R | 04 December 2009 (USA)
Transylmania Trailers

Spoof horror in which a group of college kids do a semester abroad in Romania and realise that if the partying doesn't kill them, the vampires just might!

Micitype Pretty Good
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Brandon Gregory OK, I loved this movie, no question about it. I don't understand why there is so much hate comments on it. The jokes and humor in the movie were very clever and very well done. You gotta love Worm Miller's work, its hilarious especially on:"Hey... Stop Stabbing Me!" "Dorm Daze" Dorm Daze 2" etc... Also, Patrick Casey is really funny! His whole attitude and character is just funny, even though he didn't have the biggest part in the movie. It was hilarious how He mistakes guys for women. With the movie, the settings were actually very descent. the background had a fair share of detail. The actors/acting are pretty good as well. Once again, the comedy/humor, very funny. especially the scene where Rusty(Oren Skoog) was all excited about finally getting a chance to bang his (hot) online girlfriend, Draguta(Irena Hoffman). Then it turns out that she has that growth on her back and just completely kills it for him. Really good lesson in that scene, "send a full body photo always"! Just don't be so hard on this movie, especially on a film like this, we all know this wasn't made to be a big movie with Oscar performance qualities in it. Don't be so hard on it. It was actually a VERY funny film. It is personally one of my favorites in my collection. so I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a really good movie and have some funny, smart, stupid, and fun laughs with some friends!
Roland E. Zwick If studios could do product recalls, the witless and inept "Transylmania" would be high on the list of returnable merchandise. This truly pathetic stab at horror movie comedy involves a group of brainless college students from America who enroll in a summer school session held in a vampire-infested castle in Romania.The incoherent storyline is matched by the amateurish acting and low-grade humor, which frequently reaches back - badly - to old Marx Brothers and "I Love Lucy" routines for laughs.Actually, the movie has seemingly saved all its clever and funny parts for an epilogue that runs all of six minutes. If the other ninety had been half as good, we might have had something here. But, any way you slice it, "True Blood" this ain't.
JoeB131 This is supposed to be a comedy, but they telegraph the "jokes" a mile off...A group of college students are lured to a university in Transylvania, where they tangle with a cult of vampires, a sexy vampire hunter, a mad doctor (who happens to be a little person) who is trying to find a new body for his hunchback daughter.We get a bunch of tired gags, monsters that aren't very scary, and characters (way too many of them) we just don't give a flip about. Was there a point here?There are a lot of gratuitous nude scenes with a lot of the actresses. That's a plus. Not much of one, and maybe it was the excuse as to why the movie was made.
dimitripopov I'm glad I saw this film the other day. It reminded me of classic comedy with a present day twist. You can tell right away when it starts that the film is not taking itself seriously, and it expects the same from its audience.Without giving too much plot away, this is not a typical spoof film like I thought it would be before I saw it. The story line is an original piece that makes fun of the vampire genre craze as a whole. This was very refreshing to see!The jokes throughout the film ranged from a great deal of subtle comedy to a wide range of old school slapstick and bathroom humor. The film is obviously rated R for a reason. That aside, it never seemed to have too much vulgarity compared to some of the other films I've seen in theaters lately.Also, regarding the subtle humor, because the story line is very complex, you need to pay attention to the film to keep up with the jokes. A lot of which go back to the film not taking itself seriously (a spoof comedy) and having some silly and ridiculous at times things happen in the background or to characters. Best thing to do is just relax and watch it.Regarding the acting on all of the actors part, I have not a single complaint. Everyone seemed true to their characters, including the actors who had more than one role to play. Aesthetically speaking, the cinematography is beautiful, making me forget I'm watching a spoof film at times. The film uses a magnificent castle in Romania for location. And the fight scenes were flawless. Especially a scene involving dual sword combat. And the special effects of this film are exactly what I would expect from any professional studio film.All in all, this is a must see. It is destined to become a classic. A+