Thank You for Smoking
Thank You for Smoking
R | 09 September 2005 (USA)
Thank You for Smoking Trailers

Nick Naylor is a charismatic spin-doctor for Big Tobacco who'll fight to protect America's right to smoke -- even if it kills him -- while still remaining a role model for his 12-year old son. When he incurs the wrath of a senator bent on snuffing out cigarettes, Nick's powers of "filtering the truth" will be put to the test.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Brian Berta What I really love about Thank You For Smoking and what stands out the most about it is that it doesn't take any sides. It is neither a pro-smoking nor an anti-smoking film. It actually gives both sides to the argument and it allows you to decide for yourself. It is also very thought provoking and it sort of gave me another interesting side to the repetitive and combed over "smoking is bad" argument.Nick Naylor is a tobacco lobbyist and the vice-president of a tobacco lobby known as the "Academy of Tobacco Studies". The people who work there have been researching the effects of tobacco smoking and lung cancer for 15 years. They claim that their research (which is mostly funded by tobacco companies) have found no correlation whatsoever of lung cancer being a side effect. Nick Naylor is challenged to convince as many people as possible not to smoke. One of the people he has to get by is the Senator of Vermont, Ortolan Finistirre, who is really anti-smoking.The fact that this film doesn't take any sides is what makes it so special. The film is focused more on Nick Naylor and the arguments he used in the movie which were far ahead of the time when it came out. This film makes fun of both sides of the tobacco industry. The finale when Nick Naylor goes up against Ortolan Finistirre is the best scene in the film. It allows you to see smoking in a different way and it is one of the most thought provoking scenes I've ever seen in cinema. It's timeless.Also, to say that its plot is daring is an understatement. It's very shocking in a way that the characters who promote smoking and try to get more people to do the act of it are the good guys, and the characters such as the senator who try to promote good health are labeled as the bad guys in the film. Also, the film says that big corporations are good and large body counts leads to long lasting friendships. These portions of its plot make it stand out amongst most comedies and this makes it a very smart film.Also, the movie actually got me to dislike that senator who was trying to promote good health with a burning passion. Overall, I felt like the senator was wasting his time trying to put pictures on cigarette packages. I think this because I'm willing to bet that 99.9% of everyone who smokes has at one point heard that smoking is bad for you. That hasn't stopped them from smoking so I don't think that Senator Ortolan Finistirre's plan would decrease the amount of smokers that much. I'm not a smoker, but if I wanted to start, I wouldn't be persuaded not to do so just by looking at the pictures on the boxes. The warning labels we already have are just fine. Also, I felt that Nick did a much better job in his debates with him because he made his point more firm and sometimes, his points were so good that the Senator couldn't think of anything to say after he made his point. Also, the senator often spent more time in the debates asking him questions which weren't that good instead of disagreeing with things he said before. I won't spoil what the Senator does at the very end of the movie because it is really funny but he appears to lose his mind by the end.If a movie has me liking a character trying to convince others to smoke and if it has me disliking a Senator trying to promote good health, I'd say that it definitely did something right. Some may argue whether this is a good or a bad thing, but I think that this is a good thing because it shows the many things that movies can do. I can't think of any other movie which has done this before.Also, the acting is pretty great. Aaron Eckhart's performance as Nick Naylor is outstanding. He easily carries the whole movies as he is able to deliver his lines with a sense of courage and fearlessness when he is in debates with other people. When he goes up against big people, he treats it like it's just another day at the office. He was the only actor who impressed me, but that's not to say that the other actors did a bad job. They still did a good job as well. Adam Brody, William H. Brady, and J.K. Simmons were good actors too. However, they didn't have the same charm as Aaron Eckhart did in the film.Like most great, underrated movies however, it's not without its flaws. The pacing can get to be a little tiresome near the middle of the film and some scenes can drag on a little too long, but this is about the only thing which bothered me and even when I felt a bit bored, the film always managed to suck me back in at the next scene.In conclusion, Thank You For Smoking is a smart and entertaining comedy which will stick with you long after viewing it. It doesn't take any sides and it also has a thought provoking and well thought out meaning behind it. The acting is also pretty good as well. It may have a few drawn out scenes which can get tiresome, but this is a minor criticism on my part. This movie should be viewed by everyone. It is quite an experience to watch it just because it gives you another side of the argument which is very valid and thought provoking. It is a film which definitely flew under the radar.
mcsteamy-54-938259 First,sorry for asking questions in review,i am bad at English which make using "FAQ" hard for me. i just really don't get what does it mean when the mortgage part.the man say mortgage is much of the life goal.and something about rent. my friends keep arguing about that and just can't come to a conclusion. i don't know when sb will happen to read this review,thank you for your time .apologize for my bad writing . there ten lines? i can't do this writing!it makes me feel like i am in my English exam.... what? i will never get it. OK..i am going to write something just help me to fill the paper:i like this movie,and i found myself really interested in arguments.i just finished one course in Coursera provided by Duke university mainly about arguing,and makes me analysize articles and put them into the standard form to figure out how it works. people just keep making bad arguments all the time!maybe i am too hard on them,anyway ,i think if you want others listen to you,it's so basic to put your agruments right and pick the right word.(and work hard on English at least in my case) By the way,the Chi Gorv just blocked(i am sure it;s not the right word)the line,ins just after google FB twitter and so on,thank you for leaving IMDb for us!Maybe the officer
Sandeep Gupta Thank You For Smoking. Some movies really fall into different territory all together. Just think of people who are playing the role of Merchants of Death like our hero Nick Naylor played by super Aaron Eckhart who is a lobbyist on behalf of companies who make billions by selling cigarettes and are root cause of 1200 deaths every day. Our hero just does not defend them, he makes sure no one thinks of them being bad people. Although he has facing a personal battle where he has to justify his stand to his growing son who is so fond of him. Directed by Jason Reitman of Juno and Up In The Air fame, this movie is a little cracker with delicious and witty one liners coming at rat a tat speed, characters which are so well defined and screenplay which as clean as water in mountains. I wish the war with senator was given more length as I felt that movie was over before its due time. I am going with fantastic 8 out of 10 for Thank You For Smoking. It is such a delicious comedy and drama with out of box idea that will keep you thinking for days
cleary-joshua It's often interesting to see the directorial debut of someone who has gone on to make so many great movies ever since. In so many debuts, like "Duel" or "Following", you can see traces of some of the best tropes or idioms used by a certain director. "Thank You for Smoking" is no different, and provides us with a glimpse of the origins of Jason Reitman's fantastic and often dark sense of humour.The film follows Nick Naylor, a lobbyist for cigarette companies, through various different tasks and problems with his job and family. Nick's relationship with his son is really interesting, and gives the film some of its more touching moments. Plotwise, the film is fairly thin, and takes the shape more of a series of sketches or vignettes with interconnected stories and themes. However, this doesn't bog the film down at all, and just gives it the potential for even more humour and new situations. It's filled with a barrage of fantastic supporting characters too, from Katie Holmes' manipulative journalist, to Rob Lowe's Hollywood agent, and no part of it feels unnecessary or stuck on.The script is the movie's greatest strength, and it reaches a great level of satire, making you think as well as laugh. While smoking is the centre of the movie, it never is encouraged, since we know that Naylor is sweet-talking and slimy. The "Merchants of Death" meetings are a particular stroke of genius, bringing together three controversial industries and making them seem foul. From the very first scene of the film, where Naylor is attempting to put a good spin on cancer when he is opposed greatly on a talk show, even by a boy suffering from lung cancer, you can see that the film is not afraid of being controversial, but manages very well to bring its message across through humour.Lead by a fantastic set of performances and a razor-sharp script, "Thank You for Smoking" is a great start for Jason Reitman, paving the way for his later successes such as "Juno" and "Up in the Air", and manages to be touching, informative and down-right hilarious throughout.