The Upside of Anger
The Upside of Anger
R | 11 March 2005 (USA)
The Upside of Anger Trailers

After her husband runs off with his secretary, Terry Wolfmeyer is left to fend for herself -- and her four daughters. As she hits rock bottom, Terry finds a friend and drinking buddy in next-door neighbor Denny, a former baseball player. As the two grow closer, and her daughters increasingly rely on Denny, Terry starts to have reservations about where their relationship is headed.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Python Hyena The Upside of Anger (2005): Dir: Mike Binder / Cast: Joan Allen, Kevin Costner, Erika Christensen, Keri Russell, Alicia Witt: Excellent film about bitterness and the road to healing. Joan Allen plays the mother of four daughters who is bitter after her husband takes off with his secretary. Kevin Costner plays a radio DJ and former baseball star who lives nearby. Detailed screenplay on relationships while staying focused on central issues. One daughter is into gymnastics; another is engaged to be married; another discovers that her potential boyfriend is gay; and another lands a job on Costner's radio station where she becomes involved with a womanizer. Well directed by Mike Binder who also has a speaking part in the film. Joan Allen embodies her role with sarcasm mixed with alcohol with a great scene where she is to meet the parents of her daughter's fiancée. Costner is employing equal chemistry in one of his best performances. He seeks out a relationship with Allen in those hard core drinking evenings. Twist ending has Costner discover the real reasons for Allen's husband's absence. The daughters are well drawn but also add to the film's predictable subplots. They are played by Erika Christensen, Keri Russell, Evan Rachel Wood, and Alicia Witt and they are stunning. Bitter resentment is ugly but the message regards the calm after the storm. Score: 9 / 10
mary-179-677383 I watched this movie in late 2013 and honestly it was painful. I don't see how anyone can rank it more than 1 out of 10. The only interesting thing was the daughters short lived relationship with an older man. Honestly though, I want my 2 hours back.The twist was also a joke. I mean if someone left they would obviously take there most important documentation and still use credit cards or bank cards etc, so how the wife didn't know her husband really ran off was beyond me.Also movie claimed to have comedy aspects, but it wasn't funny at all.Actually Kevin Costner is a great actor/guy in this movie, but it seems unrealistic that he would be interested in the horrible character 'Terry Ann'. Even in the movie he explains his attraction to her despite the tension in the house etc. It wasn't believable.
Bolesroor "The Upside Of Anger" features the most creative stunt casting in film history: Keri Russel, Alicia Witt, Evan Rachel Wood & Erika Christensen are supposed to be sisters.Wowsers! The girls look absolutely nothing alike, not even accidentally. They don't even look like four girls who would be FRIENDS nevermind sisters. But, hey, it's a movie... I can suspend my disbelief.There's enough good things going on here to get past the family tree anyway... love it or hate it this is not a movie you've seen before. It's a completely original story about a recently abandoned wife who turns to drinking and a former baseball star to deal with her unhappiness and anger. Joan Allen is great here and so is Kevin Costner. Although I usually despise the man I must say his acting has finally come full-circle: he is completely unafraid to play fat, unappealing and oddball. He's no longer governed by some studio-controlled image of himself as Gary Cooper-esque leading man. He's ready to just Act, and let the chips fall where they may.Erika Christensen steals the show here as Andy, gorgeous and luscious, with a perfect pair of breasts that can scarcely keep from leaping out of her low-cut tops and doing a tap dance on the table top. (She gives good mammary.) Keri Russel is great in an underdeveloped role and Evan Rachel Wood plays a girl with the inexplicable name of Popeye... no, I don't know why either.The movie tends to veer from broad comedy to intense drama and then to realistic character study... it's these changes in tone that make it uneven and difficult to enjoy as a singular cohesive idea. The movie also loses points for its cartoonish score, in which plucked strings turn the proceedings goofy and nonsensical, when a dignified melody would have served more effectively.It's not fantastic cinema, and at times it seems to be a cross between "American Beauty" & "Uncle Buck," but "The Upside Of Anger" is an earnest character-driven movie that provides some nice quiet moments, some drama, and some genuine laughs. That's enough for me tonight.GRADE: B-
TheEmulator23 This is one of those films that I watched because I have an anger problem myself. Worse than that 9/10 it is justified or even directed correctly. This is such a film that explores the relationship we all have w/anger. Like another comment said, "The Joan Allen show," that is totally correct. Kevin Costner is good here too, but only as a supporting role, which is a good thing at this point in his career. Please watch this film so that we shouldn't judge before we know all the facts. Many of us judge or get angry too easily because we don't know the whole story, I'm one of those people. Here's hoping this might change some people from getting too upset too easily.