Red Eye
Red Eye
PG-13 | 19 August 2005 (USA)
Red Eye Trailers

A woman is kidnapped by a stranger on a routine flight. Threatened by the potential murder of her father, she is pulled into a plot to assist her captor in offing a politician.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Nazz86 Bad. Do not watch.Pathetic acting, pathetic and predictable plot. Terrible ending.
Thomas Drufke A B-movie Wes Craven thriller is the type of movie that was frequent around the mid-2000's and Red Eye is basically the quintessential version of that. It's far from perfect but an entertaining thriller with some slasher/horror moments towards the end of the film rounded out one tense film. Starring the always creepy but brilliant Cillian Murphy and one of Hollywood's sweetheart's Rachel McAdams, Red Eye is the kind of tightly strung thrillers that you see randomly appear on Netflix and wonder why you've never heard of it, only it's directed by a horror legend and stars two award caliber actors. It's a great premise as Murphy and McAdams sit next to each other on the plane and one knows more about the other than they choose to let on. Threats, murder plots, and plenty of shady phone calls ensue as the 2005 film does its best to thrill and entertain for 80 minutes.6.9/10
Leofwine_draca Wes Craven's latest movie after the lacklustre CURSED is a biting thriller that is definitely the director's best since SCREAM – and better than a lot of his films made before SCREAM, too. It follows the recent convention of setting thrillers in just one location – COLLATERAL's taxi cab, PHONE BOOTH's well, phone booth. RED EYE is a film set almost entirely on a plane, but that doesn't mean we're in for some sub-PASSENGER 57 theatrics; instead, this is a surprisingly mature and well-plotted film which makes maximum usage out of its minimal sets and has a snappy script to boot. Craven is happy to leave the bloodshed and supernatural killers behind to make a more realistic kind of film that only descends into cheese in the last twenty minutes or so, when it becomes an amusing, HALLOWEEN-style stalk-and-slash game between heroine and antagonist.I'd wanted to see RED EYE ever since I watched the trailer and noted that it starred the mesmeric Cillian Murphy, who was so good as the Scarecrow in BATMAN BEGINS. I wasn't disappointed – Murphy is fantastic. I remember watching 28 DAYS LATER and not thinking much of him, but a couple of years later and he's emerged as one of the freshest young talents in Hollywood. Here, he plays it restrained throughout, chilling the viewer with his dead-eye stares; there's definitely something about his eyes which sends a real chill down your spine. As is often the case with these kinds of films, I felt for Murphy; he predictably takes a real beating towards the end of the movie which kinds of ruins the effect by destroying Murphy's menace.Rachel McAdams is the young, beautiful and resourceful heroine, and it's difficult to fault her too. Brian Cox is on the sidelines as her dad, but he has little or nothing to work with. A lot of the supporting actors are weak – especially McAdams' buddy Cynthia, who seems to think she's in some high-school comedy – but this doesn't detract from the excellent central pairing. Craven's work is good, too, with great photography and a wonderfully executed set-piece in a high-rise hotel. Although the violence is restrained for a 12A certificate, it's a surprisingly gruelling film with some really shocking moments – the pen incident being the prime contender here, definitely the best bit of the film and something you never saw coming. For fans who enjoy films which exploit the resourcefulness of the human being – whether it be PHONE BOOTH or even DIE HARD – RED EYE will be something of a pleasure. It's a simple-enough thriller with enough bite and gusto in the performances to make it a top-notch viewing experience.
RobertF87 In a world of increasingly bloated Hollywood epics it's kind of nice to see a film that has an economical run time (a mere 85 minutes) and a tight story.The late Wes Craven is best known for straightforward horror films, this is a thriller, though it does get into more traditional Craven territory towards the end. The film taps into a number of common fears about flying and loss of control. It's well made, maintains the tension throughout, but still has room for a joke or two.Rachel McAdams is engaging as the likable Lisa caught in a nightmare, and Cillian Murphy is effective as the soft spoken, cold eyed terrorist.Definitely worth checking out.