Breathing Room
Breathing Room
R | 30 September 2008 (USA)
Breathing Room Trailers

Thrown naked into a desolate room with thirteen strangers, Tonya discovers that she is the final contestant in a deadly game. Restrained by lethal electronic collars, the players must utilize hints and tools from a box marked "pieces" to find both an exit and the reason for their abduction. One by one the players are eliminated as their "curfew" begins and the lights go out. With each dead body comes another clue, which they use to discover that one of them is the killer. The question is ... which one?

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
brett_kyle74 While this movie wasn't truly as abysmal as many reviewers have previously stated, it wasn't really a great movie. The overall plot had serious potential, but could have used a bit more development. It was just seriously lacking in some places. I won't even comment about "Saw" or "Cube" rips offs like so many have done. Movies take ideas from other movies every day. How many times has the doomsday scenario been done? Some did it well, some did not. If you go into this movie with the mindset that it's going to be somewhere along the same lines as "Saw", "Cube", and all the other movies that use this premise, you'll be one step ahead. You must also realize that it isn't going to deliver as well as those movies. The premise is fairly vague and the ending doesn't offer much in the way of closure or even comprehension of what just transpired. The acting was actually quite good, with minimal exceptions. After seeing it, you'll be able to draw your own conclusions as to whom those exceptions might be. I wouldn't say run out and rent this movie ASAP, but if you have a chance to watch it (and don't have much else better to do), it should offer a little bit of entertainment.It is your choice.
NiaValet I have to be perfectly honest here. I never finished this movie. The main reason? I did not care one whit about any of the characters. It started out badly for me when the first scene was an upset female, struggling, who eventually falls through a door into a well lit room, naked. Already I'm disappointed in the tactic. There is a plaque on the wall with instructions. OH! It's a game. There are rules to follow. Major rule: Kill or be killed. The characters introduce themselves to each other. Big black guy social worker, cute punk rude guy, blubbering overweight woman, tech nerd with glasses, tough girl b. priest, senior woman practical, etc. The extremes in the human spectrum making for some very predictable outcomes.After the third one, I checked out.
Quedra Actually I got high expectations at first when I see the cover. But without any doubt, I can define this movie as a time waste. Especially if you had watched the saw series you will regret that you spend time on this. It has obviously a very similar script of saw, but the thing is that, it does not have a strong or sharp subject. Indeed even the climax was very "unsuprising". On the other hand at the end you think that the whole thing got an idea, I mean it must have some logic behind the events; but guess the guy who wrote this just wanna do some money by making films without any talent. Still it is unfortunate that he got that idea while watching Saw.. Wish the writer will come up with some original ideas...
MissLucifer666 I'm a huge Saw fan and don't think that a movie is only good if it has special effects for example The Shinnig (with jack Nicolshon). I had high expectations of this movie because I like such "game" movies, but it's just boring. I wouldn't say its a ripoff from Saw, because Saw has a certain meaning in the game he plays, in this movie you just don't know why they are killed, they just end up dead each on their turn...thats' basically it. For people who love movie where the actors end up dead, with no real story, it surely will be good, but for people who like Saw or 13th game of dead etc it'll be just boring...And the ending my eyes it makes it worse. And please don't compare it with Saw!! It just don't look like it! For people who like game movie with not to much "violence" it's probably a good movie, but this movie just stain other good movies like...yes Saw or Cube or 13th game etc..Two words: meaningless and boring!
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