The Condemned 2
The Condemned 2
R | 06 November 2015 (USA)
The Condemned 2 Trailers

A former bounty hunter who finds himself on the run as part of a revamped Condemned tournament, in which convicts are forced to fight each other to the death as part of a game that's broadcast to the public.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
adonis98-743-186503 A former bounty hunter who finds himself on the run as part of a revamped Condemned tournament, in which convicts are forced to fight each other to the death as part of a game that's broadcast to the public. The Condemned 2 feels pretty cheap in front of the first film which i believe even got a theatrical release unlike this one. The acting was pretty below average although Randy Orton did try his best for sure. The film's storyline was also pretty dumb against the first one which although no masterpiece made a bit more sense as a whole. (4/10)
NickyCee Many of the other reviews here have done a great job of summing up how monumentally awful this movie is. To say it fails on every single level is old news. Nothing at all like Condemned which was a great movie. Condemned 2 virtually typifies many of the least entertaining things a movie can deliver. It's so far beyond bad. No one in the movie does anything a normal person would do. Not one. Randy "The Viper" just walks about shuffling his feet mumbling his lines putting inflection on all the wrong words. It's almost surreal. Then it's frown, fake smile, frown for no reason.Many drinking games can be developed on various bad traits in this movie - How many times a clear shot misses, how many times characters get 30 rounds out of a 10 round clip, how many times bets are made by the nameless gamblers yet NOTHING has happened to preface the bets - There is literally nothing to be betting on! Another great one would be to do a shot of beer (not the hard stuff - you'll be too wasted) each time Randy unnaturally pauses before progressing through a scene or delivering a line. These are not normal pauses, folks. This is Randy (who doesn't seem too bright and may have CTE from all that wrestling) trying his earnest to remember what his cut-rate acting coach tried to teach him in his week of classes. . . . "Now Randy. Remember how you learned on Monday that you have to stare at the phone for 3 seconds after a call has ended, right? OK, so today we're going to go over 'Unnatural Pausing for Dramatic Effect'? Now these pauses will happen completely unannounced and have no relation to reality -- BUT it will show your dramatic range and truly make the scene!"
spokanegolfer Very disappointing! I like Randy and think that he can be fine in movies, however, this whole movie was bad. Not very professional! Script, directing, acting, all bad. One scene, a guy is standing inside a gas station holding a shotgun. In the next frame, the shotgun is gone & he is diving behind a counter with a handgun.The best actor was Eric Roberts, at least his voice had some inflection in it! However, someone needs to tell Eric that a 1911 is a single action not a double action!Stopped watching about half way through and can't believe that I lasted that long!
Paul Wycherley Im giving this a 3/10 due to im a WWE fan and i felt sorry Randy Orton got dragged into making this film. The first film was a enjoyable film with great cast and a decent concept this one is the perfect evidence of wwe studios thinking that because the first one worked then we should do another one.......urrmm no!! This time round former bounty hunter (Randy Orton) is on the run from his own team as the condemned tournament gets revamped (his own team get paid off to kill him) and the so called fight to the death begins. The action is lackluster the fight scenes look like they are from the iconic 80s TV programme Knight Rider and not evan veteran Eric Roberts could help this film. If you are truly board and have nothing to watch no games to play and literally have nothing to do then you could kill 90mins and watch this film.