Down a Dark Hall
Down a Dark Hall
PG-13 | 17 August 2018 (USA)
Down a Dark Hall Trailers

Kit, a troubled girl, is sent to the exclusive Blackwood boarding school, where she discovers that only four other female students have been admitted to learn the four pillars of knowledge under the ominous wing of the mysterious headmistress Madame Duret.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
svader Not sure what the reviewers who rated this a 10 were watching.No substance, nonsensical story line and terrible acting by mid twenty-one things pretending to be teens !!Awful.
Rider-23 Saw at the theater today. Really enjoyed it. Not your typical teen horror film. Had great acting, atmosphere, cinematography, and sound design. Even gave me a couple jumps, but that's not what this film is ultimately about. Would have been a 10/10 if the second act was a little more developed and had a stronger friendship/relationship between the girls. Thought the adults, Uma Thurman and the actress that played Kit's mom were great. At first I thought Uma Thurman's accent was going to throw me, but ended up liking it. This film has a cool concept at the end. Be patience. But may not be great for those with short attention spans, ADD, or lack of depth. Definitely not your typical teen movie, nor is it your typical horror film. Has an artsy feel to it and could be something that gets more attention later as these actresses careers take off.
cbielgib Now its official, Rodrigo Cortés can't give a proper ending to a movie. The main problem with Down a Dark Hall is that it is not as bad as you expected it was going to be (again, marketing departments should make a better effort with their trailers). The first hour works fine, the suspense is well built and there are a few atmospheric scenes and decent scares. But my main issues comes with the last act, to be fair it is not a complete disaster... but almost, movie is mainly saved by a superb AnnaSophia Robb, she steals the show.I wont get into spoilers but from the ballroom scene the movie turns into a ridiculous mess, rushed to an unsatisfying cliché ending. But also some wrong script choices, a few cheesy dialogue lines and the usual, painfully bad, cheap, EVIDENT CGI. Plus the poor locations, the forced all-American style (art direction is weak), the ridiculous villain(s) and an overacted Uma Thurman (with a weird look and a silly accent) doesn't help either.
jethaciaelinfinito I really enjoyed this film. I'm not going to talk about the great cinematography and soundtrack or the brilliant actors (all outstanding), but about the story itself. Don't expect something like Twilight at all. This story hides much more for you to explore. The atmosphere, all the different details are there to make you feel uncomfortable to make you wander in an old dark school that could well reflect your inner self. Don't miss it!!!