| 15 July 2008 (USA)
Asylum Trailers

The teenager Madison McBride is traumatized by the loss of her deranged father when she was nine years old and the suicide of her beloved brother Brandon one year ago. She decides to join the Richard Miller University, where Brandon committed suicide, to overcome her demons. While walking to her dorm, she meets the weird janitor Wilbur Mackey that tells her that the place is haunted.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Micransix Crappy film
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Albeiro Rodas There are many inconsistencies in this film. For example, Dr. Burke chases Madison and Holt from the asylum during the night to an old factory where is day! They say that Dr. Burke was killed in 1939 when Mackey was 11... As the story comes in 2007, Mackey should be 79! In the movie looks like 50! There is not a real connection between the drama of Madison and her family with a madness syndrome and two suicides with the drama of Dr. Burke. You imagine that the suicide of Madison's brother in the same asylum would have any connection with Dr. Burke, but no... This drama is never resolved. The college ambassador is a very disturbing character and he never faces Dr. Burke, as well as the police, as well as the many other resident students at the place that disappear completely from the last scenes as the main characters were alone in the place... Very poor film.
ctomvelu1 A bunch of college freshmen are housed in a dorm that was originally an insane asylum, where the doctor in charge perpetrated horrendous experiments on young patients. Soon enough, he's back from the dead, knocking off the college kids one by one. What starts out as a ghost story devolves into a standard slasher flick, reminiscent of many other such flicks. I wish it had stayed a ghost story, but it is evident that the filmmakers lacked the budget to go that route, as there are virtually no special effects. The first 20 minutes provide a good buildup to what then becomes a disappointing knockoff of the remake of THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, minus any viable spooky effects. The mad doctor simply shows up and kills, and then repeats the process. The college kids are all stock characters. although it's interesting to note two of the female leads are dead ringers for Claire Danes and Angelina Jolie. Couldn't hurt.
Scott LeBrun Only the most dedicated fans of asylum horror may want to bother with this one. It's not bad enough that it reeks of familiarity throughout, but the writing and direction are genuinely bad, the characters are far from being interesting or original, and director David R. Ellis ("Final Destination 2", "Snakes on a Plane") seems utterly incapable of coming up with some half decent atmosphere for this thing. It just falls flat, right from the start. The acting is uninspired right across the board, which is a shame, since there are two reliable veterans in the cast: Mark Rolston ("Aliens", "The Shawshank Redemption") and Lin Shaye ("There's Something About Mary", "Insidious"), both of whom are wasted, especially Shaye. The story deals with some typical college students assigned to a dorm that, wouldn't you know it, used to be an insane asylum decades previous. Not surprisingly, the doctor who was in charge (Rolston) was a barbarian who had disgusting ideas on how to "cure" troubled kids. So his restless spirit is delighted to be able to victimize these students, each of whom has psychological baggage. The good moments in this movie are few and far between; it does get somewhat more watchable as it goes along, but it never, ever generates any suspense or fright, even as our victims are confronted with images of their worst fears. The dialogue is ridiculous, as are some of the characters; Tommy (Travis Van Winkle, "Friday the 13th" '09) and Rez (Randall Sims) are the worst offenders. Sarah Roemer ("Disturbia") at least has some appeal as the female lead Madison, who witnessed a traumatic incident as a child, experienced another tragedy as a young adult, and who is afraid that she could have inherited the insanity of one of her parents. With not a single thing standing out in this unsatisfying mess, it's extremely forgettable, with a weak and groan-inducing ending to boot. This viewer can be pretty forgiving and not too hard to entertain, so the fact that he couldn't find anything to enjoy about this movie should warn you of just how bad it is. Three out of 10.
dfmapalo4 Okay, so first of all, this movie was made in 2008. It shouldve been better since we have improved with special effects over the years. Horror fans seek something new and different than all this "Re-imagining crap we keep getting of a lot of classic horror films. Anyway, throughout this movie, I saw a lot of scenes and themes from older, better and classic movies. For example, our "Killer" is bacially a phsycopath man who goes around killing teens in twisted and nasty ways. Just like the "Saw" series, except the dude is already dead. What the hell? So he is a ghost that is miracurosly alive and in good shape coming back for his so called "Revenge" just like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th. Burke is the killer's name and he has the Kruegar/Voorhees/Black Christmas theme to him. Next...we have our "wonderful" death scenes. Which are just like Black Christmas with the gouging of the eyes, ripping of the lips and tongue, hanging someone hanging from a string, chopping a girls head off...typical nasty crap. It is also very much Nightmare on Elm Street. The killer appears to his victims after the lights go out and he is able to transform into people's parents and make them re-live their worst nightmare. Just like Freddy Krueger.So I have made this clear that I hate this movie. Its plain stupid and retardedly messed up. I will explain more on the message boards.Directors...don't mess with the classics!!!! ~Sam~