In Search of a Midnight Kiss
In Search of a Midnight Kiss
| 27 April 2007 (USA)
In Search of a Midnight Kiss Trailers

Broke and alone on New Year's Eve, Wilson just wants to spend the rest of a very bad year in bed. But, when his best friend convinces him to post a personal ad, he meets a woman bent on finding the right guy to be with at midnight.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Micitype Pretty Good
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
adi_2002 Wilson, a man almost thirty years is alone on the night of the New Year. He has fantasies with Min, girlfriend of Jacob. It recommended that he put an ad on a popular dating site and is contacted by Vivian, a rebellious girl, strict and that seems to want to do everything in a very big hurry. After they met between the two occur events which reveals that they could match but not before he take her out to dinner in a fancy restaurant and being put in a position to talk to her former boyfriend from witch receives threats and so he have to rush to help her go home to recover some things before Jack comes and gives them fire. Did this for then to go to the party where his friend Jacob will propose marriage to Min. Things take a strange turn when she jumps on him to kiss but he then rejects her. He tells Vivian what happened but it does not upset because both understand the situation and what they wanted exactly happens will not be alone New Year's Eve and eventually Wilson finds what he wanted, the most desired midnight kiss. Although the action takes place in December, in the winter, I have not seen even a snowflake not an inch of snow on the streets and do not know why it was filmed in black and white. Maybe it was hiding the fact that the outside was another season? Anyway a good movie about love differently than others seen so far from where we can learn something because it can happen in real life.
mrandocalrissian It would be grossly unfair on Alex Holdridge, the writer and director of "In Search of a Midnight Kiss", to use the term "rom-com" or to draw any comparison between this film and any of the light and frothy chick-flicks against which he would have been vying for the old teen/young tween audience. "In Search of a Midnight Kiss" is much, much better than this. The narrative spans twenty-four hours beginning on the morning of New Year's Eve and follows the life of Wilson (played by a young-Hugh-Laurie-look-a-liking Scoot McNairy), a budding script-writer approaching the dreaded thirty years of age and who has followed the traditional trail west to Los Angeles in order to build his career. Typically, his life has stalled and L.A. dreams have rusted away into days spent smoking weed and masturbating over his best friend's girlfriend. Taking pity on him on this particular New Year's Eve, these friends convince him to add a personal to Craigslist in order to secure a date for that evening – a move that shortly sees us introduced to Vivian (Sara Simmonds). The film then follows Wilson and Vivian as their date progresses, rather clumsily at first as Wilson's dated Romantic views clash with Vivian's neo-feminist go-get-it attitude, before the latter's tough façade fades and the two begin to bond through mutual insecurities and cynicism towards modern-life and love, aided beautifully by Holdridge's easy dialogue. However, this is so much more than the typical Hollywood flick aimed at bleeding dry the girls-night-out pockets. This is not just a story about love; it is a story about insecurity and how the changes in our life are governed by these insecurities, something not just limited to the characters' or viewers' lives either. There's something greater to be said here about Los Angeles and Hollywood - much like how the characters cover their insecurities with aggression, be it violence or sexuality, Hollywood's once-esteemed stage theatres are standing empty, largely unused except as strip clubs and nude cabaret shows – and the film studios are surely no better off.I guess it is a cruel irony of this that the box office takings for "In Search of a Midnight Kiss" were so low. I would suggest a problem with the marketing at the time of release but confess that I don't even recall seeing any marketing at all (I found it only through peer review). This film is charming, beautifully shot in black and white; it's thought-provoking and deeper than its appearance but with enough humour and character-magnetism throughout to entertain any viewer. The script is wonderfully natural throughout and both the main stars turn out thoroughly engaging performances. I'd recommend this film to anyone, but especially to anyone who has ever picked up a Douglas Coupland novel, or who has ever looked out the window and considered how cheap those things we esteem highest are often portrayed in the media.8/10. A hidden gem. What a shame that it was so overlooked by the cinemas. Perhaps it was released the same week as some cheap and forgettable Jennifer Aniston rom-com...
lewiskendell Despite the fact that In Search of a Midnight Kiss was shot with that cheap digital video that I HATE, HATE, HATE, (seriously, I let out an audible sigh every time I realize that the movie I'm about to see uses it) I found it to be pretty enjoyable. Refreshing, even. It's a tale of loneliness, Los Angeles, and New Year's Eve. Depressed and lonely Wilson puts an ad on Craigslist at the bidding of his best friend, in a last-ditch effort to not be alone on New Year's Eve. The ad is answered by an aspiring actress named Vivian, and the two of them meet and spend the rest of the day in a long, rambling, eventful date that takes them through various parts of Los Angeles. It's actually a lot cooler than I make it sound. Sort of a drama and a realistic comedy, with the ups, downs, joys, and uncertainties of a real relationship condensed into the events of one night. There's genuine chemistry between the two leads, and the whole thing feels surprisingly genuine, if you let yourself get into it. Crappy video aside, this is a movie that I'd recommend to anyone, be they romantic or jaded.
RickeeBoy I'm not going to go through what the movie is all about as others will do that far better, I only wish to describe the excellent Photography in the movie. It's a contrasty Black and White movie but if you read the reviews many don't even mention this or actually enjoy the B&W medium.The Director has used every trick in the still photographers book to direct your eye where he wants them by the use of background lines / settings and / or a myriad of other best practices . As the camera is constantly on the 2 leads, this therefore makes the movie really about 2 people and luckily the actors are great so the movie works really well.If you watch it with a photographers head on then it's all a little bit over the top BUT at the end of the day the B&W and his settings along with the urban environment adds to the film.( also the actual photography portion in the film as the Director semi parodies himself.) The Director has made this contrasty film work well – Watch it for scenes and the touching story ( and the backgrounds ) - It's great.Give yourself a treat and simply watch all the scenes to see how to use the backgrounds to best effect.Any still B&W Photographer will appreciate this film..