Nacho Libre
Nacho Libre
PG | 16 June 2006 (USA)
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Nacho Libre is loosely based on the story of Fray Tormenta ("Friar Storm"), aka Rev. Sergio Gutierrez Benitez, a real-life Mexican Catholic priest who had a 23-year career as a masked luchador. He competed in order to support the orphanage he directed.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
mor-73100 I'm mexican and this movie so so spot on a few cultural things. Nacho is totally outrageous and only Jack Black could have made nailed the role while bringing the character to life!! This movie is slap stick funny and has situational humor which I love. The movie has a tender sentiments and honestly made me laugh out loud at so many parts. Also sooooo many good quotes that will keep you laughing after months of watching the movie!
MazzingerZ This is a gem among too many movies trying to make comedy...those movies certainly deliver some good laughs but after you leave the movie theater the smile starts fading away and after a couple of days have past you barely remember you watched that movie...On the other hand, Nacho Libre delivers so many memorable moments! The humor is very Mexican which is ironic since some users complains about it being racist let me tell you that it was really enjoyed in Mexico because most of the people there "got it". American movies use stereotypes when it comes to Mexican that are not even accurate, like saying "Ole" or using a Flamenco hat(those are only used in Spain) or just putting actors that have Latino roots but their Spanish is far from Mexican Spanish (for ex. Benicio Del Toro) might not matter for US audience but the ones that know the difference between Mexican vs Central American or South American Spanish makes a big difference.Jared Hess uses real Mexican people and locations (Oaxaca, probably the poorest Mexican state but also one of the most beautiful), he seems to know Mexican culture well,the stuff they show is real Mexico the name of the kid is spot on, actually in Mexico everybody has a nickname and no one get offended, folks joke about their defects and no one gets hurt.The clothes, food, traditions and phrases spoken by Nacho are 100% grammatical correct so I would say that no American movie has ever being more respectful portraying Mexico that this movie...a movie about Mexico that actually feels Mexico. Mexico is a large country and has modern cities as well, but this was just the perfect place to tell the story of Nacho, it couldn't have taken place anywhere else. Mexican "Luchadores" in this movie remainds of real ones, one of them a legendary one but with a different color in the mask and I do not mean El Santo (which Jared was a fan as a kid) and the other remainds of a loyal companion but double as many although not as violent;-)Like I wrote, locations are beautiful so is the cinematography and the music, ohhh the music!This movie is for the whole family (although my kids got a little frighted by the "violence" on the ring since here is not common to see that kind of stuff), the innocence in Nacho is a pleasure to see, how good-hearted he is makes you happy, gives hope in a world full of so many ugly things. Friendship between him and his companion is fantastic. But don't misunderstand me, the humor is even more enjoyable for adults since only we get some of the jokes or see the craziness in them, humor is delivered in a way that makes it enjoyable for both young ones and adults.Secondary actors are fantastic as well!Kids learn more from this movie than watching some empty animated movie full of songs and about the same subject every time which somehow underestimates the capacity of analysis kids have. I rarely see movies twice, not year after year at least...I have only a bunch in that category: The Godfather I- II, Goodfellas, Once Upon a Time In The West, Dersu Uzala and a couple more...and yes: Nacho Libre.I laugh always so hard that my stomach hurts, the kid inside me enjoys this movie as much as my other part: the adult. I wish world leaders were more like Nacho, we all should be more like Nacho.
Python Hyena Nacho Libre (2006): Dir: Jared Hess / Cast: Jack Black, Hector Jimenez, Ana de la Reguera, Richard Montoya, Peter Stormare: Often funny take on wrestling as a monk who cooks terrible meals for orphans dreams of becoming a top Mexican wrestler. This is so to afford better food for the orphans under his care. Hilarious idea follows formula with awkward training and losing bouts until the predicted championship fight that hasn't the comic payoff that it should have. Nacho Libre and his partner were funnier when they were paid as losers. Directed by Jared Hess who had great success with the independent comedy Napoleon Dynamite. Here the budget is bigger but the screenplay isn't as effective as the simple delivery of the other film. Jack Black as Nacho is the strength of the film while Hector Jimenez plays a street bum who would become his partner and together they make a great losing combination. Why the film couldn't play out more on this level as oppose to creating winner, is beyond me. Ana de la Reguera is flat as a new teacher Nacho falls for. Her function is to do nothing more than be a conquest that is never convincing to begin with. Peter Stormare has done grittier roles of far more quality than this. He plays a character billed as Emperor and that is about it. Amusing view of wrestling and the adrenalin to be something more than the screenwriter seems to arise too. Score: 6 / 10
loridrys I think of myself as a liberal, open minded person...but the movies recently that my son wants to see with me have left me horribly depressed....the language they use, the terms towards women....all completely offensive, and not in the LEAST bit funny. (think- 21 Jump Street and the really isn't that funny)I have been ready to give up on movies all together...then I came across this movie. The movie relies on actually having a story....the silliness of Jack Black, and actually treats women with respect. It was sweet, funny and not the least bit offensive. A cute story, that even a 12 year old boy can watch and admits, 'this is pretty good'. A good story line and FINALLY!!!! THANK YOU JACK BLACK, for a funny movie!