Wrong Turn
Wrong Turn
R | 30 May 2003 (USA)
Wrong Turn Trailers

Chris crashes into a carload of other young people, and the group of stranded motorists is soon lost in the woods of West Virginia, where they're hunted by three cannibalistic mountain men who are grossly disfigured by generations of inbreeding.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
sahilparab-49089 I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ALL TO WATCH THE "UNRATED" VERSION OF ALL THE 6 FILMS..! Good Story....Same as you can guess. Good Acting. ...... That's it. Nothing to say more about it
hellholehorror This is a good solid horror thriller. There is nothing original here. It has shades of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and is very similar indeed to the remake. The monsters are very creepy but they are never fully realised. The violence and sadomasochist-violence is excellent with realistic gross-out deaths. It is scary and jumpy and almost a step-up over older horror but that also means that it is a step down as the connection is gone and replaced with slickness. This is a fun slasher.
Leofwine_draca A typical slasher movie that takes John Boorman's DELIVERANCE as its central concept, then delivers tons of action, bloodshed, and virtually no plot for the rest of the ninety-minute running time. It has to be said that WRONG TURN starts off well enough. Two climbers are brutally murdered in the wilderness, then there's a suspenseful car-ride/crash which almost had me bolting from my seat. The film builds in tension as unseen evil stalks our cast, but after the first major gore scene, things go downhill fast. The rest of the film is a chase between our heroes and the cannibal men which lasts right up until the last (gruesome) minute. It's not bad, but something we've seen a hundred times before, so those looking for originality should go looking somewhere else. They won't find any here.One very annoying thing about this film is the reliance on poor CGI effects in scenes you wouldn't expect to see them. In one shot the entire forest is done with CGI, it looks ridiculous, why the heck would they want to do that? In other shots, the cast are supposedly balancing on branches high above the ground, but the CGI influence is obvious again. Finally they climb a watchtower, but is it really a watchtower? Nope, just a CGI animation. I wish film-makers would get out of this annoying habit. When I saw Stan Winston's name in the credits, I thought I would be in for some GREAT make-up like he's done in the past. I was wrong. The mutants in this film have nondescript makeup, which looks very much like makeup. Director Rob Schmidt realises this and keeps their faces hidden as much as he can, but he's wasting his time. It doesn't pay-off, and it looks like Winston's losing his touch. About time he won back some credit – when's your next JURASSIC PARK gonna be, Stan? The cast is so-so. I liked Desmond Harrington's leading man, stern and authoritative throughout, never backing down, never losing his resolve. He's my kind of hero. Eliza Dushku is very pretty as the heroine, and kicks backside too, so you can't lose there. Jeremy Sisto is on hand to supply comic relief and he's great, it's a shame he dies halfway through the film but you can't have everything. The film has routine action but goes over-the-top in the gore effects which reach new heights of sickness. We get to watch heads being axed off (deeply unpleasant) and other implements impale the human body. I used to enjoy gore when I was younger, it seems a little bit too much here, and in bad taste as well. Still, it could be worse I guess. WRONG TURN's best aspect is the isolated forest setting, but even that seems too slick and glossy these days. I preferred the low-budget horrors that came out of the USA years ago, which really WERE filmed out in the wilderness (take RITUALS). That's where the real fear lies.
Raul Faust Out of the 2000's trash classics, "Wrong Turn" was one of the few I haven't seen, so I gave it a chance last weekend. This film, albeit having a cover à la "Hannibal", starts a tendency of utilizing gory tribal groups attacking the medium citizen from America, varying from scary moments to hilarious situations and behaviors. Also, it's easy to notice how 2006's "House of Wax", "The Hills Have Eyes" and others were inspired by this, proving that it was at least relatively original back when released. The acting, at some points, is a little campy, but that doesn't spoil the film's overall joy. Of course it doesn't move away from the old slaughter against youth American people, but sometimes it feels like it's just inevitable being this way; I mean, what can thrill more an audience than making they think they could be in the place of the stars? Wasn't that what made 1999's "The Blair Witch Project" so successful? However, all in all, even thought my friends and I had a good time while watching it, I'm positive I'm never going to see its follow-ups, for obvious reasons.