks and acting skills matches a porn star) are collected from somewhere and told to do whatever they felt like.THIS MOVIE IS BAD, REALLY REALLY BAD. IT IS SO BAD THAT IF YOU SLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF IT AND WAKE UP AFTER SOME TIME YOU WILL NOT EVEN MISS ANYTHING. THE KILLER KILLS A PERSON BY SMASHING HIS HEAD WITH A PANCAKE.. YES THIS IS SUCH A BAD MOVIE. I WILL REGRET LOOSING THE TIME BEHIND THIS MOVIE FOREVER.
iamtherobotman Can someone tell me what i've just sat through? This has to be one of the main contenders for worst Film in living memory. I thought for a moment this was Horror Comedy but the "jokes" weren't funny and the Horror was nonexistent, so what genre does this fit into then? Is there a genre simply called "Bad Films"? There were plenty of Boobs on offer and not just from the female Cast members but from Script to Camera work to general acting to Continuity. The Kills were shockingly bad, a few of the Female Characters who dared to bare were obviously Blind as they failed to notice guys standing directly infront of them ogling them and perhaps the worst crime of the Film we had the Film Industry equivalent of Graham Poll issuing 3 yellow cards to Josip Simunic before sending him off, yes, we saw a Character being killed not Once but Twice!! A Ranger who inexplicably showed up on foot and seeing a pile of Pancakes randomly in the middle of the road on a cart got mashed by Mr Easterday, generously covering said Pancakes in a healthy dose of the Red stuff only to then show up equally as randomly later in the Film at Easterday's secluded Woodland Shack for his second bloody death of this unbelievably poor piece of "art" immortalized in Celluloid. My eyes are burning after watching this and my head genuinely hurts. I can't believe they managed to wring over 90 minutes out of this, in fact 60 minutes would've been 60 minutes too much.
tenebroussuspire Clocking in at an hour and 45 minutes, Lumberjack Man is way too long for a slasher flick. I never thought I'd say this, but it's a case of "too much tits, not enough gore." The film's filler time is devoted to sexual content to the point of over-saturation. There's a scene where two campers watch a counselor strip, dance, and rub lotion on herself for what feels like ten minutes. It especially becomes evident towards the end, the final confrontation dragging on and on. It accentuated the character's stupidity with every pitiful attempt at comedy.Every scene is extended to either prolong on-screen nudity or exaggerate comedic delivery. Speaking of which...Despite being a horror comedy, the movie's humor is hit-or-miss. Most of the jokes are overly-long, sexual, and reliant on absurdity. It gets repetitive quickly. Most of my laughs came from the kills, of which some were quite funny and inventive, but they were few and far between. Which is a shame because the cast is larger than most camp slashers.I also had a lot of problems with the characters. Bumbling, annoying and unlikable.It's technically functional, sure, but that does nothing to fix how insipid this movie is. In short, Lumberjack Man is an unbalanced, lukewarm, boring film, inferior to other horror comedy films. I suggest skipping it and watching The Final Girls, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, Behind the Mask, Severance, Stage Fright, or Club Dread.
Adam Baehr OMG I absolutely loved this movie. I have been watching the new After Dark Horrorfest films and I watched Bastard last night which I reviewed and here is my review for Lumberjack Man. The story is your standard affair of a bunch of counselors going to a church camp early before the kids come and there is a possessed killer aloof. I found it to be a black comedy style of Friday the 13th which I found to be Epic. The acting was well done with a cast of kids that played horny teenagers perfectly as did Michael Madsen who was quite funny. The movie isn't so much horror as it's black comedy as I mentioned prior but it works great with the tone of the film. The movie is Hilarious I must add and it has a ton of quips. I will say there is at least three times the nudity over most other films of this kind which is fine with me. The kills were Superb and quite creative in terms of an hour and forty-five minute movie running time. I would recommend watching this immediately because it's well worth the watch if not the ten dollar purchase. I promise that you will not regret watching it.