Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead
R | 24 September 2004 (USA)
Shaun of the Dead Trailers

Shaun lives a supremely uneventful life, which revolves around his girlfriend, his mother, and, above all, his local pub. This gentle routine is threatened when the dead return to life and make strenuous attempts to snack on ordinary Londoners.

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Pjtaylor-96-138044 'Shaun Of The Dead (2004)' is so beautifully layered and brilliantly constructed that it's easily one of the most rewatchable films of all time. Each new viewing yielding new rewards, in the form of clever nuggets of world-building and jokes so subtle they had gone unnoticed before. It's also easily one of the funniest flicks I've ever seen, along with its two ice-cream flavoured spiritual sequels, while also being one of the smartest and most cinematic, to boot. The energetic editing is so distinct and confident that it can almost tell the story on its own, and the masterful screenplay pulls all the right strings in all the right places to play its audience like a fiddle. It will have them rolling on the floor one moment before wiping away a genuine tear the next. The piece does all of this while perfectly parodying a played-out genre and feeling effortlessly fresh at the same time; an entirely unique piece of filmmaking that owes a debt to many films of the past but repays it in full just by being so utterly great. 9/10
Dalbert Pringle One of my biggest beefs behind my major disappointment of "Shaun of the Dead" was that, for more than half of the goddamn time, I could not - (I repeat) - I COULD NOT understand WTF!? anyone was saying. I'm not kidding!Yeah. OK. I know damn-well that everyone was, indeed, speaking English (or, at least, I think they were), but with all of the bloody heavy-duty British accents, and the weird/alien slang, and the annoying way that everyone was always running all their goddamn words together - Well - As you can well-imagine, it was making me so ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!Believe me, there were many-many times when I know for sure that I had just missed out on getting the punchline of yet another killer-diller joke. But because my ears just weren't tuned into the incomprehensible way that everyone was speaking the English language - Well - I totally missed out on yet another belly-laugh.And besides not being able to comprehend the unbelievably garbled lingo of these British boys and girls - I detested the final climax of this film, big time. It was such a blatant rip off from "Night of the Living Dead". It was. And all that I could do while it was happening was just yawn my head off until it was all over. It was really that dreary and dull to me.
theodoretonkin Absolutely hilarious from start to finish. Ever since I watched it, it's been my favourite film of all time. If you haven't already seen it, watch it now!
Mohamed Abdalla This movie is kinda the start of non told series of movies which is the result of cooperation between"Edgar Wright" and "Simon Pegg" , The next movie in the series is "Hot Fuzz" and then "At World's End".It's better not to compare any of the movie in the series with each other, because they are separated story wise. But the similarities include, the same directing team, almost the same actors team and the same genre.I saw it as a sarcastic movie about the Zombies idea, the scenes and the comedian parts weren't that funny. But the good thing that they kept everything simple, the idea is simple, the make up and eye lenses of zombies are simple, the killing scenes and the places included are simple, so everything was clear to the point.Finally, it's a good comedy zombie movie that can get you out of a bad mood although it has some points that may get you bored.