Piranha 3DD
Piranha 3DD
R | 01 June 2012 (USA)
Piranha 3DD Trailers

After the events at Lake Victoria, the prehistoric school of blood-thirsty piranhas make their way into swimming pools, plumbing, and a newly opened water park.

TinsHeadline Touches You
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
anterinho82 Worst movie i've ever seen. The only good part is Danielle Panabaker
sexgoose this is quite possibly the weirdest movie in history. boobs, crazy evil fish things that walk, the guy from back to the future? intensely woven through with strange characters and abysmally-written dialogue, this movie is a right hoot if i ever did see one. bring in the hasslehoff story line, the underground bootlegging business and the variety of love stories, as well as however people are reacting in this weird death pool, i rate this movie highly only because it is possibly the funniest movie I've ever seen.
metalrage666 I'll start by reiterating that Piranha 3DD is complete trash and not worth the price of admission or a waste of a free ticket, but having said that I must say that if you catch this on TV one night or get a copy from somewhere, this piece of schlock is a hoot.The whole premise of the movie, if you can look past the bad science and implausible plot lines, is that the piranhas have moved from Lake Victoria via subterranean rivers and set their sites on a water theme park. What sets this park aside from any others I've ever been to is the adult area, complete with the total nudity, droves of splash-happy double-D women and underwater cams. As well as the horny pool boy who likes to have sex with the underwater wall jets.Just as Richard Dreyfuss was the throwaway token star in the first Piranha remake, we now have Gary Busey, who really just seems to be playing himself. He and a friend wade out into a lake to retrieve a dead cow and it appears that the body is infested with piranha eggs and newly hatched piranha. After they are dispatched, the ravenous prehistoric fish kill a young couple after their van rolls into the lake. A few more random incidents occur and after a small piranha swims up inside a girl while skinny-dipping and then, ahem, latches itself onto a guy during sex, which results in him cutting the fish off by slicing off part of himself. (I'm not sure why he didn't just stab the fish so it lets go, but as I said earlier, it's complete trash and everyone is meant to be completely stupid). It's now apparent that the piranha are on the move again.A quick visit to Christopher Lloyd, who's now a YouTube sensation, and the gang are on the look out for piranha getting into the pipes. As usual the owner is having none of it and thanks to a crooked cop, any thought of shutting the park down is dismissed, so of course all hell breaks loose and fun slides run red as human is back on the piranha menu.David Hasselhoff is the guest celebrity, playing himself, playing his character from Bay Watch who is there to help open the park. He's basically made for this type of film as he's no actor, and as a comic relief is perfect for the tone of this flick.Ving Rhames also makes a comeback in this, now as a wheelchair bound aquaphobic. However when people start being eaten all around him, a pair of detachable titanium legs, complete with shotgun attachment, helps him overcome his fear in the best way possible.Really this is a junk film that turns out to be a lot of fun, which is pretty much like every other piranha film ever. The only difference in this is that there's a hell of a lot more nudity and more ridiculous, unrealistic death scenes than you can poke a severed penis at. Lots of half naked buxom women covered in fake blood running around mindlessly for the sheer sake of running around and the ending leaves us with the notion that this piranha franchise is going nowhere fast. I gave it a 5 as this did at least give me a few good laughs.
videorama-759-859391 Here's one sequel that's shockingly bad, and got more preposterous as it went along. Like last time, we have more hot babes donning bikini's, and exaggerated gore, some scenes that will have you in unbelief. Yes our little knawing fish with their killer teeth and angry eyes, are causing mayhem once again. A few actors from the first, stay back, which has you pondering why? May'be like Piranha, their need to eat. This time, they crash a new water park opening up, not your usual theme park, with some adult accessories, courtesy of Panielbaker's sleazy uncle, who dresses and sounds like some rockin' guy out of the fifties, bringing tones of Wayne Newton's voice with it. Some bits of this crappy sequel are truly funny as they are pathetic. One really pathetic moment, making you realize just how pathetic this movie really is, has Rhame's return as a cop (he played a lot of cops, in this type of horror fare) where his legs are now steel springs from the heavy blow he took in the first, that has him walking like Robocop. His replaced legs, also have an added accessory, which will have some of you saying, "This is the final straw". Seriously this sequel takes the cake, to all the other sequels of remakes, where this movie really reaches pathetic depths, barely running over an hour, and does have some particularly nasty characters. Oh yes, and how can I not mention the Hoff, taking the p..s out of himself, again, and Baywatch too, which includes the show's theme. Just let's these killer fish stay dead this time.