Timber Falls
Timber Falls
| 07 December 2007 (USA)
Timber Falls Trailers

A weekend of camping in the mountains becomes an excursion into hell for a young couple, who become pawns in a grotesque plot hatched by deranged locals.

Executscan Expected more
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Leofwine_draca TIMBER FALLS is one of the most predictable movies I've seen for a while. It's an unashamed rip-off of the likes of WRONG TURN, complete with scenes of women in ripped clothing running through the woods while pursued by psychotic maniacs. You'd think that such scenes would no longer be trotted out after they were done to death in the 1980s, but it seems they remain perennially popular.The narrative involves a couple of hikers who decide to take a remote track and almost inevitably run afoul of some very strange folk living out in the wilderness. What transpires will surprise nobody, only to say that it involves extended torture sequences that are equally inevitable given the modern appetite for 'torture porn' movies. One thing notable is that the bloodshed is strong but never gratuitous or overly explicit; I didn't feel sick during any of the gruesome scenes as I did with the likes of HOSTEL and SAW. Instead TIMBER FALLShas a clean-spirited B-movie feel which buoys it up somewhat.The acting is generally passable for the genre; Brianna Brown is the requisite pretty blonde scream queen while Josh Randall starts out as a jerk but gradually grows on you out of his sheer persistence alone. The script works hard to create some original motivations for the many villains in the film, but there are some gaping plot holes and the lead guy really is an idiot at times, walking back into a bear trap at one point; it's hard to sympathise with him after this.Nonetheless, despite the plentiful flaws, I liked TIMBER FALLS. It's not art, but it is mildly entertaining and good for a single watch; the perfect sort of switch-off-your-brain-and-watch B-movie with all the action and blood you could hope for.
djderka I liked Saxon's headline...If Timber Falls in a Cinema..nice.Timber Falls was way over budgeted as a film and the box office comparison to budget reveals all. $2.5 million to make. $600K at Box Office. Loser.The film was about $2 million over budget in the first place. P2 was much more exciting and it took place in a parking garage! Wrong Turn was also far superior.Instead Giglio took out a video camera into Romania. He should have made this for $500,000, easy.Yawn ! oh, excuse me...couple goes hiking meets crazy demented couple in the boonies. Hey, does that sound original or what?Great line...after Sheryl is prancing around in bra and panties, 3 locals show up to taunt them. Then she says, "throw away your bullets". Movie should have ended there with Mike giving Sheryl to the local hunters and going to fish and hunt with them later as he was obviously dating a dimwit.So the sweet couple encounter some local crazed Christian couple, a goofy inbred, local hunters, all were really good actors, too bad such a lame script to practice their acting chops.Skip this flick and go hiking in the woods instead. You never know who you will meet.
showtrmp "Timber Falls" is like a "Saw" movie without the charm. There are a handful of good things in this tiresome gore-fest, but nothing that can't be traced to older, better movies--well, nothing except the wonderful Beth Broderick, who is so transcendentally good here she might be playing Lady Macbeth inside "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 14". (The person connected with this film who seems most deserving of torture is the agent who persuaded her to sign on. Is this all she's offered these days?) It's been, what, forty years since "Deliverance"--hasn't the evil-hillbillies-attacking-pampered-city-folk plot line had its day? And is it some kind of law that the protagonists of every horror thriller need to make increasingly stupid decisions that make the audience hate them? The female lead here is required to trip and fall TWICE while fleeing her attacker (each time taking about twenty minutes to gather herself together again); the only fresh twist is that the male lead is even more stupid (he trips too, and also backs right into a bear trap.) Once captured, this unappealing couple does nothing but scream and beg for over an hour while the religious-fanatic villains subject them to witless, boring ordeals. If we cared about the leads, or if they were resourceful enough to try some psychological wit-matching (at least), there might be genuine suspense. As it is, there's nothing to look forward to but more and more (fake-looking) gore, topped by an ending that doesn't try for cleverness or plausibility. (If you can't have one, you need the other badly).
kyleallen_9 I just bought this movie and I loved it. It sort of can be compared with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, only this one isn't a total gore-fest and is more of a psychological thriller. A young couple Josh Randall(Scrubs and Pushing Daisies) and Brianna Brown(After Dark Horrorfest 2009 upcoming flick The Lost Tribe) decide to take a weekend off and go camping. They wind up crossing paths with a couple of red neck town drunks, only to find out that they are being stalked by a deformed maniac. They end up being held captive by a religious fanatic and his wife, who cant conceive and want the young couple to get pregnant and give them their baby. The couple end up turning the tables in a bloody fight for survival. This flick has some sweet kill shots, so I definitely recommend this to anyone.