School of Rock
School of Rock
PG-13 | 03 October 2003 (USA)
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Fired from his band and hard up for cash, guitarist and vocalist Dewey Finn finagles his way into a job as a fifth-grade substitute teacher at a private school, where he secretly begins teaching his students the finer points of rock 'n' roll. The school's hard-nosed principal is rightly suspicious of Finn's activities. But Finn's roommate remains in the dark about what he's doing.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
areatw 'The School of Rock' is an entertaining, feel-good movie containing the inevitable mix of clichés, over-the-top characters and a very cheesy storyline. Jack Black is in his element in this role, so much so that it feels like the whole film has been built around him. He shines, as you would expect, with his character delivering virtually all the jokes in the film.It's a great feel-good movie, but other than that, 'The School of Rock' doesn't have much else to offer. It's a good choice if you're in the mood for something cheerful and uplifting, but personally I couldn't sit through this film over and over again like some people. Overrated is the word that comes to mind.
greedodies This movie is a rare blend of comedy and drama that delivers the goods on all fronts. Even the sub characters deliver excellent scenes worthy of remembering. A movie worth watching again and again. Jack Black may not be able to top this fun loving character! Great music, great comedic timing and a stellar cast! The kids in the film are brilliant and the Joan is lovable as the Principal. Model/actor Lucas Babin steals the scenes he is briefly in. Richard Linklater pulls another rabbit out the hat and makes us wonder why he doesn't make more films! Thanks Mike White for your fun story. School of Rock is totally fantastic!
dierregi Jack Black is one of those actors who always play slight variations of themselves. He could be described as a character actor or less nicely, an actor with not much of a range.Not surprisingly, in this movie he is an obnoxious, selfish, immature guy who sings in a low-level band and exploits an old friend for free lodgings. When the girlfriend of said friend asks him to pay the rent, he resentfully set out to find a job. Said girlfriend portrayed as an unpleasant bitch, only because she makes a reasonable request...Through a series of implausible events Jack (apologies, I mean Dewey) ends up teaching rock to a bunch of kids in a posh school. Not because he likes teaching but because he needs them to be his "support band" for the battle of the bands, since no legitimate rock band would have him.It is quite creepy to hear a grown-up man telling pre-pubescent girls they could be groupies, not to mention the manipulation of kids for his own purpose. At the end Jack (I mean Dewey) acknowledges that the band is more important than any single member, but throughout the movie we see him in every single scene playing the only "cool" character among a bunch of boring, nasty, square people of all ages.Besides Black being totally predictable, the screenplay is even more so. Finally, for a comedy there are very few real funny moments. The only saving grace is the music, with a totally unexpected bit from Led Zeppelin exploding in a scene.For die-hard Black's fans and people who think being a freeloader is a cool way to live. P.S. also probably the worst Linklater film.
Thomas Hodgkins I love School of Rock. This movie is very funny. Mike White wrote a great script with hilarious and memorable jokes. Jack Black perfectly delivers many amusing jokes. He is supported by many other strong acting performances by Joan Cusack, Sarah Silverman, and Mike White. Even the children have decent performances as the students. Richard Linklater, one of my favorite directors, does a marvelous job of directing the kids. Also, the music in this movie is great. Many great songs were on the soundtrack, including: "Sunshine Of Your Love," "Immigrant Song," "Back In Black," and way too many more to name. This movie could've been bad in many ways: Jack Black acting stupid, lackluster acting, bad/child jokes, etc., but none of these things happened at all!This movie is one of my favorites. If you are debating whether you should watch it or not, WATCH IT!! It is, in my opinion, the most underrated film of all time, and everyone should watch this movie.