Cow Belles
Cow Belles
G | 24 March 2006 (USA)
Cow Belles Trailers

In order to learn how to be responsible, two wealthy teen sisters are forced to work in the family business by their exasperated father. When company funds goes missing, it's up to the girls to save the day.

Micitype Pretty Good
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
alexahlefeld0404 I think the movie Cow Belles is very good! It is about two girls who lost their mother and now live with their father, and they learn the meaning of life by working at the fathers dairy farm! But while working there they go through some rough times..... but together as a family they get through it! I also think this is a really good movie because both Alyson and Amanda M. are very talented not only in acting but singing! I think they were the perfect girls for this movie! This movie is a wonderful, because it teaches you that just because you are rich doesn't mean you get everything you want. So that is why I love this movie so much!!! If you haven't already seen Cow Belles see it and if you have see it again!!!!
ali_belly69 This movie is truly awful. After seeing the advertisement for it, i thought it could have its charms ... but it didn't.The girls cannot act, and they cannot sing either. The soundtrack to this movie is full of their songs, and its not a pretty sight, Terrible story line, unbelievable plot, its one of Disney's worst movies by FAR!. Ally is not a bad actress on "Phil of the Future", so i don't know what happened in "Cow Belles". And her sister, AJ, seems to be just hitching a ride on her sisters "fame", and she displays no talent what so ever.At the end of the movie the girls do finally learn some cliché morals, but this is to late to rescue this train wreck movie.Awful
xoxoboston_babyxoxo this movie was excellent! I loved Ally and Amanda's acting and their song on the ride was perfect with the movie. I think they used all the right characters for each part. Everyone in this movie was a talented performer! Congrats on an excellent movie! I am so proud of Disney!!!!!! Remember to also listen to all of the songs Aly and AJ have written because they are all talented! Sticks and Stones especially because it helps many kids with bullying problems to find their inner self and to stick up to the bully. Please watch this movie. Disney and all other production companies did an excellent job with it and all of the cute boy characters are really and truly cute! Love this movie 5 stars!
phillycheesesteak I love this movie and i can't wait for everyone to see it! I think its funny and the Michalka sisters do an awesome job playing sisters! I would most definitely give this movie a 10 because of its awesome performance and its amazing genre. Heck, I'd give this movie a thousand and one. I'd love to watch it over and over again forever. I couldn't believe how good it was. I hope everyone likes and enjoys it just as much as I did because I know it was good and it deserves a lot of credit. Man, this movie was amazing. All I have to say is I loved it all of the way. If anyone doesn't like this movie, they don't have good taste at all.