Shotgun Stories
Shotgun Stories
PG-13 | 01 October 2007 (USA)
Shotgun Stories Trailers

Shotgun Stories tracks a feud that erupts between two sets of half brothers following the death of their father. Set against the cotton fields and back roads of Southeast Arkansas, these brothers discover the lengths to which each will go to protect their family.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Gre da Vid You have to wonder why and how step-brothers can hate one another to the point of death. This story will tell you how.
Donald Buehler The 4 Tops had it right in 1966 when they sang this song - except this film was not made until 2007!! How did they know? Seriously people a 7.3 rating? Granted the acting was good and the soundtrack appropriate, but classifying this film as a thriller, as my 3 three year old grand daughter would say "is Ridkolous."The plot is slow, the actors talk slow, they move slow, the music is slow, the "action scenes" take literally seconds. (so I guess you could say they were not slow) I understand that things which occur off screen can take on greater depth and imagination, but for that to occur, something has to happen. And not much happens throughout the movie. And amazingly the director must have thought at times too much tension was building, so he even stepped it down a notch or two with even slower music between scenes. For instance, during one scene, a car drives up to the house!!! Now wait a minute, modern audiences can only take so much!! please let us catch our breath!Now some may see great existential meaning in the film - that this gives depth and meaning to the Southern farm experience, etc. etc. etc. Well the only thing I can say to them is Hans Christian Anderson called "BS" on that many years ago with "The Emperor's New Clothes." And then finally, there is the dialogue. Can it be true that people from Arkansas only speak in 2 or 3 word sentences? Well if this is your cup of tea, good for you. As for me and my household, we place this one among the notables of snoozdom: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Cache", and the all time snoozer: "Boyhood"
propanejoe2003 This guy , Woodward must have watched this movie in some drunken stupor. There is no Sewage pouring into any river. Its the catfish farm circulating pump. His blatant anti gun attitude seems to be more of a jealous streak that his country hasn't that freedom . There are no gun shots in the movie, no knives,and no lily pads rotting. What a rube. He has no conception of Americana nor human nature. The movie asks you to really put yourself into the shoes of people in a non-dramatic life which most people live with something in the past of the main character that we can only speculate as does several minor characters during the film. What a sleeper this film is and I am glad to see some of the actors continuing to work in cinema.
lastliberal I've seen Michael Shannon in too many movies to mention, but he may get his due this year with an Oscar nomination for Revolutionary Road. This indie, shot in the State I spent a lot of my growing up years in, is an excellent performance for him. Most of the others in this movie about family tension and revenge are new to acting.Wars between families and clans are nothing new. There are the famous Hatfields and McCoys, and I just watched L' Héritage (The Legacy) that had the same subject. Here, a daddy left three sons and went off to start a new family. They come together at the funeral, but the abandoned clan set off a feud when they dissed the old man.It was a slow movie, with a few fights, and it verged on exploding, but family wins out and bloodshed is minimal.