R | 11 March 2016 (USA)
Grimsby Trailers

Wrongfully accused and on the run, a top MI6 assassin joins forces with his long-lost, football hooligan brother to save the world from a sinister plot.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
mikael-t-nielsen Everyone needs to laugh and this movie is hilarious!
bowmanblue I recently watched an online survey video on Youtube about the stars who had - in their words - 'lost their shine.' I was surprised to see that Sacha Baron Cohen's name was on there, largely to do with 'The Brothers Grimsby' (or just 'Grimsby' in some cases). I saw the trailer in the cinema and it looked pretty funny (doesn't it always?), but couldn't see that it was destined to bomb.It's sort of a 'buddy-cop' film where a pair of mismatched individuals have to work together in order to solve X, Y or Z. In this case, we have a pair of mismatched spies - one (Baron Cohen) is a slob from Grimsby, while the other is his long lost younger brother who is now a genuine suave, super-spy (Mark Strong). Now, I'm a big fan of the pair of them and was looking forwards to seeing how they interact on the big screen, plus I own pretty much ever Sacha Baron Cohen film to date. However, now I've watched it, I can see why it didn't do him any favours.I'd say that the first third is probably the best section of the film. It is genuinely funny and there were a fair few 'laugh out loud' moments. It centres on the pair of brothers meeting and the set-up for their mission established. And, yes, Baron Cohen and Strong do play off each other well (in fact, I swear there are some shots which had to be cut short due to Mark Strong trying not to laugh at his co-star's antics!). The film feels like an extended episode of 'Shameless' (only with more stylised gunplay) and works best when it's actually set in Grimsby itself (although I do wonder what the real residents of Grimsby will make of the way they're being portrayed on screen!).Unfortunately, the action moves away from the titular town and begins to traverse the globe. This is where things start unravelling. There are still funny moments and many do land, however it's not half as slick as its opening. This wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the fact that the film includes between 1-3 (depending on your opinion) moments that are simply too over-the-top. I was happy to suspend my disbelief in order to make the plot/gags work, but sometimes things go too far - as if Baron Cohen is trying too hard to shock in order to get laughs. These bits stick out as annoying and just cringe-worthy in a film which is actually reasonably solid.I enjoyed the film, simply because more parts of it worked that didn't. However, as I mentioned, due to those few scenes which just stick in your mind for all the wrong reasons, I can see how it won't have helped Sacha baron Cohen's star remain sparkling.
nhoiyee This is one of the funniest film I've seen this year. I like Mark Strong usually plays villian or sidekick role. It is great to see him in a comedy. The story is funny at all time and not a dull moment, I saw this film 3 times as I'm in love with Mark Strong, but also able to enjoy all the funny parts repeatedly. Definitely stands out among most of the mediocre films this year.
SnoopyStyle Nobby Butcher (Sacha Baron Cohen) is an idiot football hooligan from Grimsby and has 11 children with Dawn (Rebel Wilson). He is looking to reconnect with estranged brother Sebastian Graves (Mark Strong). Sebastian is now a gunman for an MI6 offshoot. His investigation leads to actress philanthropist Rhonda George (Penelope Cruz). Nobby's interference causes Sebastian to be blamed for an assassination. Sebastian is forced to team up with his secret brother Nobby.Nobby is partially annoying. Once I get over it, his idiocy is a little funny. It's all silly and outrageous. I'm half rolling my eyes, and half smirking in disbelief. I'm bored with the poop jokes and the more obvious stuff. The shock humor is over the top. On the other hand, SBC often hits the audience with some unexpected humor. It's a real mix bag.