Eight Legged Freaks
Eight Legged Freaks
PG-13 | 17 July 2002 (USA)
Eight Legged Freaks Trailers

The residents of a rural mining town discover that an unfortunate chemical spill has caused hundreds of little spiders to mutate overnight to the size of SUVs. It's then up to mining engineer Chris McCormack and Sheriff Sam Parker to mobilize an eclectic group of townspeople, including the Sheriff's young son, Mike, her daughter, Ashley, and paranoid radio announcer Harlan, into battle against the bloodthirsty eight-legged beasts.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
henrywillis Eight Legged freaks is a good film because it knows what it is and does not take itself or the subject way too seriously. Giant spiders invade, humans evade- this is the premise and the execution is deft, if not engaging. This is a classic example of a good B movie, made on a decent B movie budget where the monsters are perfect and the acting not too much further from self deprecation. David Arquette is perfect as the lead and the film also features a young scarlet johannsen. All in all this is a fantastic B movie.
tstudstrup I love creature movies. But this is just too brain dead. The spiders are extremely bad cgi. Even for a 14 year old movie. They clearly didn't have the money to make it believable. And yeah I know what you're gonna say: it's a movie about giant spiders. But even giant spiders can be believable if they get the CGI right. Like for instance the piranhas in Pirahna 3D. Or get the suits right. In Aliens, it was men in suits and puppets. And it's way more believable than this crap. A movie made 16 years before this when there was no cgi. It's also a matter of having a fun or scary story with decent acting. This movie has neither. David Arquette is a terrible actor. He plays the exact same character as he did in Scream. If he had to act in order to save his own life, he would die. This movie should have killed his career, like it pretty much killed the directors career. Watch it for they eye candy. Kahri Wuhrer and a very young and still unknown Scarlett Johansson as a mother and daughter I would love to have a threesome with. But hey, it's not even worth watching it for them. Just watch porn instead. The acting isn't much better here and at least they screw in porn. This movie didn't even break even as far as budget versus box office goes. Had this been a movie from a small studio and not Fox, it would have bankrupted them. But hey on the plus-side it didn't kill Johanssons career. And was it not for this movie Pirahna 3D wouldn't have been made as it clearly is inspired from this but made much more convincing with a cast of famous actors, but with a budget 6 million dollars smaller than this movie. Avoid this!! Even boys from age 10 to 15, will hate this, because of the horrible cgi.
Prismark10 Eight Legged Freaks wants to be old fashioned B movie with broad acting, some comedy and scares, gooey effects and hopefully remind you of the early 1990s horror comedy Tremors.A barrel of toxic waste leaks into a lake in Arizona which causes spiders to grow at an alarming rate who get hungry and set about attacking the local town. Just be grateful that the toxic waste did not give rise to Zombeavers.The female local sheriff (Kari Wuhrer) and Chris McCormack (David Arquette) a bad boy who has returned home after some years lead the town's fight back. Arquette does well as the goofy hero like the type he played in the Scream films, just about likable enough and gets a romance subplot with the sheriff. Scarlett Johansson plays the sheriff's headstrong teenage daughter. Doug E Doug plays the local conspiracy nut. The wealthy town mayor is the bad guy.The finale at the mall goes on for too long as the entire town throws everything at the giant spiders. The film is fun and goofy enough, not really scary but also not memorable. A fast food snack that you will forget about the next day. Maybe because it cynically was a corporate attempt to be a monster B movie and lacked heart.
vostf It is OK to make a spoof movie. I am not a great fan of these, but it is a - lazy - genre. Now I really hate it when they switch horses in midstream with tongue-in-cheek jokes taking over. You cannot sell the real stuff and its spoof at the same time.Eight-legged Freaks (not 8 legged freaks; see Goofs to see that Studios find it difficult to speak English) starts out pretty good for an horror movie. It is a well travelled road, so it is not actually original, but that is fine with me for the genre. The usual characters are in place and it is quite enjoyable to follow. Then, either it takes too long to establish the little community or it unfortunately switches from building up tension to unleashing hell. I reckon Roland Emmerich as a producer doesn't help maintaining subtlety as a motto.Once the spiders are all over the place the movie becomes a "family horror roller-coaster". You don't have to care for the characters anymore: it is all just for a laugh! With all those CGI spiders everywhere they simply stop being scary. Pity since there were good ideas at first to make the story real creepy. The cat fighting with a spider behind plaster walls was a great idea, but it already got stretched beyond the point of goofiness. Same for the motocross chase in the desert: fine idea which eventually turns cartoonish.The final act at the mall is a total mess. At this point every character is a puppet. Extras and background characters get killed, top-billed get to live whatever they do. Bottom line: Arac-attack/Eight-legged Freaks does not deliver on its promise of being an impressive horror movie. And it fails too as a spoof since the first part is seriously developing a scary plot.