Growing Op
Growing Op
| 21 November 2008 (USA)
Growing Op Trailers

The story of a teenage boy coming of age in a suburban grow-operation, where every day is paradise or fresh hell. But it's always a trip. Sheltered all his life and home-schooled by loving parents who are also committed criminals, Quinn Dawson yearns to experience the normalcy of the suburban world which surrounds him.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
csupilanas For me, being an Aspiring-Writer someday, this movie has become One of the few of my "Personal measuring sticks for comparison" to hold towards Films I decide to watch in the future. Growing Op is a great coming-of-age Dramatic Comedy, and definitely a "Must-See" for Film-buffs like myself. It is about a Teenage Boy Quinn (Yaffee), who is born and bred from a very Unconventional-Family who run a Marijuana Grow-Op. Home-schooled and Isolated from Society, Quinn decides to venture out and experience what it feels like to be "Normal."I thought this film has great substance (Provocative Topic for one thing). Followed a decent linear, story structure; funny "laugh-out- loud" scenes to a few memorable-dramatic ones throughout; and the Cast did an excellent job with their Characters. The Cinematography was very Bland and Ordinary, which fit the overall style and tone of the film perfectly, to me at least. The end was very "Un-American and very Canadian" at the same-time, which was very amusing and entertaining for me!What I really loved about this film, was that it made me question a few things about myself as a person. But, It really did re-affirm some of my personal beliefs as well, and made me feel "Proud" afterwards about being a "Mis-fit," and that a person doesn't really have to be a conformist to make their way in this world. You'll find that even being "Normal" does have its flaws and seem odd, as you'll figure out along with Quinn. This film does pretty well at exploring the Human Condition and Society as a whole in the back-drops of High School and sub-urban lifestyle.Its quite a Rarity and Gem seeing a Decent Canadian Film. Sadly, the only thing I regret while watching this film was that I wasn't able to enjoy it with a Joint! *wink*
mlgoode I can't believe all the positive reviews for this awful movie. I suspect that most of the reviews are plants by the children of the embarrassed adults involved taking this horror of embarrassingly bad writing and phoned-in acting to market. Even the plants look artificial.Have these critics never seen a movie before? And speaking of lack of background, did the set designers do no research whatsoever about a real grow op? Nothing rang true about this movie--not the parents, not the cops, not the growing operation, not the high school...nothing. Come to think of it, maybe the other reviewers and the screenwriter are one in the same; both are totally lacking in credibility.
carabas2003 Quinn, (Steven Yaffe), a home educated teenager growing up in a family with counter culture parents who run a suburban grow-up wants to lead a normal life. He enrolls in a local high school in order to pursue the girl next door. His attempts to win the girl of his dreams run afoul the school president who sets the high school bullies on him. After enduring humiliation Quinn manages to turn the tables on his tormentors and beat the system at the same time. The funniest high school comedy since "Rock and Roll High School" Neatly reverses the usual stoner formula. Highly sympathetic and nuanced performance from Rosanna Arquette as the mother. "Growing Op" appeals to both the sixties generation and today's teen agers. Both groups see themselves in this movie. High energy, strong music score, MTV style editing and polished script and direction drive this picture along. Not to be missed.
mariakmercer I really enjoyed this movie. I thought it was excellent and I recommend everyone to see it. I hope it wins the Oscar for Best Picture, it would get my vote! GO SEE THIS MOVIE! The acting in it is incredible and the script itself is very unique. The directing is impeccable and the overall feeling was super feel good. My friend convinced me to see it with her and I do not regret it one bit. Our other friend couldn't go and she regrets it a lot. I am usually very critical of movies but this one was just so good. I hope it goes all across Canada as I do not live in Halifax, Toronto or Vancouver. I'm telling everyone I know in those cities to go see it. It is worth the 10 dollar movie ticket. I would even pay more than that to see it.