Sun Choke
Sun Choke
| 01 October 2015 (USA)
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Janie’s just trying to get well. As she recovers from a violent psychotic break, she’s subjected each day to a bizarre holistic health and wellness regimen designed, and enforced, by her lifelong nanny and caretaker. But when she develops an obsession with a stranger, Janie's buried demons begin to surface.

Micransix Crappy film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Mace I knew virtually nothing about Sun Choke before I decided to check it out on Netflix. This movie had an extremely limited release date and flew under many critic's radars. My expectations were fairly high going into it, thinking that I may have discovered another subtle and underrated gem. Boy was I wrong. Sun Choke is a movie that has nothing important to say and feels cheap, gimmicky and recycled.Firstly, the good things. Admittedly, there aren't many positives with Sun Choke but I guess the acting was passable. Sarah Hagan in the lead role does a decent job even if she sometimes overacts. I can see her having bigger roles in the future, but for the rest of the cast, that's a different story. One of the supporting actresses in the film was particularly awful. Sure enough, this spectacularly attractive actress, is also a model. Just as I suspected. And conveniently, she has multiple nude scenes. So clearly the director decided to go for the looks instead of the talent which led to a laughably bad performance from her. Now the story. The story is basically a blatant rip-off of Yorgos Lanthimos' Dog Tooth, which just happens to be a much better film. Sun Choke attempts the "isolated training sessions" plot that so many films have done(better)before, which gives the film a recycled, cheap feeling. And if you are familiar with the genre, it is also totally predictable. There was nothing surprising about where the story went and frankly I stopped caring after 45 minutes. There is not one bit of originality in this campy, pretentious mess. None of the protagonist's psychotic actions can really be explained as all of the characters are completely underdeveloped, especially the main character. Her transition that we are supposed to find shocking, comes off as laughable and just forced. We know nothing about this character or why she is doing these things. The most explanation we get for the character's actions is "she's insane" and that felt offensively lazy. The camera work was okay and the lighting was decent but it doesn't even begin to bring the quality of this film anywhere close to above average.Sun Choke does absolutely nothing new. Basically it's entire story is borrowed and has nothing remotely interesting going on. Quite frankly it wouldn't be too harsh saying that this movie has no reason to exist. It's unoriginal, recycled and completely gimmicky. The pretentious take on the concept feels cheap and the blatantly obvious ending metaphor is as subtle as hammer-blow to the head.
marcar912 A confused and desperate attempt at an art house or psychological thriller. A complete mess. My only reaction is: GET ME OUT OF I watched the ravings and lunacy of the writer and director come to life on the screen. This movie would have been better off remaining in someone's fevered dreams than shown on the public stage. I understood what was going on but found it trite, pretentious and more than a little outre. If shock was the aim, it did not succeed.The gore was out of control in a way that did not suit the subject. Also what's with the videotapes of her childhood and the "memories" of her breech birth. I suggest you watch Dogtooth instead--a deep and commanding approach to similar subjects
charles000 For me at least, this film is a masterpiece of extreme character study and psych intrigue extracted from a very minimal budget, but parlayed into a brilliantly visual and emotional experience.It would be redundant to replicate the detailed description that has been more than aptly articulated by previous reviewers, so I'll simply limit my commentary to a general sense of quality of experience, and in that context, this production deserves high marks.Yes, some of the editing can seem to be a bit jagged, like a puzzle who's pieces snap into place at quasi random moments, but still leave enough holes to require a fair amount of contemplation for the viewer to complete the intended picture.But that's part of the beauty of this production, in that it absolutely pulls you in, requiring an attention to detail without becoming a tedious exercise for comprehension.Sarah Hagan matches her character as Janie perfectly. If anything, she makes the experience uniquely hers, as it would be difficult to imagine anyone else being able to capture the essence of Janie with such depth and precision.The content itself is disturbing, make no doubt about that. This film is certainly not for everyone. But for those who can appreciate this genre of story and character study, it's a superb expression of the artform.
kosmasp I had to "steal" this summary line from that one other review on IMDb (at this time), because it hits the nail on the head. Actually the review is very thorough overall, but this tag alone should be an indication if the movie itself is something you want to watch. Even without that tag line I went to watch it, not knowing anything except the title of the movie itself of course.And while it's slow moving/brewing, which might not be most people cup of tea, I have to say that it fits the movie and the story. There is incidental nudity and there is weirdness abound too. Characters behavior may not be easily explained under "normal" circumstances, but the movie is not describing normal at all. This gets clear pretty early on. Does it still sound like something you want to watch? It's not easy let me tell you that. Especially when our main character gets "schooled".There are a couple of themes here, rebellion, growing up, exploring and more and all packed in a psycho horror setting that will either feel "delightful" or nauseating, depending on your viewing habits. It's just a movie, so you'll either like the art created or loathe it