Summer Camp
Summer Camp
| 18 March 2016 (USA)
Summer Camp Trailers

A group of people have just signed up to be camp Councillors at a foreign country. They expect the camp to be the place for a memorable summer. Instead, something strange is going on and some of the campers begin to act strange. Things go terribly wrong real fast as a terrible game of tag has the campers running for their lives or going after the campers.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Stevieboy666 Shot in Spain this starts off reasonably interesting but quickly descends into an hour or so of infected people chasing non-infected people which becomes tiresome & tedious. It's also confusing as the infected become uninfected, then infected again. The ending is reasonably good but it's too little too late. The title sound more like a slasher movie, perhaps it would have been better had it been one instead.
jtindahouse The horror genre is getting to the point where if a film isn't completely terrible, it's almost considered a good film. A sad but true fact. 'Summer Camp' falls almost exactly into that scenario. It certainly isn't a good horror movie in any way, yet because it is adequately made and isn't totally uwatchable you find yourself asking yourself, "was that good?" The film is trying to be a 'Cabin Fever' of sorts (a very fine horror movie), but it fails in all the areas that made 'Cabin Fever' so good. Firstly, the characters in that film were brilliant. They were realistic, yet endlessly likable. In 'Summer Camp' the characters are about as thin a wafer and as unlikeable as they ever come. No genuine time is spent trying to boost them and give them some dimensions. The director simply wants to get the blood and guts underway.Secondly, there's no creativity put into any of the horror. Not once did I even come close to getting a shock or a fright and all that was left was boring zombie-like nonsense that has been seen a thousand times over. All this makes it seem like this was a much worse film than it really was. The truth is it's probably better than 65% of horror films out there. However that says more about the state of the genre than anything else.
a_baron A small group of American teens or near teens stuck in the woods threatened by monsters or things that go bump in the night. Where have we seen this before? Twelve hours later, when you have completed your list...this one is not about monsters or zombies, although the zombie connection is not that dissimilar. The group have flown to Spain where they are to teach young kids English at a summer camp miles from the nearest town, only the kids haven't arrived yet, so they are currently amusing themselves. No, not like that, shame on you for even thinking it; there is no sex at all in this film, and not much else bar people running around in the dark screaming. One of our heroes is bitten by a rabid dog, and goes crazy. Or was it really the dog? We are given the answer near the end of the film, the dog bite was actually a coincidence. What has really been happening is somebody has been mixing mushrooms with water, as you would do. This has led to an outbreak of stachybotrys, better known as black mould, something that is actually mentioned in the "Bible". In the real world this condition can cause a wide variety of medical problems, especially in the young. Fortunately the effects are temporary, in this film at any rate, which begs the question how many of them will survive till the end? Unfortunately, to find that out, you too will have to survive to the end, which is barely an even money proposition.
braddles-21974 Before I begin, let me say that I would honestly give this movie a solid 6-6.5 by IMDb standards. I rate it a 10 because the 5.3 just doesn't do it justice. This movie is a fresh addition to the plague genre and it wasn't as repetitive and predictable as other movies of this genre. In addition, the acting is well done and doesn't give a cheesy B-Movie feel to the film, which is kinda what I was expecting before I started watching this, but I was pleasantly surprised. One of the complaints about this movie is that it is very shaky. It does have shaky moments, but overall, I'd say that anytime the camera does shake, it is earned and warranted. I watched this film in SD and had no problem with the camera work. If you are a fan of plague movies or zombie type movies, I would definitely recommend giving this film a try.