PG | 17 December 1982 (USA)
Tootsie Trailers

When struggling, out of work actor Michael Dorsey secretly adopts a female alter ego - Dorothy Michaels - in order to land a part in a daytime drama, he unwittingly becomes a feminist icon and ends up in a romantic pickle.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
adonis98-743-186503 Michael Dorsey, an unsuccessful actor, disguises himself as a woman in order to get a role on a trashy hospital soap. To be honest i didn't know what to except from Tootsie at first cause i feared that it was going to be some dumb chick film with Hoffman dressed as a woman for some reason but i was wrong. This film was quite charming, romantic and funny too with Dustin Hoffman giving a very good perfomance, Jessica Lange who was also very good and even won an Oscar for it and has a great chemistry with Hoffman on screen but also Terri Garr (Mr. Mom) and even Bill Murray (Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2). Definitely a film that i was suprised by it's charm and sense of humor. (10/10)
tbills2 Can we all be grown men who enjoy dressing up like women in order to fool casting directors into landing acting gigs on cheesy soap operas here for a second please? I really love everything about Tootsie, its adult substance material, the great cast (Dustin Hoffman and T. Garr, J. Lange, D. Coleman, director Pollack, Murray), the humor, it's goodhearted brilliance and the terrific funny characters with its easy going nature, but, as much as I enjoy the fuming switch-a-roo romance between Dustin and the all-time beautiful lovely Jessica Lange, or the spark shared with Dustin and Garr, or all the funny occurring moments when Hoffman is playing as Tootsie, nothing quite compares to seeing Geena Davis in her silky little panties during those awesome dressing room scenes, not once, but twice, and in a different pair too. I love Geena Davis. Tootsie was Davis' first big break role as Geena was posing as an apparently convincing store window mannequin before Tootsie and she was a Victoria's Secret lingerie model at the time. Pollack and company wanted a model who could act for the part so they called up the ol' model agency and told them to send their best down straight away for movie auditions and Geena obviously showed and obviously mesmerized them with her beauty and her talent and her charm but apparently the casters were left so mesmerized that they had forgotten to ask Geena to appear in her swimsuit during her audition so that they could check her body out to best know if she was good for the part or not so they were left wanting Geena but not knowing if she had the body for it, so, some lucky chap had to locate the latest Victoria's Secret catalogue to look for Geena in it and find her pictures to see if her body was good enough just to make sure that this gorgeous and talented, all-time beautiful babe named Geena looked good in her underwear. She was a Victoria Secret's panty model! There's no fooling you guys, seemed like an exercise in futility if you ask me, but, I was happy to do it and at least I got paid for it, just kidding, I wasn't even alive in 1982. Based off what I'm seeing, it was the right choice. This is Geena's hottest movie moment, even hotter than she is in Earth Girls Are Easy! It's a close call. A tiny secret to Tootsie's success is just how cute Hoffman appears as Tootsie. I love Teri Garr in this but Jessica Lange is the reason for the season and Geena has all the best parts, physically and in Tootsie. Oh by the way, Tootsie is an all-time beautiful and all-time amusing classic. In retrospect, I definitely didn't talk about Jessica enough, but, I'm young and I promise to make it up to her in future reviews and Geena's butt.
MisterWhiplash Tootsie is simultaneously funny/entertaining... And wildly over-hyped and dated (that score and those songs just suck). I know such things like critical appraisal shouldn't matter, but to give an example this is #2 on the AFI top comedies list, above Dr Strangelove (which is #3). That's like saying American Sniper is the #2 war movie of all time above #3 Saving Private Ryan. It's supposed to be Hoffman's movie, and he puts his all into it, but I'll be damned if Dabney Coleman (who's first rate), Sydney Pollack (who originally didn't want to even be in the movie and was thankfully forced by Hoffman for the good reason that no one could tell Michael what to do like him) and Bill Murray don't steal the movie out from under him. This is a case to me where the "straight men" get more of the laughs, and Hoffman gets his share. Also ups to Teri Garr and Charles Durning too, albeit the latter comes in like a realer but less funny version of the "well, nobody's perfect" guy from Some Like it Hot.It's a handsomely made, usually well timed sitcom. It somehow managed to be nominated at the Oscars alongside the likes of ET, The Verdict and Das Boot (Lange got a not undeserved one too as the heart of the movie).
padawanmovies (SPOILERS AHEAD) Initially I always thought this was jus a funny cross dressing flick; definitely was wrong... This movie gave insight into how genders are viewed by both sexes. It would've been very easy to downplay the directors sexiest attitude: calling the women Toots, Honey; while calling the men by their names, not allowing Julia to give her answer when asked if she wants a bagel, Jon's trying to force himself on Dorothy. It no doubt could've been a movie where being a woman was the sole basis for the comedy but there was a real subtle quality to the funniness. It allowed a man to understand the difficulties of being a woman especially in entertainment where looks r to a fault, seen as more important than talent; in addition to the comedy I believe these r the reasons this movie is viewed so positively. Two slight inquiries I have r how was he able to come up with the idea of becoming a woman so quickly and y on Earth did he agree to sleep with Sandy just bc she caught him with his pants around his ankles (he couldn't find any other justification)???Some of my favorite moments: The absurdity of being asked to walk across a stage while ur dying, the tomato scene in his agents' office, the scene where Mr. Carlisle tries to guide Dorothy out the studio and calls him a macho sh*thead (plus the great line "power makes women masculine or masculine women r ugly"; hope ppl, men mostly, don't feel that way), the part of how far could they pull the camera back to make her look attractive, the taxi scene where Dorothy's cab was swiped by a guy and she hit him with a shopping bag then threw his suitcase out before yelling thank u (lol), the way Dr. Brewster eyes Dorothy and his cue cards (haha), the photo shoot was Hilarious, when Michael pushes the mime in the park, the line "I don't like u" to baby Amy (feel that way about most babies), and of course the big finale: i don't know y the Tangiers part cracks me up and the stammering is Wonderful. It was a great reveal that really makes me enjoy this flick. Believe it's a good portrayal of gender studies since a lot of these mindsets still unfortunately exist.