In Bruges
In Bruges
R | 29 February 2008 (USA)
In Bruges Trailers

Ray and Ken, two hit men, are in Bruges, Belgium, waiting for their next mission. While they are there they have time to think and discuss their previous assignment. When the mission is revealed to Ken, it is not what he expected.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Charles Herold (cherold) Do really awful people have a strict moral code and deep conscience? I'm going to guess no, but In Bruges suggests writer/director Martin McDonagh might disagree.In Bruges begins with two guys checking into a hotel in Bruges. They have come to wait an unspecified amount of time to speak to someone. They go sightseeing. One man loves Bruges, the other finds it tedious.This is maybe the first third of the movie, which is sometimes amusing but doesn't give you much to hold onto. Then a flurry of things happen and an elaborate, ingenious story kicks in. And that part involves terrible people being shockingly full of scruples.The film is very well acted and generally amusing with some dark and occasionally suspenseful moments, yet I was never fully drawn in. The ingenuity of the story and moral code of the protagonists felt like dramatic devices rather than something that comes from real life experience. A false clever plot and unlikely characters is not inherently unworkable, and I think the problem is less the script than that McDonagh can't quite figure out how to flesh that script with human complexity (something he successfully did in "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.")I enjoyed this well enough, but I wouldn't say it's something you should seek out.
bdan35 Not necessarily your favorite, but too smart and original to forget. Really like anything else, plus great performances.
Navod Wijesekara I was really surprised by the storyline because of the way the humour was also gathered up in a natural way. Really I Just wanted to say What I have said on the title; That's all... Really was expecting a comedy mixed crime, thriller but was pleasantly surprised with the Good story. Cheers From Sri Lanka. Would Like to visit bruges some day...
A Lazy Bear This movie achieves so much, but remains so focused, so easy to understand and streamlined, it amazes me again and again. I hardly re-watch any movies this is one of the few I do rewatch every other year. It has everything you could ask for: humour, love, thought, action and nice visuals.In Bruges takes the dust of the gangster-genre by putting in more of a connection to the viewer. We get to see shootouts, drugs and prostitutes, punches being thrown around, etc. yes, but what we also get are relateable character, which actions and motives are quite relateable. It has a quite enjoyable sense of humour that is never misplaced, which i imagine is very difficult in such a violent and emotional movie. The leadroles all do an amazing job and help a lot to understand what the characters are feeling.The love-story isnt that deep and rich, but absolutely makes sense in the movie. It is believable and you do want to see it flourish, so it absolutely serves its purpose in the plot.The location is amazing, the words "fairytale town" are used several times and that pretty much describes it pretty well. The way it is shot and the time of the year (christmas) add a romantic, but also cold and lonely touch to it (lonely because bruges is "a shithole"). The fairy tale theme is woven not only into the visuals, but also some parts of the story can remind you of a fairy tale.Soundtrack is another aspect I love about this movie, just like the plot, the location and the character Ray, it adds to the feeling of this sad, yet beautiful tale.To top it off, we get some stuff to ponder over. Atonement is a big deal here. Where is the line between good and evil, what should you do if you did something horrible and so on. All this is blended together so well, that it has been one of my favorite movies for about 7 years now and Im planning on watching it again some time.