PG | 03 November 2006 (USA)
Hoot Trailers

A young man moves from Montana to Florida with his family, where he's compelled to engage in a fight to protect a population of endangered owls.

Micitype Pretty Good
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Michael O'Keefe Based on a book by Carl Hiaasen, three middle-schoolers pit wits with corrupt politicians, money hungry real estate developers and some local not-too sharp cops. Roy(Logan Lerman)is the new kid in school, moving from Montana to Florida. Roy meets Beatrice(Brie Larson), kind of a tough girl, but really worth knowing. She is trying to help a boy that is going shoeless. Upon following this barefoot boy, they find he may be involved with vandalism at a construction site. When the small group, now friends, discover a burrow of hoot owls being threatened by the new construction crew, it is time to declare war against the people who should know better.The cast includes: Luke Wilson, Tim Blake Nelson, Neil Flynn, Jimmy Buffett, Jessica Cauffel and Robert Wagner.Soundtrack includes: "Floridays" and "Good Guys Win" by Buffett. Along with "Barefootin'" by Alan Jackson with Buffett.
donavanman1969 Terrible, terrible movie. Not that the thought behind it was terrible, but the execution was. Yes, kids might like it, but if a grown-up subjects him or herself to this farcical, poorly written, and pitifully acted Movie then you should be looked after in a nice nursing home in years to come.I found a few things to like..um..the kids had a common goal (chasing off the greedy profit-driven corporation..teamwork--working with a hodgepodge of folks usually outside their social caste. But let's be honest, the teenage kid who is "neglected" or "misunderstood" by his parents is pretty lame material. Then pair him up with the "bad boy" and cute little girl and worry about plot development later. 13 year olds breaking into government buildings, vandalizing private property and being lauded as heroes is not cool to most parents. So..the movie just stunk. Watch at your own peril.
doriecox There is hope for the Real Florida.This movie is for all people with kids and/or hope. As individuals, we forget, or fail to realize, that we can have an influence on events around us. This film is to remind us we can have a major impact on seemingly minor situations.Adults and younger will realize what is important in our quickly changing environment.Make sure that someone who needs to be reminded of local, personal and global priorities sees this film.Without mentioning... all Parrotheads must spread the gospel.
iloveuga1234 I love this movie! i just saw it today for the first time and i cant wait to watch it again! the best part of the movie is Cody Linley my favorite part is him!!! he is so cute!!!!! the second best part of the movie is when mullet fingers paints the cop car windows black! i love this movie! i love the owls they are so cute! i cant wait to watch this movie again!! i love it!!!<3:] this movie is very informational about owls and their habitats! i love owls! i wish i had one! i rented this movie today and i watched it and loved it!! this is a great movie for the whole family! i can not help but like this movie!! the best part is when the people from the pancake place stop trying to bulldoze the place where the owls are! the only thing i want to know is what is mullet fingers real name!! I love this movie!!!<3:]