R | 13 July 2007 (USA)
Captivity Trailers

The sought-after images of top model Jennifer adorn magazine covers and billboards worldwide. When alone at a charity event, she is abducted and incarcerated in a cell with another prisoner. When their captor subjects the two to torture, they commit to escaping the chamber of horrors before they're killed.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
davidsmama69 I honestly don't know why this movie isn't rated higher than it is. I made the mistake of reading reviews before watching, so I went in with very low expectations of a Saw-type ripoff. It REALLY isn't. The only similar plot point is people sometimes facing events considered torture. It isn't, however, the "main attraction" whereas that is exactly what people want & expect of the Saw series. This movie actually has a plot, and several twists that I never saw coming. Some bigger than others. If you don't enjoy movies similar to Saw (i want to stress...only SIMILAR) then you may not like the movie. Some people just aren't in to it. Otherwise, if you give it a chance and don't nit pick over every tiny detail, its a great movie to watch. It definitely deserves a higher rating.
MattyGibbs The so called ' torture porn' genre isn't really my thing but if a film is well done, it's well done ie SAW and to a much lesser extent Hostel. Straight from the off however it was clear that this was film wasn't going to be falling anywhere near the well done bracket. The film boasts no back story, poor acting and a weak and feeble 'plot'. If you enjoy seeing people being tortured then I suppose there are a couple of scenes you may enjoy but for most part this is an incredibly repetitive and frankly boring film. A thoroughly nasty, worthless piece of film making put together by people relying solely on the hype of SAW to make a bit of cash. I see that this film was a box office flop and that tells you all you need to know about it.
Maz Murdoch (asda-man) "Captivity" is everything that is bad that exists within the horror genre, especially in these modern times. I'm a horror fan and so I know my onions when it comes to what makes a good horror film, and this is the perfect lesson in how not to make one. Get a couple of cheap actors, a lazy script that steals all the worst clichés, idiotic directing, poor lighting, preposterous editing, weird music and hideous special effects and you don't only have "Captivity", but a truly awful horror film."Captivity" borrows the bare basics from "Saw" and uses them in seriously unoriginal and unengaging ways. Sometimes it's a blatant rip-off with the model having to choose between shooting herself or her dog. However, unlike "Saw" which uses the traps for moral meaning, "Captivity" feels forced to use them in order to create some sort of sick excitement for people like Martin in "The Human Centipede II". However, even people like Martin are likely to be unimpressed with the terrible special effects used. At one point the blood is literally reminiscent of red paint as the model is forced to consume it.The torture scenes feel extremely forced and are incredibly hateful towards women. It's a misogynistic film and almost feels like we're supposed to be enjoying what's going on. The film tries to blurt some crap about vanity in order to provide substance, but it's obviously forced and meaningless. In fact, for the majority of the film very little seems to go on. It's incredibly dis-jointed with the model and the man being put through some mental torment and then being drugged with a fade to black and being woken up in another strange situation. It gets rather repetitive and dull.The so called 'twist' can also be seen coming a mile off, and I'm really bad at spotting twists! The whole film is really badly written with there being virtually zero characterisation given to our main heroine or the man, thus you don't particularly care if they live or die because the writer has decided not give them an ounce of likability. The villain is also a cliché as he bobbles about in a black cloak, obviously taken from "Saw" once again, and no explanation is given to why or how he's managing to do all this. Where would he be able to make all of these weird contraptions? The design of the whole place also doesn't make any sense what so ever. And it's not done in a meaningful clever way like "The Shining" it's just simply a bad location design. The first hour feels like a snuff film. It's not until the final twenty minutes that the plot actually tries to go somewhere, but by the time this happens you're already fed up and willing it to end. The finale is also something that's been done hundreds of times before, thus creating no suspense. The relationship between the model and the man also feels about as real as Luke and Ashley in Big Brother. I don't think sex would be the first thing on my mind if I was trapped in a basement and about to face imminent death.In short "Captivity" is an example of an incredibly lazy horror film. I don't award many 1/10's but I couldn't award this film any more as it has no redeemable qualities. It's a rip-off of "Saw" and countless other Saw-rip-offs, with atrocious directing and framing which is no surprise considering that the director used to direct episodes of "Coronation Street" in the 70's. We've had some excellent examples of modern horror recently with "The Cabin in the Woods" and "Inside" etc. But of course someone who knows eff all about horror will always come along and attempt to give what they think the audience wants. But we're not all sick psychopaths, some of us have brains and require more than a thinly plotted snuff movie.
Andy Steel A film with a very small cast that has a very claustrophobic feel to much of the action. I have seen it described as just another 'torture porn' movie, but I felt it had a little more depth to it than that. The trouble is, it tries to be a little too clever and as a result I found it ended up being a little bit too predictable. The filmmakers also failed to allow the audience to connect with the victim and as a result they cannot really sympathise with her situation. It's a shame because I quite liked Elisha Cuthbert's performance. Over all though, a little too predictable and without enough guile to hold the audience.SteelMonster's verdict: NOT RECOMMENDEDMy score: 4.7/10You can find an expanded version of this review on my blog: Thoughts of a SteelMonster.