Surviving the Game
Surviving the Game
R | 15 April 1994 (USA)
Surviving the Game Trailers

A homeless man is hired as a survival guide for a group of wealthy businessmen on a hunting trip in the mountains, unaware that they are killers who hunt humans for sport, and that he is their new prey.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
veenboer-878-467899 I liked this movie very much! They should make more of them. Not only for the idea of a hunted man who is given the opportunity to survive the game by giving him a head start. What I especially like is the humour which is put in almost every scene. I guess it was done intentionally, but I'm not sure.. I laughed throughout the whole movie. The characters and dialogs are all over the top, but not in that matter that it;s not believable anymore.Rutger says to Mason: How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Mason: As many as I can get my hands on. Rutger: then you are not suited for the vacancy, we need a fit person. If you can run on the mill for 30 minutes you get 20 dollars. Mason start to run and gets 20 dollars and has the job. The last supper in the wooden house in the forest is absolutely hilarious. The father who wants to make his son a man by taking him on a manhunt, great humour!
videorama-759-859391 There are other films like this, one action spectacular, starring Van Damne around the same time, which I won't mention. The plot is straight forward. Homeless guy, Mason (very well played by Ice T, who inhabits his pathetic lonely character totally) after attempting to kill himself, is thrown a proposition, from his supposed savior (Charles L Dutton) to partake in a hunting expedition way up in the desolate wilderness. It is led by seedy hunting guide (Hauer, in great form as always) only he's the prey of Hauer, and his cronies. It's frightening to think this would happen for real, which this is the disturbing element of this nicely flowed film, with a sort of getting to know you scene, first, set around the dinner table. Ohll, I'm getting hungry. As dawn breaks, the hunt begins, only they of course, didn't count on Mason outsmarting them with some impressive and inventive traps, where you wouldn't think a character like him, would be capable of such smarts. But don't judge a book by it's cover. John McGinley was notably fantastic, as a real intense nutball of the group. His character might of seemed overacted, but it isn't. That's who this guy really is, and he does have it in for the black fellas. Ice T really holds his own here, playing a type, he doesn't normally play. I strongly felt the weakest performance, was that of William Mcnamara, as the reluctant son of F Murray Abraham where I've seen better acting from him too. The movie plays well on suspense, as it doesn't go straight in for the kill, and is unpredictable in bits, as to Ice T's wants and actions. The tying up loose end bit, was grand, as was the last bit of dialogue. Good B grade actioner, that entertained me wholly. You don't want to pass this baby up.
egorcabbagejuice I fell in love with this film from the first time i saw it. I'm a massive Ice-T fan and it was the first film i'd ever seen him in. I thought he was great and i was rooting for him the whole way through the story. There are a few classic scenes e.g. Gary Busey telling Ice-T how he got his birthmark, and Ice-T has a few cheesy one-liners. All this makes the movie a cult classic for me. If you liked Hard Target, you'll love Surviving The Game. Okay, Ice-T is obviously not the greatest actor, but his performance here is actually very good. It's all meant to be a bit cheesy anyway! McGinlay, Dutton and especially Busey all did well with their reasonably small roles. Hauer is, as usual, brilliant. So if you like your guns, motorbikes, fights and trees... you're in luck. 10/10
paulgeaf This really could have been a great chase/action movie. It has all the right ingredients with the hunters, the hunted, the unwilling hinted man being chased for his life through the woods...the claustrophobia, the suspense, the psychological element, yeah it had enough in there to maker a really great story. What happened then? First let me point out that I thoroughly enjoyed this film!! I enjoyed it when I realised it was not as professional as I might have thought at first, so I sat back to enjoy a good old action flick in the manner of Schwarzenegger or something and it fitted the bill well. The doc, Gary Busey, was just perfect in his role and I was a bit saddened when his character was no longer. He could have brought more to this movie.I haven't had the 'pleasure' of watching Ice-T in a movie until now.Ice-T is a bad actor! He also had such bad lines that maybe it wasn't exactly his fault. Either way he was quite a part in the downfall of this film. For someone who is a streetwise homeless guy he seemed to lack a bit of judgement and was as gullible as they come.OK OK OK forget all that. If you want to enjoy this film then you must suspend disbelief, don't ask questions about this or that character or why this happened or didn't happen, just get yourself cosy, sit back and have a good night in with this eclectic bunch of weirdo's trying to kill each other in the woods. It is as simple as that. For that it deserves at least 5 stars. Enjoyable but could definitely have been miles better.Oh and remind me not to watch Ice-T again...
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