PG-13 | 11 April 1997 (USA)
Anaconda Trailers

A "National Geographic" film crew is taken hostage by an insane hunter, who takes them along on his quest to capture the world's largest - and deadliest - snake.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Wuchak RELEASED IN 1997 and directed by Luis Llosa, "Anaconda" details events in the Amazon when a documentary film crew come across a stranded Paraguayan snake hunter (Jon Voight) and take him aboard, believing he knows how to find the tribe for which they're searching. The furtive man turns out to be increasingly menacing, but there's an even worse problem: A giant anaconda! REST OF CAST: Jennifer Lopez plays the sultry-but-sophisticated film director; Eric Stoltz her boyfriend and anthropologist Professor; Ice Cube the tough cameraman; Jonathan Hyde the posh Brit actor/host; Owen Wilson the sound engineer; Kari Wuhrer his girlfriend and production manager; and Vincent Castellanos the hunky boat skipper.This is a combination jungle adventure and creature-on-the-loose flick and it works well largely due to: A notable cast, a quality slow-build script with increasing tension, and a genuine sense of high adventure, shot on location in the waters of the Amazonian jungles. Until the overblown final act when the cartoony titular reptile joins the cast, the movie's actually realistic and akin to "Apocalypse Now" (1979) and "Fitzcaraldo" (1982). Voight is outstanding as the menacing jungle hunter and you really get the sense that the crew is increasingly wary of him.The movie scores well on the female front with Lopez and Wuhrer, but their beauty could've been showcased better. Voluptuous Jennifer, for instance, could have been shown in tight-fitting pants or shorts, although there's a good early shot of her in a short nightgown. Don't get me wrong, the movie does well enough in this department.THE FILM RUNS 89 minutes and was shot in Amazonas, Brazil, and Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden, Arcadia, California. WRITERS: Hans Bauer, Jim Cash and Jack Epps Jr.GRADE: B+
Matt_Layden Let me tell you about a little film called Anaconda. I watched this film a dozen times as a kid, I loved monster flicks. Anaconda was bad, it was utterly bad, yet I've seen it more times than I want to admit. Now we visit it again, years later, so we can laugh at how ridiculous this film is. We open with Danny Trejo, for some reason they dubbed his lines. He doesn't speak English, but the voice the use is so much higher than what we all know to be the gravel voice of Trejo. Just something that I found funny.The monster effects are laughably bad at times and worse at others. When the snake is animatronic, the obviousness of it all makes it seems like a bad ride at universal. Then we have the CGI effects, which make the snake seem like it doesn't even belong on the screen. The first attack on a human, the entire thing looks like one giant blur. The first time we see the snake in general isn't with some Jaws like reveal, it's simply the thing slithering around in the jungle before it attacks a puma. No big reveal, no slow reveal...just the damn snake out in the open. In Ebert's review of the film, which is enthusiastically gave a thumbs up, he claims Jon Voight delivers a brave and slimy performance. That I can agree with, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a great performance. It's without a doubt, memorable, but in the campy way. He glares at almost everyone on the screen, his skin is slimy like a snake and immediately untrustworthy. No one else seems to think they are in a bad movie here. Voight seems to know this from the get go. Watch this film and then watch The Room and tell me the performances from them are not almost identical. Is he doing DeNiro? Is he doing Brando? Who the hell knows. It's one wacky performance, that much is a guarantee. This was one of the early Jennifer Lopez films that probably helped launch her career. Why? I don't know, she doesn't offer anything interesting here. Ice Cube and Owen Wilson play against their usual type, I don't think we've seen either of them in a monster flick since this one, Suffice to say, Anaconda is a bad film that boarders on being highly enjoyable. Sit back, laugh and enjoy the absurdity of Anaconda. If you take this film all, even for one second, then you will utterly hate it.
jacobjohntaylor1 If you want see a really scary monster movie. This is the one to see. This is one of the scariest movies made before 2004. Anacondas The hunt for the blood Orchid is scarier. But still this a very scary movie. I don't care what the silly critics say. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. Some people go to the Amazon in make a nature documentary. There running to some very big Anacondas. This a very scary movie. See it. Jennifer Lopez is a great actress. Ice Cube is a great actor. Eric S.t.o.l.t.z is a great actor. Jon V.o.i.g.h.t is a great actor. All the Anaconda movies are must sees.
stevehorvath59-289-337240 I rated this movie with a 7 on a scale of 10 due to the special effects that were more than just great, but were fantastic! Mr. John Nelson deserves all the credit for his 3-d creature animation that made this B horror movie so life like and horrifying at the same time. The story starts out with a National Geographic Group's journey on the Amazon river in search of a lost tribe. During their journey up river, they pick-up a stranded boater played by John Voight, who is in search of a giant snake to claim for his fame. When the giant snake is located, the members of the group take sides for and against capturing the snake, but Voight claims victory. Soon after this, some people fall prey to the snake and the true sense of horror engulfs both the crew members and the viewers alike. I hope you'll enjoy the ride to the end of the movie!