When Harry Met Sally...
When Harry Met Sally...
R | 21 July 1989 (USA)
When Harry Met Sally... Trailers

During their travel from Chicago to New York, Harry and Sally debate whether or not sex ruins a friendship between a man and a woman. Eleven years later, and they're still no closer to finding the answer.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Steineded How sad is this?
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
The Movie Diorama Suffice to say throughout the course of Hollywood, we have been faced with many romcoms with most ultimately failing. However, the late 80's and early 90's added many entries that reinvigorated the genre. In this sweet flick, sweet and sarcastic Harry meets sweet and beautiful Sally. Then the sweet couple meet again. And then again...and again. Oh, and again. Basic plot full of conveniences, but director Rob Reiner took the risk of removing a complex and captivating story to flesh out the characters. I can see why this is popular yet I do see issues that detract from my personal enjoyment with the film. Firstly, I adored the minimalistic approach that Reiner took. Just two friends communicating. That's all this film is. There is no plot device. Instead we experience the natural progression of two friends slowly falling in love as they spend more time together. Incredibly relatable and insufferably sweet. The only thing sweeter than this is a bowl of sugar. The narrative boasts an utterly witty screenplay that brings these characters to life. Perhaps slightly too focussed on the topic of sex. Billy Crystal's Harry is brimming with sarcasm and a dark intelligent sense of humour whereas Meg Ryan's Sally reeks of innocence and exhumes optimism. The juxtaposing personalities make for some compelling conversations including, but not limited to, an orgasm reenactment in the middle of a diner. Sally's got balls. Big balls. Meg Ryan's performance was solid however I felt Billy Crystal was too monotonous in an attempt to come across as sarcastic. Didn't really connect with him. The lack of substance within the plot does unfortunately prevent a thrilling story and I did occasionally find myself disconnected with the narrative. However this is just a personal preference. As a romcom, When Harry Met Sally is refreshingly innovative that can be enjoyed by all, just too sweet and thinly plotted for my liking. This is as much fun as observing two young people's lives should be.
snelling Thinking about death a lot. - "Annie Hall" "Casablanca" references. - "Play it Again, Sam" The girl ordering in a specific anal way in a restaurant. - "Annie Hall"Lead female dressing in men's clothes. - "Annie Hall" Singing with a bad unprofessional voice in public. - "Annie Hall" Putting your name in all your books in case of a breakup. - "Annie Hall" Calling a platonic guy friend to come over late at night. - "Annie Hall" Split screens. Ugh. - "Annie Hall" Trying to re-create fun times while not with your true love. - "Annie Hall"Flashbacks of the whole story. - "Annie Hall" Running the streets of NYC at the end. - "Manhattan" Carrie Fisher - "Hannah and Her Sisters"The best parts of this movie were cribbed from other better films.
mattkratz This is one of the best romantic comedies ever made, about a "gradual" romance. I liked the couples talking about their romances sprinkled in throughout the movie, and of course I loved the deli scene with the fake orgasm and the subsequent "I'll have what she's having" line. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan first meet in college and run into each other several times over the years, gradually forming a friendship and eventually a romance despite Ryan's assessment that a man and a woman "can't be friends." Crystal and Ryan have terrific chemistry, and this movie is thoroughly funny and delightful throughout. I loved it and you will too.*** out of ****
Nicolas F. Costoglou Harry and Sally is a classic "Your real love is right in front of you, dumbass!"-movie, and a very good one at that.The two leads are very likable and fun to watch because of the great written dialogue. The story also has a very interesting structure, with jumping through big chunks of time and putting interviews with some elderly people between segments, who are talking about how they met their partner.Apart from our two leads are two other really great actors Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby who also have great chemistry.This movie is about being true to yourself, and the people you love, so i'm honest: I liked it fairly much, and i hope you'll to...