R | 12 February 1993 (USA)
Braindead Trailers

When a Sumatran rat-monkey bites Lionel Cosgrove's mother, she's transformed into a zombie and begins killing (and transforming) the entire town while Lionel races to keep things under control.

Alicia I love this movie so much
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
jfcameron This movie is hilarious, it is so over the top that it actually becomes both funny and intense at once. You really want to see these characters make it out alive. Despite being a horror comedy, it is not formulaic and has a very unique story. The gore effects are so convincing and awesome. This is by far Peter Jacksons best film, LOTR 3 was good, but no zombies take a lawnmower to the face. The twist at the end is actually really emotional and gives the film more depth. The shots are beautiful and so is the editing. The acting is so good and is both convincing and funny which should be impossible. The pacing is perfect, this movie is never boring. The soundtrack is great. The graveyard scene is one of the funniest things I have ever scene. This movie is a must-see even if you are very skeptical you need to give a try.10/10 best horror movie ever.
Miguel Neto before making the incredible trilogy The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson ventured into films like Braindead, a well-trash film, the story is quite bizarre, a monkey-rat of Sumatra that when it bites people turns it into zombies, bizarre, the script is problematic, the cast even not being so well known, at least at the time, they are competent, the makeup is done well, the film has a lot of blood, has very strong scenes, you will see many organ in the film, the film is funny , you can give good film of laughter, the direction of Peter Jackson is good, the soundtrack is good, and the last minutes of the film are good, Braindead sins in the script, more is fun and bloody, most also disgusting. Note 8.0
thepigsoftheroundtable Once in a life time there comes a movie that combines two opposite genres together to make a seamless whole of a movie. Dead Alive is that movie. Perfectly combining splatter horror, and comedy this movie is sure to make you laugh and vomit at the same time. The premise is simple, an awkward young man's mom is bitten by a Rat Monkey that leads to her becoming a zombie. Eventually she gets out and begins to spread the disease around the neighborhood. Basically you classic zombie movie. But this has a completely different feel to it. For one I couldn't stop laughing, whether is was the zombie baby or the heart and lungs monster, this movie made me laugh. But at the same time I completely lost my appetite. From watching a man get his legs eaten off, or a woman eat her own ear. It really takes a certain kind of person to understand the humor in this movie. I give this movie ten out of ten, not just for the humor and story but for the practical effects. They were absolutely amazing. A few like the monkey or the baby don't really hold up to today's standards, but when the guy gets his legs eaten away leaving just his bones, that was unbelievable. It looked so realistic. The characters were another way that made this movie great. I really enjoyed the characters, they were all people that really acted like someone would in that type of situation making it believable.I wouldn't recommend this movie to just any movie watcher. It takes a special type of person to enjoy this movie to it's full potential. But if you love movies like Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland I suggest you check this movie out. But do it on an empty stomach, I cannot stress how bloody and gory this movie is.
SnoopyStyle It's 1957 Skull Island. A group is pursued by the natives for stealing a monkey. They managed to bring the rat-monkey home to Wellington Zoo, New Zealand after one of them got bitten and having the arm chopped off. Mama's boy Lionel Cosgrove is on a date with shopkeeper's daughter Paquita María Sánchez at the zoo. His mother gets bitten by the monster turning her into a killer zombie.I'm fine with the horror indie part. Peter Jackson puts his limited resources to the best use. The problem is that the comedy isn't always funny and I found the romantic notes rather clunky. The rom-com tone is pretty annoying and I wish he keeps to the horror gore side. The gore is somewhat fun. I think the actors aren't good enough to sell the romance or the comedy or the acting. Also Lionel is not a particularly good lead character. He's pathetic, annoying and not much fun.