Fever Pitch
Fever Pitch
PG-13 | 06 April 2005 (USA)
Fever Pitch Trailers

When Ben Wrightman, a young teacher, begins dating pretty businesswoman Lindsey Meeks, the two don't seem to have a lot of the same interests, but they fall in love, regardless. Their romance goes well until baseball season begins, and Lindsey soon realizes that Ben is completely obsessed with the Boston Red Sox. Though she tries to understand Ben's passionate team loyalty, eventually it threatens to end their otherwise happy relationship.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
zkonedog There are, to be sure, more than a few reasons to dislike this movie. It's cheesy as all get-up, as sappy as maple syrup, and the final scene is so unbelievable as to be laughable. Yet, at least for me, "Fever Pitch" works because of one factor: the ability to describe the life of a baseball die- hard.For a basic plot summary, this movie tells the love story of Ben (Jimmy Fallon) and Lindsey (Drew Barrymore). Ben, a school teacher with a Boston Red Sox obsession and Lindsey, a confident career-woman, play off each other's personas in typical rom-com format.Had this movie not dealt with baseball, I probably wouldn't have had anything to do with it. At its core, it is true rom-com through and through. However, being a huge baseball fan, I could really relate to Fallon's character. The entire film really nails baseball fanaticism. Whether it is Ben getting down on one knee to reveal...a ticket to Opening Day, or charting out pitching schedules to make sure he never misses Pedro Martinez, Fallon's antics are very relatable to the hardball diehards. Over the top, yes, but springing from a kernel of real sports fanaticism.Another "luck" factor to this movie is that it follows the 2004 Boston Red Sox, perhaps the most endearing baseball team so far this millennium. Every baseball fan (from the Bronx to the Bay) remembers that fantastic run, so this movie (by sheer luck) re-captures that magic every time it is played.Overall, "Fever Pitch" is a traditional romantic comedy that just happens to be something more for fans of the'04 Red Sox or baseball fanatics in general. It isn't perfect, but it is quite entertaining and will get watched more than once a year if in your collection.
Python Hyena Fever Pitch (2005): Dir: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly / Cast: Jimmy Fallon, Drew Barrymore, Jack Kehler, Scott Severance, Ione Skye: Routine but heartwarming romantic comedy about addiction and relationships. It stars Jimmy Fallon as a school teacher who meets ad executive Drew Barrymore during a school field trip thus begins a relationship. Things seem too perfect until spring rolls around and his addiction to the Boston Red Sox baseball team surfaces. Now tension rises as Barrymore stresses over whether their relationship is as important as the game. Great setup travels by formula however the ending is clever and rewarding. Directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly who previously made three comic masterpieces in Kingpin, There's Something About Mary and Shallow Hal. Here they don't hit greatness but they do provide the same level of comic emotion thanks to the leads. Fallon is superb as someone who hasn't learned to prioritize with relationships. Barrymore adds to the chemistry with charm and wit. They have fine comic chemistry that is not backed the way previously mentioned Farrelly films have in terms of other characters. Unfortunately the supporting roles are flat and serve mainly as props. Theme regards relationships and recreation and how it can be difficult to address both equally. This is backed with a number of laughs that generates a high batting average. Score: 8 / 10
Alexander Moon Wow just wow, I love good rom coms and I'm totally attracted to the lovely Drew Barrymore but I've never been into my baseball at all till tonight and my first viewing ever of a baseball flick aka The Perfect Catch ("Fever Pitch" in the US). I had low expectations knowing who was directing it (I hate The Farelly super gross and vulgar humor that is NOT making me laugh the slighest), the matter (baseball) AND one Jimmy Fallon (who was awful in Whip It from same Mrs Barrymore in 2009).But if there's something I love is to get proved WRONG and winning me over the (good)cause of baseball, Jimmy Fallon acting chops and The Farelly ability to direct and entertain me for just one flick...I've seen bazillions of rom coms in my life and this one is a true gem : it made me smile a lot of time and even managed to make me legit laugh a few good times (especially Drew herself).I was fully entertained from start to finish and enjoyed the amazing chemistry between Drew and Jimmy. To make a legit good rom com you need a number of factors and the most important one is the credibility of the two main actors and thinking they would make a great real life couple.That's the case here, Jimmy is funny AND touching while Drew is as adorable and super attractive as ever...I would have surely loved to be in Jimmy's spot in this movie :DThe casting is solid and even if it's the Barrymore-Fallon show, the other actors are perfect in their roles from the biggest to the most obscure ones like the kids here.Like I've stated earlier, i've never been attracted to baseball the slightest (while being into sports like soccer/football and basket).Even more funny, I tend to enjoy New York and its sport teams so having me not only enjoying baseball BUT also ROOTING for The Red Sox is quite a tour de force and mad props for The Farelly for this.Another hero and standout from this movie out of the two main protagnists is the Boston City,Fenway Park and its perennial residents and of course crazy great supporters.I don't know how many real life Red Sox fans were featured in the movie (I've just finished it and yet to witness the many bonuses from the DVD) but man, each scene with them singing and dancing was an absolute highlight and put a HUGE Smile on my face :)It's simple, I was singing along with them (while discovering the said tunes) and screaming the glory of the old good Red Sox and empathizing for and their infamous "bambino curse" .I don't know (yet) if the Farelly are legit fans of Boston and its baseball team but they shot them in the most beautiful way possible.Not only is this movie a great tribute to a legendary sport team, its stadium and fans but it's also a very enjoyable trip to Boston, MA itself and it gave me the need to go to the US and visit this beautiful City from Northeast America.To conclude, if you're like me, and enjoy either Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, baseball, friendship that turn into love stories, good laughs and a great soundtrack and super catchy anthems, give Fever Pitch US/The Perfect Catch a try.The Farelly totally hit an absolute HOME RUN with this delicious rom-com and will leave you with a big smile on the face and wanting to go to Fenway Park to root for The Red Sox !TWO HUGE THUMBS UP and a vastly overlooked-underrated FEEL GOOD MOVIE For the ages !
Avid Climber Fever Pitch is an unusual romantic comedy. It does use the "opposite makes the perfect match" kind of routine, and the "hurt" shows up as a scenario plot, but it's all well used, and the choice of opposite is original.You don't even have to like baseball or know anything about the Red Sox to like the movie and appreciate the story. The writers take you along for the ride. It is funny and sweet. It won't let you down.Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore play their roles very well. Drew even shows up at her most sexy and most corporate. The rest of the cast also give a great performance. The soundtrack, editing, and camera work are all invisible, which means they are just right.The only negative things, would be, first, when Lindsey is sleeping in her office. Nobody would be strung out like that. Ever. Second, that again, the lead female reverts to wanting to change her man, when had actually started as accepting.If you're in the mood for a funny romance, you should see it.