Undisputed II: Last Man Standing
Undisputed II: Last Man Standing
R | 11 April 2006 (USA)
Undisputed II: Last Man Standing Trailers

Heavyweight Champ George "Iceman" Chambers is sent to a Russian jail on trumped-up drug charges. In order to win his freedom he must fight against the jailhouse fighting champ Uri Boyka in a battle to the death. This time he is not fighting for a title, he is fighting for his life!

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Finfrosk86 A real fan favorite, this one.. High score. And I can see that, because it's pretty good. Not great, though.Prison movies are very often entertaining. It's just something about prisons, that translates very well to the big screen. (and small, for that matter. Oz, Prison Break) This is no exception. The movie comes along at a good pace, would have been an even better pace, had it been 10 minutes shorter. Because in between the fighting, there some drama. Some of it works pretty well, some of it doesn't work that well. But it's not that much of it, so it's no biggie. The movie actually has some heart, between the punches.Anyhow, what's really interesting is: how is the fighting? And the fighting is good. Not the awesomest ever, but still very good. Good choreography, for the most part, nice sound effects, good skill. We get fighting both in and out of the ring. Personally I prefer fighting outside the ring, but the ring-fighting is also entertaining here. While the choreography is good, it does lack that last.. whatever, to make it great. (I'm picky when it comes to fighting in movies)There's some eye candy here! I'm no gay man, but I sure do appreciate a muscular male body. I prefer Scott Adkins' more natural look, over Jai Whites obvious steroid look, but that's me. As for the acting, it's decent, not award winning, but gets the job done.To sum up: Undisputed II is a pretty entertaining prison/fighting-movie. Lacks a little bit of tension, to make it great, but an entertaining watch still.If I could give half stars on here, this would be a clear 6,5)
Comeuppance Reviews "Undisputed II" is an improvement over the original. It has more bone-crunching fights.The plot: Heavy-weight boxing champion George "The Iceman" Chambers (White) is once again thrown in prison after being framed. But the twist is that he's in a Russian jail chock full of stereotypes. The only way to live.....is to fight the reigning champion Boyka (Adkins).It's a simple plot, but with a lot of setup towards the big fight. There are actually two fights between them though. All the fights are well-choreographed and exciting.White is a good replacement for Ving Rhames from the first. Adkins plays his bad guy to the hilt. You root for him to get knocked out every second. Ben Cross is on hand as another prisoner. He puts in a good performance also.The only weak point is the ending. It's too nice. I understand why they did that, but some of the grittiness is lost.Overall, "Undisputed II" is worth seeing for the fights and White's performance.For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
sveknu This movie shows that it's still possible to make a decent action movie in the 2000s. Martial arts movies like this had it's glory in the late 80's and 90's, with tons of titles of both great, good, mediocre, bad and terrible quality. In the 2000's action movies in general and the sub-genre of martial arts movies became more and more rare, especially the good ones.This movie is an exception. It's really hardcore, and the fight scenes are great. I hadn't seen anything even remotely similar to lots of the moves and action in this movie. Ever. It's really that great. Michael Jai White was born to do this kind of thing, and Scott Adkins was also terrific. A Russian prison was a perfect backdrop for this kind of movie. Great stuff, now bring on Undisputed 3!
ericthered01 The first "Undisputed" movie starred Wesley Snipes and was a straight up boxing film. "Undisputed II" is more of a mixed martial arts film even though Michael Jai White plays an American boxing champion. Since this movie has been out for a little while I'll spare you the plot details and just tell you that Scott Adkins is awesome; you won't believe some of the kicks he pulls off in this. Michael Jai White is awesome; one of the most underrated martial artists in the movies today. And "Undisputed II" is one of the best martial arts movies I've seen in recent years. The fight scenes are very well done and it's obvious that a martial artist directed this movie. That being said, there's also surprisingly good acting, a good story, and awesome music that made me want to start training when I heard it. If you are a martial arts movie fan, this is must see.